
Benjamin Franklin Hardships

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New World Discoveries Ever wonder what it is like to have a rough, horrible life and end it by being the most successful person ever? Ben Franklin had a tough start in life. Halfway through Ben’s life he had more struggles than anyone can handle thrown at him. At the end of Ben’s life, he became the most successful man on earth. Ben Franklin had childhood and early life hardships throughout his life, but then he became very successful by inventing new concepts. Throughout Ben’s childhood, he had many hardships. At a young age of ten Ben was removed from school by his father to come help make candles in his father's workshop by dipping wax and cutting wicks (Benjamin Franklin 1). Ben loved to learn, and was furious with the decision …show more content…

Benjamin left Philadelphia to London under the command of governor William Keith (Benjamin Franklin 1). Ben waited for letters from the governor saying he can come back to arrive, and they never did so Ben was forced to work in London at print shops (Benjamin Franklin 1). Soon Ben was comfortable in London, and he went to go visit his brother, while visiting his brother Ben made a promise to his brother that he would raise his son until his son was old enough to take over the printing business (McCormick 141). Soon after his brother passed away, Ben raised his son like he promised he would (McCormick 141). A few years later, Ben’s four year old son was diagnosed with smallpox, Ben did not want to vaccinate him because that would take his life away, and soon after Ben’s son died (McCormick 142). After Ben’s son’s, death he had regretted making this decision for the rest of his life (McCormick 142). A few tough years later, Ben decided to join the military, had to take control during the war, and had 560 men under his command (McCormick 219). Trying to find shelter from the downpour of rain, Ben and his men found some wood and started to build them a shelter (McCormick 221). After they built the shelter, they buried the ones who passed away fighting with them in front of the shelter (McCormick

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