New World Discoveries Ever wonder what it is like to have a rough, horrible life and end it by being the most successful person ever? Ben Franklin had a tough start in life. Halfway through Ben’s life he had more struggles than anyone can handle thrown at him. At the end of Ben’s life, he became the most successful man on earth. Ben Franklin had childhood and early life hardships throughout his life, but then he became very successful by inventing new concepts. Throughout Ben’s childhood, he had many hardships. At a young age of ten Ben was removed from school by his father to come help make candles in his father's workshop by dipping wax and cutting wicks (Benjamin Franklin 1). Ben loved to learn, and was furious with the decision …show more content…
Benjamin left Philadelphia to London under the command of governor William Keith (Benjamin Franklin 1). Ben waited for letters from the governor saying he can come back to arrive, and they never did so Ben was forced to work in London at print shops (Benjamin Franklin 1). Soon Ben was comfortable in London, and he went to go visit his brother, while visiting his brother Ben made a promise to his brother that he would raise his son until his son was old enough to take over the printing business (McCormick 141). Soon after his brother passed away, Ben raised his son like he promised he would (McCormick 141). A few years later, Ben’s four year old son was diagnosed with smallpox, Ben did not want to vaccinate him because that would take his life away, and soon after Ben’s son died (McCormick 142). After Ben’s son’s, death he had regretted making this decision for the rest of his life (McCormick 142). A few tough years later, Ben decided to join the military, had to take control during the war, and had 560 men under his command (McCormick 219). Trying to find shelter from the downpour of rain, Ben and his men found some wood and started to build them a shelter (McCormick 221). After they built the shelter, they buried the ones who passed away fighting with them in front of the shelter (McCormick
At the start of the First Chapter, Franklin claims to write only so that his own life may be an example for his son of how one can live well and how one can get through hardships. He meant to show"…the conducing means...which…so well succeeded, my posterity…may find some of them suitable to their own situations." Franklin, B. (1909). The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. (New York: P F Collier & Son Company,
When he was working for his brother, Benjamin was the apprentice of booksellers. While working for his brother all he really was giving to eat and drink was often only had a glass of water, handful of raisin and a slice of bread to eat.
In The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, we are reading the path that one man took to go from a middle class child to a well respected adult. Benjamin Franklin created what we know today as the American dream. Today we understand the American dream to be that one can go from rags to riches with a little hard work. The autobiography is based around the age of reason and a time man was thought to be able to be perfected by means of science and invention. The Autobiography of Benjamin
Benjamin Franklin was born in 1706 in Boston, New England. He was the youngest son and was fifteenth out of seventeen children of his father, Josiah Franklin. Benjamin Franklin's father immigrated to Boston from England and established himself as a candle and soap maker. Benjamin Franklin received less than three years of formal education. At eight years of age, Benjamin was put into grammar school to begin his education; however, he was there less than a year when he was sent to a school for writing and arithmetic. At the age of ten, he was taken home to help his father with the soap and candle business. Franklin did not have a particular interest in his father's profession, rather he was more interested in reading and in his autobiography revealed "From a Child I was fond of Reading, and all the little money that came into my Hands was ever laid out in Books. (Masur, Autobiography, p. 36)" When Franklin was twelve years old, his father sent him to be an apprentice to his brother James, the printer. Franklin was to serve as an apprentice until he reached the age of twenty-one. While apprenticing under his brother, Franklin had access to more books and set time aside from work to read and practice writing. At a young age, Franklin became acquainted with the concept of frugality through his newly learned Vegetable Diet. After
kite during a lightening storm. Perhaps you picture him a older man with spectacles propped up on his nose standing in a great room full of distinguished gentlemen signing the Declaration of Independence. Both of these facts about Benjamin Franklin's life would be true. However, there was so much more to Mr. Franklin. He was a diplomat, a statesman, a scientist, and a writer. His contributions to our society were more than just to America but to the world. For the purpose of this paper we will just discuss the inventions he produced which had a world impact. (Fish 2).
Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston on January 17, 1706. He would be the tenth out of seventeen kids that his dad, Josiah Franklin, would have. His dad had plans for Benjamin to join the church when he became an adult and was sent to language structure school to get ready. He would exceed expectations in perusing at an extremely youthful age however would find that he couldn't ace math so natural. He would be at the linguistic use school for not as much as a year prior to his dad would deal with not having the capacity to bolster a school instruction for Benjamin and supporting whatever is left of the substantial family. Benjamin would then be sent to another school which would show him essential math and English aptitudes. There, he would outperform whatever remains of class in English while in the end fizzling number juggling once more bringing on his dad to draw him from school together (Becker, 1931). At ten years old Benjamin would be
Early in Benjamin Franklins life, he faced a big challenge that led him to make choices to shape up his influencing character. It shows us that he had to work hard from an early age. This is a big challenge for him because he had to work from an early age along with becoming better academically. Growing up in a big family with so many siblings, he had to take care of himself. His father Josiah worked in a soap factory, along with making candles. Benjamin worked with his father until he was twelve years old, until he started to despise working with his father which made his father look for alternative jobs. Knowing Benjamin and his interest in education and books, his father suggested he worked for his older bother James, who was a printer.
In The Autobiography, Benjamin Franklin recounts the many paramount experiences throughout his life that shaped him into great American figure he was known to be. On the opening page, Franklin reveals the book’s epistolary format by writing, “Dear Son,” going on to admit that he’s made some mistakes in the past and to recollect that past is a way to relive it. By divulging his desire to “change some sinister Accidents & Events” (Franklin 3) the author indicates how important it is for his son to observe as he amends his mistakes. Pride, virtue and vanity play a pivotal role in Benjamin Franklin’s life and the way he portrays himself to others. Instances occur where the author is shown gloating about his great accomplishments and he puts
Benjamin Franklin was an American printer and publisher, author, inventor, scientist, and who was a diplomat born on January 17th 1706 and died in Philadelphia on April 17th 1790. Franklin was one of ten sons of seventeen children of a man by the name of Josiah who was a soap and candle maker and mother by the name of Abiah, a discrete and virtuous woman (Van Doren 7). Ben was raised in a Puritan heritage household which they had left to avoid England's Restoration Era of 1683. Franklin had a blend of Puritan heritage, Enlightenment philosophy, and New World environment ideals. Ben Franklin had a fascination public and interpersonal life. Franklin's life consisted of his reflections of his own behaviors and
Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706, in Boston. His father, Josiah Franklin, who was a tallow chandler, had seventeen children; Benjamin was the fifteenth child and the tenth son. His mother, Abiah Folger, was his father’s second wife. After he went to grammar school from age eight to ten, Benjamin started working at his father’s business. He didn’t like the work very much, however, and so he began to work for a cutler. When he was just thirteen, he became an apprentice to his brother James, who had just returned from England with a new printing press. Benjamin learned the printing trade, but in his spare time he tried to improve his education. In 1721 his brother
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is a detailed account of the illustrious experiences of Benjamin Franklin. Though the cultural differences in writing has changed since the 18th century one can learn a lot about one of America’s greatest forefathers through this book. It accounts for Franklin’s life when he was born January 17th, 1706 till the year 1757. Unfortunately, he died in 1790 and was never able to finish his autobiography. However, the book thoroughly details the early life of Benjamin Franklin.
It was the year 1706 in Boston, MA when Benjamin Franklin entered the world. Birthed after fourteen other siblings, Franklin's family structure is only one deciding factor in the way that this legendary tale pans out. A hero of American Revolution, this novel depicts 18th century realism accurately while logging Franklin's personal conception on human nature and social community. Many look at Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography as your typical rags to riches tale yet, the truth and falsehood throughout the pages is unknown, raising many questions and concerns. As this book was written in segments over a stretched period of time, we must analyze this account of his life, the struggles and successes which took place, and the outcome of such
Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography is an inspiring tale of his personal, as well as public achievement throughout his life. Franklin’s life embodies the exemplary model of a life composed of discipline, self-reliance and self improvement. From his humble beginnings as an apprentice candle and soap maker in his father’s business to a successful business man, author, philosopher, civil activist, politician scientist, inventor, and diplomat, above all Benjamin Franklin was, and still is, an American Icon and truly a pioneer of the American Dream.
The story began with Benjamin’s return to his hometown. The member of the family were introduced one by one. It was also revealed that the situation between the Continental army and the Great Britain government is getting more complicated each days, as the town’s people were being forced to choose side for the
Benjamin Franklin was one of the first and most famous scientists in America. He was a man of many talents and interests. Franklin was always curios about they way things work, and he always tried to find ways to make them work better. Even though he started out as a published, he was always interested in science. However this interest soon became a passion to Franklin. He even retired from his publishing business to work in a laboratory with his mostly homemade equipment. Throughout his life Benjamin Franklin made many important discoveries and theories which greatly influenced future scientists and inventors.