Why Mussolini Rose to Power
The fascist dictator of Italy Benito Mussolini rose to power through the use of his charisma, his unethical elimination of opponents and his attack on the capitol of Rome Italy. Through the use of these assets Mussolini was able to successfully become the fascist dictator of Italy and contribute to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. Mussolini’s charisma was one of the major factors in rising to power, enabling him to woo the people of Italy in his famous speeches. His elimination of his opponents allowed him to effectively turn a democracy into a dictatorship by force, bringing him into power without resistance. Finally Mussolini’s final march to Rome, the capital of Italy, was the final turning point in Italy’s surrender to dictatorship and fascism. These three aspects were the contributing factors to Benito Mussolini’s rise to power.
Mussolini’s legendary charisma was one of his key assets during his campaign to lead
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His most important weapon in his arsenal was his captivating charisma. It gave him the ability to hypnotize entire crowds of people, twisting peace into war and freedom into an insatiable debt to the government or simply put, fascism. Mussolini’s second weapon was his Blackshirts, his own private army which eliminated the opposition and humiliated opposing leaders. With his Blackshirts Mussolini was able to reduce fair competition into a virtual dictatorship, and reaped the benefits of the popular vote. His final tool was the march to Rome, a brutal coup which intimidated the Italian government to the point of handing over their leadership and submitting to Mussolini. With these assets in hand Benito Mussolini was able to become a ruthless fascist dictator of Italy and contributed to the deaths of millions of people during one of the most horrific wars of all
Several theories have been explained above from various historians about how Mussolini gained power. Mussolini was able to gain political power through a series of mistakes and luck. Mussolini started out working in the newspaper industry, which allowed him to voice his opinions and learn to gauge what the people wanted. He was an expert at gauging what the people wanted, and was able to successfully give them what they wanted to hear for many years. As Dr. Cavaliere claimed, “Mussolini had his finger on the pulse of Italy”. He was also able to appeal to returning soldiers, from World War One, who were unemployed after the war and felt left behind by Italian society. They were the ideal basis for a paramilitary force, Mussolini’s militant wing used to fight ‘the red menace’ then later used to promote the part and intimate or punish others. They had the equipment, had been trained to fight in the Great War, were disciplined soldiers and loyal to whoever could restore Italian to the way it was before the disastrous
Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini was born on July 29, 1883. He went by the nickname “II Duce” (“The Leader”). He was an Italian dictator who created the Fascist Party in 1919. He eventually held all the power Italy as the country's prime minister from 1922 until 1943. He later died on April 28, 1945.As dictator during World War II, he overextended his forces and was eventually killed by his own people.
He was a “charismatic orator and a former journalist with socialist background”. He had help from “a private army of disillusioned veterans and jobless men known as the black shirts, Mussolini swept to power in 1922, promising an alternative to both communism and ineffective democratic rule”. Violence accompanied his rise to power. He also appealed to those afraid of communism, where “businesses threw their support to Mussolini” (989). 16.
Benito Mussolini’s major problem was that he was twisted in the mind. Mussolini really thought he could change Italy by using violence, which was wrong thinking. I do not personally think it is all Mussolini’s fault because it was the way he grew up. Do not get me wrong he was raised in a household were abuse was going on but his father did not show him any type of affection. I believe that if Benito’s father would have showed him love and told him be a wise person he would have been better off in my opinion. However, since that did not happen Benito had to put this façade on for the public to mask his insecurities, and his darkest thoughts. I think that Benito would have been able to fix this if he would have had good men friends to
Benito Mussolini’s rise to power primarily relied on the Blackshirts’ march on Rome. On October 24, 1922, Mussolini hosted a Fascist convention in Naples as the reason for the March on Rome. There he declared, “Either the government will be given to us, or we will seize it by marching on Rome.” Mussolini’s plan was to threaten to occupy the nation’s capital of Rome with his forces, the Blackshirts, and pressure King Victor Emmanuel III into inviting him into the government.
He was originally a Socialist, however, when he read Karl Marx’s theory about social revolution, he began to favor going to war and enlisted in fighting in the war—developing strong fascist ideals. Wounded in the war, he came back to Italy and wanted to spread his ideas and opinions with others and captivated others with his conviction. His power was established after the March on Rome, where an event was held where Fascists working with Mussolini seized control of the government and announced their ruling by parading through Rome. Luigi Facta—their previous Prime Minister—tried to take control of Rome, but Victor Emmanuel III did not sign the order, resulting in their army terminating any potential threatening Fascists before they attacked them. In 1922, he became the youngest Italian Prime Minister in history and created a law that enabled Fascists to hold the most of authority within the government. From there, Mussolini implemented many more laws and changes, one of which including the Ceka, which was a group of professional gangsters hired by Mussolini himself to scare the Italian citizens into voting for Fascists during the elections. He held a deep animosity for Socialism and was trying to wipe out leftist groups with terroristic tactics, such as mass murder and extreme propaganda. In addition, he also introduced a diarchy where he and Victor Emmanuel were both political leaders and banned all opposing newspapers and political parties, determined to make the country completely totalitarian. In 1927, he created and was the head of the OVRA, which was a secret police force with official state support and a death penalty. Mussolini had a strong desire to conquer more land and spread his empire, so in October 1935, Italy invaded Ethiopia and killed many people within the country by gas bombing Ethiopia, resulting in the League of Nations trying to impose sanctions. Italy was also allies with Germany and
Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini, also known as ‘Il Duce’ meaning “The Leader” in Italian, is one of the most evil men in the world. Benito Mussolini was born July 29, 1883 in Dovia di Predappio, Forlì, Italy. His father, Alessandro, was a blacksmith and a part-time socialist journalist. Instead of being with his family, he spent most of his time on politics and much of his money on his mistress. Mussolini’s mother, Rosa Maltoni, on the other hand was a Catholic school teacher and was the one that provided the family with some stability and income. Benito Mussolini and his family lived in two crowded rooms on the second floor of a small palazzo. Mussolini and he was the oldest of three children and came from an extremely poor family.
