After the first semester of freshman year at Bentley University, students take a Career Development Seminar, which begins by taking a survey about strengths. Out of 34 strengths, the test lists the top 5 strengths for each person. Bentley students typically share the same type of strengths, such as Analytical, Focus, Maximizer, Strategic, and Woo. However, when I received my results, I felt like the elephant in the room. While most people received Competitive and Achiever as their top two strengths, mine came back as Relator and Empathy. As awkward as it was to explain to my teacher that my results were atypical, this moment lit a light bulb inside of my head. During my first semester, I struggled with my business courses, and none of the material seemed to pique my interest. At first, I wrote this off as a transition period and a time where I just needed to adjust to the college lifestyle while away from home and on my own. As time went on, this idea began to turn into serious doubt about whether the corporate business world was for me. The only problem was that Bentley is known for its business programs; in fact, out of 24 majors …show more content…
From Art History to Mathematics to Special Majors, Dartmouth offers a wide range of majors to explore, which was a crucial part of deciding where I wanted to transfer to. Although I am not sure about my intended major, one program that I am very interested in is the Education minor. After having close relationships with my high school teachers, I have become interested in the possibility of working in secondary education. Despite other schools having majors in these programs, I feel that Dartmouth’s minor would be the best program for me because the D Plan would give me more leeway for fellowships and other work
After completing the Conley Readiness Index assessment, I have am surprised that I have some strengths. One strength includes contextual awareness. I am very aware of expecting the structure of college coursework, and the work load. College isn’t easy, and it’s much different than High School. Coming from Massachusetts, most of my High School work was about passing the standardized tests, which resulted with quizzes every week. I have found in college that professors don’t mind taking the time to explain the material; that when the quizzes, and tests come around, we will be more prepared. I am also very aware of my academic plan in order to prepare for my career plans. Another strength I had was procedural awareness. I understand the steps to achieve my postsecondary and career aspirations including how to add, and or drop classes. I know how to research the requirements I need to fulfill in order to get into my desired career. I am very strong with the cultural awareness. I know how to ask for help, and how to contact my advisor. I am also aware of the differences between the cultural norms of High School and college.
Pamelia E. Brott, an associate professor of counselor education at Virginia Tech with a Ph.D. in Counseling and Counselor Education at the University of North Carolina, wrote the article “A Career Story Approach to Management, Business, and Financial Occupations”. The article discusses what the future outlook is on business, while giving a personal story on how to achieve a good future outlook in the field. The target audience deals with business majors in general, with some specific majors in mind. Searching for something to do for the remainder of one’s life requires a lot of thinking, which produces a large amount of stress and uncertainty. For one to be able to pick a career that he or she will find a passion for many years will never be
At FHSU, I will encounter mentors–my advisor, professors, upper classman and alumnae–who can help me explore and understand if my strengths align with my career vision. Starting out as a Business-Undecided major seems to be an appropriate place to begin, and by engaging with Dr. Meier, my advisor, I can start my GM journey while being
This article “Students of Success” written by Lynn Cheney was very well written. Cheney’s point in this article is that students in liberal arts shouldn’t be over looked in the world of business. She explains that students in liberal arts have the opportunity to become anywhere from Management to the next president of the united states. People should understand that its not the field you major in but it’s the way you use your major. Cheney states that students who follow their hearts in choosing majors will mostly end up laboring at what they love.
Tom Rath began working with a group of scientists in 1998 to start a conversation about our strengths (Rath, 2007). A 40-year study, led by Donald O. Clifton, helped to create a language of common talents, and in 2001, included this assessment into their bestselling management book Now, Discover Your Strengths (Rath, 2007). During their study, they found out that “people who do have the opportunity to focus on their strengths every day are six times as likely to be engaged in their jobs and more than three times as likely to report having an excellent quality of life in general” (Rath, 2007, pg. iii). A major problem with this was a majority of people were either unsure of or unable to explain their strengths (Rath, 2007). When developing StrengthFinder 2.0, the ultimate goal was to build upon your true strengths which take practice and hard work (Rath, 2007).
