The story of Romeo and Juliet tells of many characters full of hatred, but Benvolio is not one of them. Shakespeare creates many characters in this classic tragedy, but Benvolio’s positive personality puts them all to shame. Benvolio’s name means good will and his benevolent personality does his name justice. Benvolio is the cousin and friend of Romeo and he often discourages fights and disagreements of all types. Benvolio in the modern day would be a marriage counselor because he’s non-aggressive, compassionate and optimistic. One reason Benvolio would be a good marriage counselor is because he is non-aggressive. Benvolio often attempts break up fights between others. Instead of taking sides or adding to the commotion of the fight, he'll try to stop the fight all together. One example of this is at the beginning of the story when he instructs the conflicting parties to “Part fools. Put up your swords, you know not what you do...I do but keep the peace, put up thy sword, or manage it to part these men with me” (1.1.59-64). Benvolio attempts the keep the peace and peacefully end a disagreement. This skill would be especially useful when dealing with conflicts in a marriage. Benvolio would not take either person’s side and would peacefully defuse the disagreement without adding flames to the fire. Because of …show more content…
A counselor must care about their clients to help them work out conflicts and establish a safe atmosphere. Benvolio shows compassion for Romeo. Benvolio sees that Romeo has something vexing him, so he decides to see what is wrong. Benvolio announces his decision with “See where he comes. So please you step aside; I’ll know his grievance or be much denied” (1.1.151-152). Romeo shows care for Romeo by going to see what is bothering him, just as a counselor should for their client. Benvolio's kindness means that he could help his clients in a productive and thoughtful
Benvolio is a very important character in Romeo and Juliet as he acted as Romeo's companion, Benvolio is a compassionate, peaceful and considerate character. Firstly, Benvolio showed compassion towards Romeo in many instances. Benvolio said “At thy good hearts oppression,” he was crying because of how sad Romeo was due to being heartbroken (Act 1 Scene 1 Page 10). He also convinces Romeo to go to the Capulet’s for supper and look at some of the girls there even stating that, “Compare her face with some that I shall show, And I will make thee think thy swan a crow.”(Act 1 Scene 2 Page 4) Benvolio showed his compassion first, by crying and being there for Romeo and second, he tried to help him get over her by telling to look at the girls at the
“And I were so apt to quarrel as thou art, any man should buy the fee simple of my life for an hour and a quarter”(III.i.29-30). Benvolio should be pardoned because he was just trying to help Romeo and keep everybody out of trouble. He was a peacekeeper so he did not do anything wrong. He was just being nice.
Benvolio is a very static character and does not change much. He is very reliable demonstrated in Act 1 Scene 1 when Lord Montague and Lady Montague rely on him to manage the whereabouts of Romeo (Shakespeare 380-381). Not many people would be able to keep up with anyone of importance and young age such as Romeo. Benvolio is also very practical when he says “Romeo, away, be gone!/
When Romeo and Benvolio are first together, Benvolio is sympathetic for his friend and how heartbroken he is over Rosaline. When most friends would insult Rosaline to help Romeo feel better, Benvolio tries to connect with him. Everyone laughs at Romeo and when he looks at Benvolio, he say “no, cuz, I rather weep”(1.1lines 209). After this Benvolio and Mucrutio encourage Romeo to crash the Capulet ball.(act 3 scene 1) Therfore Benvolio tries to keep the peace in this example by relating to Romeo and does not say anything bad about Rosaline but encourages him to meet new
When Montegue replys that he and his many friends have, Benvolio then says “See, where he comes. So please you, step aside. I’ll know his grievance or be much denied. ”In this repy he is saying that here comes Romeo and that Benvolio will ask to see what is wrong and he will also be persistent until he gets his answer. Meanwhile an example of Tybalt being carless of his actions and the effects of them is during Act 1, Scene 5 at the Capulets party in which Romeo, Benvolio, And Mercutio were not invited but yet they decide to show up so Benvolio and Mercutio can show him that there are other ladies that Romeo could fall in love for.
By giving liberty unto thine eyes; Examine other beauties” (1.1,211,213-214). Benvolio doesn't realize that's it not that easy to make Romeo forget about Rosaline and move on. Benvolio thinks that he is helping Romeo by making him move on from Rosaline. Benvolio didn’t have empathy at this part because he thinks that he is helping Romeo. If he was in Romeo’s shoes,
A: He is describing Benvolio as someone who loves to fight, but we know from the verybeginning of the play that Benvolio loves to keep the peace and tries to avoid conflictbecause he tried to break up the fight between the servants.
