
Benefits Of Using Data Storage And Management

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Productivity benefits is another technique of managing data on the cloud. It is an application that refers to a data store that is being used in business planning, problem solving and decision support. This system of data storage and management is larger than transactional systems. It consists of around $3.98 billion of the total database market and it is growing at a rate of 10.3 annually. Some of its benefits are that it used shared-nothing architecture and it is scaled to be best. It has multidimensional aggregations, along with data analysis networks and the data can very easily be parallelizing across different nodes using the share-nothing architecture. The guarantee of ACID is not needed in this type of data management system and hence it saves from the replication of data. Few of its limitations are that sometimes particularly sensitive data can be left out during the analysis of the system and the most damaging thing is that it can be accessed by a third party thus corrupting the privacy of the data and its security (Cassell, 2013). Cost benefits is considered to be the most powerful tool in cloud computing. The startup can be costly as one has to purchase the servers, data storage equipment, high speed connectivity devices and much more. It can result in a high cost at the start. But all the resources will be shared so it will give a high profit in the end. Cloud computing therefore enjoys economies of scale. Because a large investment is no doubt made but the

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