I hope to be granted and pursue the Education Studies Minor here at Gettysburg College for a handful of reason. Currently, I am a Political Studies major with a concentration in comparative politics and International Relations. While I not only enjoy the Political Science field, I have always had the rooted interest in the education field for many years now. Dating back to senior year of High School, one of the courses I took was a course called “Teachers for Tomorrow” which touched upon the basics of becoming a teaching both in a lecture and in classroom setting. Part of the course was a weekly visit to a local public elementary school in which I was able to work alongside a second grade teacher as her “teacher assistant”. I not only enjoyed this experience with the elementary students, but the class as a whole as well. Additionally, this past summer, I spend four weeks overseas at Arlington Academy of Hope, an elementary school located in the village of Bududa, in eastern Uganda. While at Arlington Academy of Hope, I worked alongside current Arlington County teachers as well as current Arlington County Principles, teaching these elementary students basic math and English, while also visiting satellite schools in the greater Bududa region. I was not only the youngest member of this trip by more than 20
Up until recently, I was like many of my peers, uncertain about what the future would hold for me. I did not know where exactly I wanted to attend school, what I wanted to study, or what I wanted to do career-wise. But, after taking high school classes like Business Information Management, Human Resources, Banking and Financial Services, and Accounting I, I found my long awaited answer, a fascination in the business and financial world. I loved attending these classes and learning new and exciting
A year and a half ago I accepted my acceptance into the Red McCombs business school believing that the name, network, and professors would be enough to keep me interested for the rest of my duration at the University of Texas. But I quickly realized it was not major for me. This realization left me
In the realm of the world we call college, there are many different paths one can take. When choosing the path of being an education major, one begins to see the benefits of their choice long before they see their degree. The field experience that is required with the courses one has to take for this major allow students to dip their toes into their field and get real life experience before entering the real world. This semester, I had the opportunity of working at Oasis Tutoring Center. While tutoring at this center, I was not only able to learn more about my ability to teach, but also connect these experiences to the psychology of education.
Though I am currently undecided in my major, I know that regardless of what I choose, Georgetown University will offer me the opportunities, support, and teaching excellence to succeed. What first drew me to Georgetown University was the focus on academic excellence; not only will I be able to learn in-depth about my chosen area of study from prominent and engaged professors, but I will also be able to nourish my mind across the disciplines. One of my goals is to be able to not only study in my chosen field, but to learn how to think differently, to solve problems creatively and efficiently, and to be able to challenge myself on a daily basis. I know that when I decide on a major it will be because Georgetown University provided me with the
During my first year at Pacific Lutheran University, I didn 't know who I wanted to be or what I wanted to do as a career. I am an individual who has little experience of the working world. Being a sophomore student, living at home with my parents and never have had a job, this may have contributed to my lack of awareness of the amount of skills that I will need for my career and not knowing what I like or dislike in a work place. After several months of contemplating back and forth and talking to many individuals, I decided I wanted a career in accounting. A career in accounting fits who I am as a person being math oriented, problem solver, and extremely organized.
Beginning my post-secondary education at Frostburg University, I was looking for an institution that would be able to satisfy my interests and hobbies. All throughout my educational career, I have always been interested in computer science, coding, and networking with different jobs in business and management. Living close to College Park, it was always an idea to attend a school that would be able to branch out to my interest. Coming out of high school, I was at a disadvantage— my time management skills were strong, but not where they should have been. I lacked the discipline needed to excel in computer science, but I was luckily set around the right people to guide me in the right direction. my close friends were able to introduced me to
In addition to the beautiful campus, the flexible class options caught my attention. The fact that no core classes are required is very appealing as the university lives up the its liberal arts name. This allows me to freely explore my interests before deciding my major as I am interested in many subjects. Along with these class flexibilities, the test optional feature is paramount to me as my test scores do not show my strength. Despite having less than 4000 students, Wesleyan University is known for its diversity as many people from all over the world come to attend the college.
For the fall of 2017, I would like to attend Calvin College. A lot of positive aspects of the school sparked my interest during the campus tour and the University Club event. I would like to major in Elementary Education and double minor in journalism and Chinese. Also, I plan to take part in the string orchestra at Calvin College. There, I want to seek a higher degree of education and go beyond the standard four-year bachelor’s degree. This is because recent studies have shown that teachers leave and search for another career within the first five years due to various reasons, and, as a result, there continues to be a shortage of qualified people in the field. By seeking a higher level of education, I believe it will enable me to be more successful as a future teacher of young adolescents.
It is vital when looking for a new job or career that you know what skills and qualities you have. Knowing what you can or cannot do will alter what employers and positions there are for you. Throughout my higher education at Full Sail University, I have been able to overcome weaknesses that I have and raised other strengths beyond what I thought I could. Matching what you are good at and not so good at can help shape what your life path will be. Looking deeper into my personal capabilities, I have discovered three strengths and three weaknesses that I have and I’m working on eliminating or improving. If you are not good at something, improving even slightly can have a nice positive impact on your overall quality of