In the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, the two secondary characters, Benvolio and Friar Lawrence are both intended to be voices of reason in Romeo's hectic life by the playwright. The men are Romeo's confidants, Benvolio is Romeo's cousin and the Friar is Romeo's "ghostly father" (2.2.45). They frequently give Romeo advice on how to conduct his love life. When Romeo was head over heals for Rosaline, they discouraged the ill-advised romance because they knew it would end in calamity because she was a Capulet. Benvolio urges Romeo to "Compare her face with some that I will show," (1.2.88) at the Capulet feast so Romeo will forget about her. Friar Lawrence thinks in the same vein saying "That's my good son," (2.3.47) when Romeo denies
In the classic novel “Romeo and Juliet”, Romeo needs to solve several complicated conflicts, and to help him perform these actions he has two close friends, Benvolio and Mercutio. While they both help Romeo to solve his problems, Benvolio and Mercutio are drastically different characters. Benvolio is calm and rational, while Mercutio is hotheaded, impetuous and rash. Consequently, Mercutio and Benvolio are foils for each other, but when acting together, they help Romeo a lot.
3) Benvolio- Over the course of this scene we acknowledge that Benvolio, the nephew of Montague, is a courteous, amiable and non-romantic idiot in the views of Romeo. Firstly, Benvolio is a courteous character as he wants to prevent another fight between the Capulets and Montagues evident in Line 62, in which is stated “Part fools! Put up your swords; you know not what you do” and Line 66, in which Benvolio replies aggressively to Tybalt “I do but keep the peace. Put thy sword, or manage it to part these men with me”, which basically means put your sword away, or use it to help avert a fight, disclosing that Benvolio is a peacemaker. Secondly, Benvolio is an amiable and non romantic idiot, as he assists Romeo 's parents in discovering their son 's issue as he consistently barricades himself in his room through the hours of the night evident
In William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet, Benvolio and Tybalt are portrayed as characters with distinctly opposing personalities that is apparent in many different instances throughout the play. Romeo's best friend, Benvolio is depicted as the classic nice guy, incorporating all the personalities necessary to be one. He is calm, patient, an advocate of peace between the two rival families, and always viewing the cup as half full instead of half empty. During the first quarrel between the Montagues and the Capulets in the play, Benvolio tries to bring peace by saying " I do but keep the peace. Put up thy sword, / Or manage it to part these men with me " ( , , 62-63). It is apparent that Benvolio has good intentions and that he
Throughout Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet characters who show importance adapt their own traits, such as Tybalt who is seen as pugnacious and violent and Benvolio who appears to be a peacekeeper and an all around righteous person. These characteristics are seen in the scene where Benvolio is trying to break up the fight, “I do but keep the peace. Put up thy sword, / or manage it to part these men with me.” (Shakespeare 1.1.61-62) In this case Benvolio was trying to help keep the peace by giving them a choice of helping him stop the fight, which could have stopped plenty of complications and tragedies from arising. Tybalt portrays his characteristics in the same scene as Benvolio, “ What, drawn, and talk of peace? I hate the word as I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee. Have at thee, coward!” (Shakespeare 1.1.63-65) In the previous action Tybalt displayed
Benvolio is a proud Montague making him despise the Capulets. Due to his caring attempts to help his cousin cheer up, takes him to a ball where then he meets Juliet. (Act 1 scene 2) Benvolio was known for a guy who stops fights and later on towards the end of the story he matures and ends up not fighting as much. Benvolio's acts are towards caring about his sad cousin lead him to encourage his cousin Romeo to the ball and from there Romeo and Juliet's love tragedy starts, His sad fate is lead towards his being alone. His friend Mercutio died and then so did his loving cousin Romeo.
Even though the play centers around Romeo and Juliet’s relationship, friendship plays a significant role in the story as well. Benvolio and Mercutio share a strong love for Romeo just as the Nurse loves Juliet as if she were her true mother. Specifically, the love between Romeo and Mercutio is so genuine that Mercutio stands up for Romeo when Tybalt was calling him names. Unfortunately, love clouded his judgement so much that he fought to the death to defend his friend’s honor. In contrast, Romeo is no stranger to love because he falls in love with both Rosaline and Juliet in a very short time span.
Put up thy sword, Or manage it to part these men with me." we can tell that he is peaceful. Throughout the play people seem to trust Benvolio: Lord and Lady Montague ask him to find out what the matter with Romeo is, and then Romeo confesses him sorrow about Rosaline who he is in love, and later on Prince Escalus asks him to explain two deaths. These three events show Benvoios's character as benevolent, composed and trustworthy.