
Benvolio In Romeo And Juliet

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The story of Romeo and Juliet tells of many characters full of hatred, but Benvolio is not one of them. Shakespeare creates many characters in this classic tragedy, but Benvolio’s positive personality puts them all to shame. Benvolio’s name means good will and his benevolent personality does his name justice. Benvolio is the cousin and friend of Romeo and he often discourages fights and disagreements of all types. Benvolio in the modern day would be a marriage counselor because he’s non-aggressive, compassionate and optimistic. One reason Benvolio would be a good marriage counselor is because he is non-aggressive. Benvolio often attempts break up fights between others. Instead of taking sides or adding to the commotion of the fight, he'll try to stop the fight all together. One example of this is at the beginning of the story when he instructs the conflicting parties to “Part fools. Put up your swords, you know not what you do...I do but keep the peace, put up thy sword, or manage it to part these men with me” (1.1.59-64). Benvolio attempts the keep the peace and peacefully end a disagreement. This skill would be especially useful when dealing with conflicts in a marriage. Benvolio would not take either person’s side and would peacefully defuse the disagreement without adding flames to the fire. Because of …show more content…

A counselor must care about their clients to help them work out conflicts and establish a safe atmosphere. Benvolio shows compassion for Romeo. Benvolio sees that Romeo has something vexing him, so he decides to see what is wrong. Benvolio announces his decision with “See where he comes. So please you step aside; I’ll know his grievance or be much denied” (1.1.151-152). Romeo shows care for Romeo by going to see what is bothering him, just as a counselor should for their client. Benvolio's kindness means that he could help his clients in a productive and thoughtful

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