
Benjamin Franklin In Colonial America

Decent Essays

Benjamin Franklin in Colonial America “Three may keep a secret if one of them is dead.” Many people know the saying but do not know the man behind it. People from all over the eastern hemisphere came to the new world but none have made as big or great an impact as Benjamin Franklin. He was a pioneer in the field of science. Franklin was a skilled and widely-known writer. Benjamin Franklin was a hard working politician. Benjamin Franklin’s work in science, his involvement in politics, and his writings created a better society in colonial America. Benjamin Franklin had great skill when it came to inventing. Bifocals were one of his many inventions. The bifocals made it possible for people to see near as well as far using a singular gadget. Franklin’s most prominent experiment was …show more content…

Benjamin’s experiment with his kite and key helped him to understand lightning. “Mid-eighteenth century scientists and inventors considered electricity to be Franklin’s most remarkable area of investigation and discovery” (Mary Bellis). Franklin’s experiments helped him to create the lightning rod. The lightning rod was a rod that was attached to the highest point of a house or building. The rod would have a wire attached to it that would run all the way to the ground. Lightning would strike the rod and travel along the wire into the ground. The wire connected to the ground absorbed the lightning, preventing the lightning from hitting the house or building. The lightning rod would prevent fires and electrocution. One of Benjamin Franklin’s less known

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