Are you aware that a college education can get you stability and a higher paying job? Many people are unaware of the advantages a secondary education can make on their lives. Furthering your college education is guaranteed to put you at a higher tax bracket. According to the Census Bureau (2010), “43.5 million people have some form of postsecondary education but no degree, an estimated one fifth of Americans age 25 and older”.
The importance of a college education in the United States has proved positive for many people. Whether the individual obtain a degree through distance learning or on-campus, statistics show progressive growth in our country. In fact, the government makes it easier and more affordable for adults to continue their education with financial aid, grants and loans. However, a person has to be committed to classwork from the beginning enrollment process to the completion of the course, in order to obtain a degree.
The benefits of receiving a higher education whether it be an Associate’s, Bachelor’s or Master’s degree are relatively advantageous. A degree can lead to a greater paying job and a superior position within a company. A person becomes better prepared for challenges by earning an educational background. A college education can provide a lifelong opportunity for a potentially secure position.
Ensuring a higher education will not only benefit the person, but their family and friends also. “Parents who had a higher education held higher expectations
In society today, a college education is often seen as a “the next step” in a young adult’s life. Whether they actually know what they would like to earn a degree in, they feel the need to continue their education as almost everyone around them is pursuing post-secondary education of some sort. It is often argued that a college education is not necessary to get ahead because of the manufacture based workforce that is up and coming in America, however, there are many benefits to having a post-secondary education such as a higher rate of pay and more job opportunities.
In the last decade, students and parents alike have begun to question the effectiveness of receiving a college education. Stories of students graduating college with outstanding student loans, being unable to find a job, or feeling overqualified for a position continually increase. In the same manner, the number of students apprehensive about refraining from entering the workforce for an additional four years while simultaneously spending thousands of dollars for an education that in the end may not assure them a job with an adequate income, increases. The issue then is to determine whether or not the cost of college is worth the outcome.
In the essay “College Value Goes Deeper Than the Degree” author Eric Hoover claims a college education is important to one 's well-being so they can get a job and be productive in other parts of life. Promoters of higher education have long emphasized how beneficial college’s value and its purpose. Many believe the notion that colleges teach students are life skills to apply anywhere, they also work hard to earn a degree and learn specific marketable skills which they can use to get a good job. Though obtaining a college education and a degree is helpful in countless of ways, it is not necessary to pursue a college degree in world where a college degree is seen different now, people without turn out fine, the growing average of debt that students who attend college have to pay off and people without a degree can obtain many jobs that do not require college degrees.
Many people believe that a college education is a worthy investment. The ability to become a college graduate will result in making more money. There are more jobs in today’s society that require college degrees. College graduates develop more and better employment opportunities within earning a degree. Self-discipline is a major element in becoming a successful graduate. Also, college graduates are healthier and live longer. Adults-young and old, male and female-who have a bachelor’s degree or higher have twice the annual median income than someone with only a high school degree ("Do college graduates," 2014).
A college education is proven to increase an individual 's earnings, however, women’s earnings are still not as much as men’s, even when they have the same degree (Patten, 2015).
Why do we work hard in school and attempt to get good grades? Why do we believe that you have to do an outstanding job in high school? The answer is because the majority of us want to go to college and hopefully pursue a career that we'd enjoy. So, why is it that just 65% of us obtain a college degree. The main factor is that college costs are soaring. According to reports the cost of a college degree has increased by 1,120 percent in just 30 years. Consequently, this has lead to difficulties for families to pay for the immense cost of college. Therefore, the government should invest more money to make college education free because students leave school with an unreasonable amount of debt. It also leads to a more prosperous country, and
Most people only consider the direct impact of a college degree on their own lives-but a college degree has a tremendous impact on the well-being of our own families as well, especially our children. Not only are children of parents with a college degree education better off socially and economically, but studies have shown that children in households where one or both parents have a college degree are themselves more likely to earn a college degree. “According to an estimate in 2028 there will be 19 million more jobs for educated population that there are qualified people to fill them”.
