
Benjamin Disraeli Research Paper

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England’s first and to this day only Jewish Prime Minister was a man with many interests. A famed politician and novelist, he served as Prime Minister for almost seven years. In his time he did much to improve life in general and give better educational opportunities to the working people. This man, of course, was Benjamin Disraeli. Born to a Jewish Italian writer in December of 1804, he was brought up as an Anglican after he reached the age of 12 years old. This gave him the ability to follow a career in politics, since Jewish people were not allowed in Parliament until 1858. As a young man at the age of 20, Disraeli lost money gambling on the Stock Exchange. He also played a part in starting a newspaper which was supposed to replace The Times, …show more content…

He was quoted saying “the time will come when you will hear me” after his first speech was met with scorn. Four years later in 1841 he represented Shrewsbury and became known as smart and competent. Though Robert Peel didn’t offer him a place in the Cabinet, and he would never forget it. He later attacked Peel for his choice in repealing the Corn Laws which ended up causing the resignation of Peel’s government in 1846. Finally in 1952 Prime Minister Lord Derby gave Disraeli the positions of Leader of the Commons and Chancellor of the Exchanger. Unfortunately though when Disraeli’s December Budget was destroyed by Gladstone, the government collapsed. When Prime Minister Derby resigned in 1868, Queen Victoria offered Disraeli the position and he finally achieved his lifelong goal. He faced Gladstone in what turned out to be Britain’s most famous parliamentary rivalry, and once again became Prime Minister in 1874. Through his career Disraeli passed a large quantity of social legislation. Some of those being acts providing housing for the poor, providing better sanitation, running water, refuse disposal, banning the employment of juvenile chimney sweeps, and much more. He also became concerned with foreign policy when he took the position of Earl of Beaconsfield. In 1880 Disraeli lost the election to the Liberals, and proceeded to immerse himself in the job of

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