
Benjamin Franklin And His Influence On Today's Society

Decent Essays

“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.”(Franklin). Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on January 17, 1706. Benjamin Franklin has had great significance in shaping today's society. He happened to be one of the Founding Fathers of our country. He worked as a printer, inventor, and had numerous other affairs that came into play supporting his importance to our country. Throughout history Franklin has been very influential in today's society whether it was invention wise, printing, wise, or simply just him being well known for his hoaxy behavior throughout a good portion of his young adult life. Ben Franklin had a very prominent role in paving a path for inventors. He shaped many basic building blocks of how we invent and innovate today. Franklin was an avid swimmer and in his early life he had created, what we know today as, swim fins. “...he had fashioned two …show more content…

From the time he was 12 until he was 21 he was the apprentice of his older brother, a printer. While under the wing of his brother he printed many things. As a result of Ben being his brother’s apprentice he learned the printing skill quite briskly. After Ben's brother, James, got much hate for printing a new and bustling newspaper, ‘The Courant’, he was put into jail and no longer able to print this paper. Ben’s apprenticeship was ended and a new secret one was made so he could legitimately print a newspaper, ‘The New England Courant’. Under the impression he had all this freedom Ben started to rear off and do his own thing which left James furious. ( In his adult life he “had expanded his printing business throughout the colonies and had became so successful he was eligible to retire at the age of 42. This all allowed him to concentrate on other important things he pursued. ( This really helped him to focus more on his love for

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