Benito Mussolini and his creation of Fascism was the glue that held Italy together. Fascism promised national unity and condemned the Socialist party. To understand how Fascism became powerful within Italy, it is imperative to acknowledge the driving force behind this regime. To put it bluntly, violence played an essential role in the development of the Fascist party. Mussolini’s practice of fierceness was able to create a formidable system of government that did not tolerate weakness. In 1919, Benito Mussolini give an Afternoon speech, where he stressed the difference between Socialism and Fascism. Here, he states, “We declare war, against socialism, not because it is socialism, but because it opposes nationalism” (Stone 2013, 38).
Born July 18 1883 in Dovia di Predappio Benito Mussolini was head of the Italian government from 1922 to 1943. He was the founder of fascism, and as a dictator he held absolute power and severely mistreated his citizens and his country. He led Italy into three straight wars, the last of which led to his overthrow by his own people and later on executed. It is my goal to thoroughly research the background of Benito Mussolini in hopes to properly diagnose and effectively treat him of his psychological illness or illnesses. This paper will be broken down into three parts: the case history where I will focus most of time researching his childhood, family, occupation etc.., the intervention this where I will find the treatment method to
War is inevitable, as it is simply the manifestation of the strength and vigour of the Italian people that wishes to expand itself, never looking back. Peace was considered as merely a “mask to surrender and cowardice.” Mussolini stressed that Italians required “forces, duty, and sacrifice” in order to rise again to their former greatness, that of the Roman Empire. This is also Mussolini’s rationale for harsh and severe actions against any who would resist or try and undermine fascism.
He won over the people of Italy using the same techniques and imagery that Hitler used in his homeland. The fascist ideas, and idea of an ultimate Italian empire, appealed to Mussolini, and he would stop at nothing to gain power.
Although Macbeth acquired some ambition after his encounter with the witches, it is not that ambition that caused him to lose sight of morality; it was his wife, Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth thirsts for power and glory, and she calls to the spirits to “unsex me here” (1.5.41), so that she would be a male that would reign and commit the murder of King Duncan herself. Instead, she lives vicariously through her husband and urges him relentlessly to murder the king, and considering Macbeth is a weak-willed and easily manipulated man, he follows what his ambitious wife orders. According to the Time article “Ambition: Why Some People Are Most Likely to Succeed,” women lack the “appetite” for competition, which is directly connected to their ambition.
In the novella, Metamorphosis, every character has a major role and impact on how the story turns out. The novel is largely centered around Gregor Samsa, who turns into a verminous bug overnight. After losing his job, the family is forced to make ends meet in order to pay off their debt. Following the transformation, people begin to treat him differently, including his own family. Even though his family begins to adjust to daily life with a “vermin”, they still don’t see him the same as before. His father and mother refuse to see him, to the point where his father becomes furious with Gregor when his mother sees him for the first time and faints. Grete is the only one who doesn’t refuse to see Samsa and takes him as her responsibility. Besides
Mussolini and the fascists managed to rise to power and take control of Italy in 1922. Mussolini’s rise to power took place mainly due to a combination of conditions that characterized the liberal Italian state, which existed before his take over. The main factors that led to Mussolini’s rise to power were the impact of the First World War, the weaknesses of the Risorgimento, the Biennio Rosso , the elite’s support for the Fascist Party, and the March on Rome. All of these factors contributed to Mussolini and the fascist’s rise to power.
Mussolini and Hitler’s time in power was around the time its countries were most vulnerable. Their power was so successful because of their full and unconditional support from its people. If they were failing somehow, through their use of propaganda they made it seem like they were booming, socially, economically and politically. Adolf Hitler, born and raised in 1889, Austria. Dying in April 1945 Germany, he commit suicide just two days after Mussolini died by firing squad alongside his mistress, in Italy. Benito Mussolini was born in 1883 Italy where he bullied many kids (Downing, 2001). Hitler was able to successfully work his way up from the inside of government, which overall explains why Hitler’s 12 years in power went more smoothly than Mussolini’s 18 years. Due to both leaders having fascist policies allowed their countries to be alike. Their personality cults did not necessarily help them rise to power but it certainly consolidated their positions once ‘Fuhrer’ or ‘Duce’. Also, their propaganda use strongly encouraged the people to support their leader and gain respect for them. The events prior to their rise played a significant role when analysing their personalities, ideologies, and propaganda. To a large extent, their