Adoption is a wonderful and rewarding way to grow a family. When you open your heart and house to a child through adoption, you make an everlasting commitment. It is an important decision that requires thought and discussion among the entire family. Adopting a child is without a doubt a life changing experience that requires patience and dedication. This experience allows families to change a child’s life who one day may have thought that they would never be loved. Parents who adopt from infertility have already felt what loss and disappointment feels like due to not being able to bear a child. Many times these same parents have experienced prior miscarriages or even unsuccessful fertility clinics. For them, the opportunity to adopt is a …show more content…
Ultimately, they learn to be comfortable with themselves. (Child Dev 1984). In conclusion, adopting is absolutely something to consider. The most important thing to remember is that every child needs a safe and loving home. Any family who believes that they can provide security, love and safety to a child in need should consider taking this role. It is an unforgettable, life changing experience not only for the parent but for the child as well. Parents have the opportunity to provide that child a normal life which would otherwise be missing. Some researchers say that adopted children who were once in a foster care tend to misbehave or act a certain way in order to create a feeling of rejection, anger, pain and abandonment in their parents. This testing behavior may actually indicate that the child feels comfortable enough with the parent to communicate his or her own true feelings. (Welf Info Gateway 2012). This is a positive reaction which only solidifies the strong bond that parents will be able to attain with the new member of the family. The benefits of adopting are endless, and will only gain love in a child’s heart. Parents will absolutely bring tremendous joy to that child’s life. One thing is true, and this is that no one will ever know unless they experience this. References
Adoption is the process in which a person takes over the parenting of someone else’s child and permanently transfers all the responsibilities and rights from the biological parent or parents. Giving up a child for adoption is a very difficult decision for a mother to make. Today, many children are being parented by a single parent, a grandparent, a stepparent, foster parent or other parent figure. Making adoption an option is done by providing loving, responsible, and legally permanent parents to a child when their biological parents are not able or will not take care of them.(Carter)
When considering adoption, couples need to be aware of what happens to children when they are taken out of foster homes, or homes with unfit parents. Couples are improving the child 's life, and even possibly saving their life. There are many effects of adoption on children to consider when thinking of adoption. It is a phenomenal experience when couples have the opportunity to do this for children, but couples need to know all the information before deciding on adoption.
The affects that adoption plays on the development of an individual are somewhat difficult to gage. Researchers tend to agree that is indeed does play a role on the development of a person. Children who are adopted very early in their lives tend to have a better outcome on their life than a child who is adopted at an older age. There is a study in which shows that the later the adoption took place, the more trouble the person seemed to have. Research has also shown that that adopted children and adolescents had more psychological problems and trouble in school. A large study also found adopted people was more likely to have a learning disability (Santrock, 2009). Not all the research about adopted children is negative however. One study shows that adopted individuals tended to be more altruistic, caring, and supportive of others (Santrock, 2009).
Children roam around in schools, at work, on the playground, in the malls, and anywhere else a child would like to be. Young children are often accompanied by an adult, of which one would assume to be their parents or primary caregivers.In 2007 forty-eight million americans had considered adoption. Foster care has a goal, it is to help children in need be safe for the time being and try to reunited these children with their biological parents. Believe it or not foster care and adoption is more common than not. Many myths go around making children dread the system when in all reality the system is a support system there to help those children in need. Once the child is in a placement with a foster family, their ultimate goal is to provide the child in a safe, loving, nurturing environment until then can be reunified with their parents. These children get use to their foster family, some even grow rather fond of them and are attached, is it right to take away the only family they have ever really truly known? This can cause emotional arousal and distress on the child and the foster family.
Adoption can be a wonderful and joyous situation for a child and parent. I personally feel like the ideal of adoption is the birth mother or father, basically giving their child a better chance at life. “About 10% of couples in the United States are affected by infertility. Both men and women can be infertile. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 1/3 of the time the diagnosis is due to female infertility, 1/3 of the time it is linked to male infertility, and the remaining cases of infertility are due to a combination of factors from both partners. For approximately 20% of couples, the cause cannot be determined”( Adoption gives these families a chance of having a family that includes children. “Compared to long-term
Should adopting a child be free? As a first response, many people would answer “Yes, adoption should be free,” arguing that there should not be a price tag on children, or that adoption is unreasonably expensive. Others may argue that “No, it should not be free,” because it may unknowingly put the adoptees at risk for danger, while the children are easily accessible. Adoptions were created to give children, whose biological parents could not care for them, a new and affectionate home, and for couples who wanted children, but could not have them biologically because of health reasons. Today, many people adopt children to add on to their family. With adoption being free, many “unfit” people would qualify to be
Benefits of the foster care system include: keeping children out of abusive homes; providing stability; and cultivating secure attachments. In general, proponents of the foster care system believe it plays an essential role in providing a safe and stable environment for maltreated, neglected, and abused children (Lockwood, Friedman, & Christian, 2015). In fact, “advocates suggest that family situations that necessitate the use of the foster care system are often very complex and therefore require patience and time. They emphasize that the temporary nature of foster care is the best solution while state agencies work to achieve family reunification or otherwise resolve the family crisis” (Geraldine & Wagner, para 4, 2015).