As the price to attend college increases throughout the years many young adults are experiencing increasing difficulty in being able to pay for such an endeavor and many more are beginning to question whether or not it’s worth the price due to the faltering of the economy. The price tag may be the most common concern about getting a college education but another important factor that many students consider when applying for college is how much time they will need to devote to school. Many prospective students think that the time spent in a college math class is a waste when they are majoring in the arts. This results in many students deciding against getting a college education in favor for finding a source of income to support themselves and due to the lack of employment opportunities available today the decision to choose an income over an education is really a matter of survival. However, this is the beginning of a slippery slope that can easily lead to a population that is severely lacking in education which can lead to a disaster in a country where the nations populace are the ones making decisions with their vote. I believe it is time to make education not only cheaper, but more accessible to more people across the country by eliminating course requirements and majors in order to allow students to seek out an education that is tailored to the subject they are seeking to pursue. Doing so will not only result in a lower cost of college by eliminating useless and
There are many choices and paths to choose when the time comes to attend college however, a question to ask is, is it worth it? If decided to attend college, the following decision to be made revolves around an area of study one would like to pursue and the topic of study that will be available for them. Though many can further their education in different ways, a couple of ways consist of attending a four year college (private/ public) or a community college. Not going to college at all is the other alternative, but is it really a smart idea? Most adults have continuously told young students all through high school to attend college. A student’s chance of economic success in the future can be risen due to a college education. Judith Scott-Clayton, who is an assistant professor of economics and education at Teachers College at Columbia University states, “Individuals with bachelor’s degrees earn about 60 percent more than those with just a high school diploma, who in turn earn about 40 percent more than high school dropouts.” Students who seek higher education, are more likely to experience a better future and a better life. The cost of going to college may seem overwhelming at times however, the experiences and education obtained throughout college is priceless in regards to the way one interacts with others on a global basis, has a stronger job stability, and has better employment benefits.
There are many benefits for students choosing college as their first step in your future after high school. Earning a college degree is an important step, both personally and professionally (Hussung, 2015). Having a higher education is valuable to an individual, families, and the community as well. Students who obtain a college education often have higher lifetime earnings and experience a variety of other benefits (“How Important”). People who lack educational degrees will more likely be limited to basic jobs in service, manufacturing, and construction industries (“How Important”). On the other hand, employees with a high school education may secure jobs with good benefits; college graduates typically fare better, entering higher-level careers with greater salaries (“How Important”). College graduates are also more likely to receive promotions, earn raises and develop reasoning and communication skills that can be applied to their jobs (“How Important”). Obtaining a college education leads to a better quality of life overall.
Even though many people keep complain about the high tuition of attending a university, the reason why college education is still worth to attend is that people who had a college degree have a better career compare to people who does not have one. According to David Leonhardt, “Three decades ago, full-time workers with a bachelor’s degree made 40 percent more than those with only a high-school diploma. Last year, the gap reached 83 percent. College graduates, though hardly immune from the downturn, are also far less likely
A higher education has many benefits and it is important to recognize the fact that it is indeed worth one’s time, effort, and money. It has never been more important and valuable to carry a college degree under one’s name. Once you have that degree a feeling of self-pride and achievement will boost one’s confidence to take on the world of employment. As the job market becomes more competitive a college degree will give a person a step ahead of everyone else (Baum, 2010). President Barack Obama stated “At a time when the unemployment rate for individuals with at least a college degree is about half that of the national average, higher education has never been more important.” Hearing how important secondary schooling is from the leader of the free world should be enough motivation for anyone to discipline themselves and earn a degree is possible. This country is built upon the driving force of higher education, which translates into power, wealth, and prosperity.
Students often wonder what career path they will choose in the future to support their family and have a brighter future. Some students question whether attending college is worth their time, but research suggests that students who study at postsecondary institutions will benefit in the long run. If students want to have a successful future, to be able to support their family, and have a higher income, they will need some sort of higher level education. Going to college can help with unemployment rates and increase the chances of attaining a stable career. People, such as the former United States President Barack Obama, state that children are the future of the world and they will help raise the reputation of the U.S. by getting a good
A college education is sought out by many students after graduating from high school in this country because a four-year degree often improves ones’ chance for a successful career. However, not every family has the means to send their child to college considering the high cost of tuition. As a result, many students face the challenge of paying their own way through school even though they have minimal skills, time, and especially income. Although it is extremely costly and challenging to pay for a college education even with a job, there are a few potential ways students can get help to offset the cost, such as scholarships, grants, and financial aid.
There is a great debate in the modern world on the necessity of higher education after high school. Many people, especially in the United States, deem college an important and necessary step that everyone must take in the 21st century. Many others, however, feel that college is not worth the effort and resources because there are many other ways to be successful in life. College is a very important topic as many adults spend countless hours and resources to attend universities to receive a higher education. College is a big determining factor in Americans’ futures across the country.