
Beowulf Book Vs Movie

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The Difference and similarities between Beowulf are crazy. The movie version of Beowulf are no where near close the actual book, which in my opinion is 100% better. Beowulf is About a fearless warrior from the land of the Geats. But that is the book version is about the same guy who won't back down from a fight but in the book but in the movie he is kind of hesitant and more cautious. In the book beowulf didn't care of it was the most feared thing in the world but when he heard about grendel in the movie he was he gave off a kind of hesitant feeling. Also Beowulf in the book didn't get naked when he was waiting to fight grendel but of course in the movie he was naked for some reason.
Beowulf in the book fights a harry giant monster who is …show more content…

But Beowulf let it happen and let evil live on. Also in the big fight scene in the movie between him and the dragon Beowulf at the end doesn't cut it through, the kill the beast and cuts it heart out and lets it wash away in the tide. Also in book Beowulf saves the mead hall then goes to kill the mother then the dragon then he dies. But in the book he becomes king when cursed is passed onto Beowulf and Hrothgar Jumps off a cliff. Both in the movie and book Beowulf becomes the hero of the book and movie and is the hero of the epic. In the book Beowulf becomes the king of geatland. Also in the book the dragon throat is cut by beowulf and beowulf is bitten by the dragon and dies. And when Beowulf is fighting the dragon he doesn't speak to any person that is with Beowulf when he dies. He dies by himself just him and the dragon. Also during the whole movie really he had a lot of struggle fighting all the monsters he faced. And made it seem like that he was a great warrior but not as great he is portrayed in the book. For example In the movie during the dragon fighting scene Beowulf is burnt by the dragon also Beowulf cuts off part of his arm to pull out the heart of the dragon. Overall he just doesn't seem as strong and much of warrior he is proclaimed to be in the

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