Although the option of getting his/her child back home is a good one, some parents do not like to recover, so that leaves the option of adoption. The thought of adoption has generally given the natural parent motivation to want to bring his/her child back home (Fein, 156). The reason why parents get motivated is due to the fact of the thought of losing his/her child. I know if I was a parent and had my child in foster care, that I would do anything and everything to get my child back. People get this thought and they think about what they can change even if it has to do with sacrifices, and they change their life around for their daughter/son. Also with adoption, it “can provide a permanent home for a child” (Fein, 156). While having a permanent home to live in also helps the child with adversity.
When the average American citizen today thinks about the concept of adoption, what images are typically the first that come to mind? Although different people are sure to have equally as different experiences in this field, one picture continues to remain the most commonly-accepted. This image consists of a man and a woman who cannot have children of their own, a newborn baby, and a single mother who will certainly be unable to provide for the infant due to her young age, lack of financial support, or another variety of unfortunate circumstances. Making the decision to adopt a child is without a doubt one of the best options available for couples who are unable to conceive, but by thinking of adoption as nothing more than the fallback
When a couple or individual decides to adopt a child, they know they are going to take on the responsibility of taking care of someone else’s child. Due to the biological parent(s) who can’t take care of that child anymore, because of either drug abuse, alcohol abuse, abuse to the child or if the parent(s) had died and there is no other care for the child. So that’s why this gives other couples who cannot have kids, the opportunity to promise themselves to be a great parent to a child in need. Though there are some bad things about adoption as well. Like adopting a child from another country of another race, because once that child is adopted into an American family, he or she will be cut off from their culture and never know about their
There are common ordeals and situations that can trouble a family emotionally, physically, and psychologically. Adoption is one situation a family must encounter when a child is born without a proper system of support to sustain life after birth. The causes for a family to make a heartfelt decision to place a child for adoption can have dramatic effects on the birth parents, adoptive parents, and child (Adoptee), even if the decision is meant for the best.
Many adoptive parents are searching for more affordable ways to adopt. Private adoption is where the birth and adoptive parents connect through some private means and then hire an attorney for the legal process. With today’s technology, adoptive parents are networking through the internet using social media, advertisements, and personal websites to blog their interest in adoption. They also share their interest with their friends, relatives, co-workers, church, and neighbors. Some also talk with their obstetricians and other office staff in hopes of finding a pregnant woman interested in pursuing adoption plans for her child. In essence, the adoptive parents are doing a great deal of the work but can save a considerable amount of money
International adoption can be such a rewarding journey for many parents, but that does not mean that journey is always easy. Adopting children from foreign countries is a process that has lots of tight rules and regulations. Many families who have the desire to adopt internationally are sometimes negatively affected by such strict requirements, which alter their chances to adopt. There are many reasons that international adoption is such a hard process and some are not even the adoption that causes setbacks. Some countries like Ethiopia face setbacks due to fraud and corruption.
They do not feel ready or able to be good parents. Most adopting parents, although, feel confident that most birth-right mothers will not seize their child back. Chris Intagliata, a mother of two adopted children advises that “ It [is] important to ask yourself what you can handle. If you feel you can handle everything, that’s a good attitude.” Those are important notions adopting parents must do. Most of the time adopting parents can handle the task but some times it backfires when the biological mother or couple want the baby back.
“There are no unwanted children. Just unfound families.”, a quote from the National Adoption Center. Do you think adoption should be encouraged? This is a good question because we need know that adoption is a good thing and it’s a blessing to someone’s family and to a child’s life. Adoption is good because it’s a blessing to a married couple that can’t grow babies. It also gives the child being adopted a better life and a new beginning. The problem is that there are children and teens that need a new family, and that are suffering at home. The cause to this is that their parents are neglecting them and abandoning them. The solution would be adoption, and giving them to families that care.