
Beowulf Close Reading

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Middle Ages Close Reading Essay The Middle Ages is a time of change from the shift from one religion to the other to the transition of languages into the society. These new changes affected many aspects of civilian life, including the literature. In one poem, Beowulf, these religious conversions and human ideals can be examined. One of the most famous pieces of literature from the time of the Anglo-Saxons is Beowulf. Beowulf is a rather long epic poem about a heroic warrior named Beowulf that defeats a monster named Grendel and its dam as well as a dragon in his later years. The epic is heavily influenced by the Anglo-Saxon culture. Britain was originally pagan and was gradually converted to Christianity around 597 (Moloney). One major aspect …show more content…

Paganism focused on warrior ethics and when the two religions mixed, the new culture became one of heroism and Christian values. Beowulf shows many aspects of the warrior culture that was common during the middle ages. Warrior ethic involves honor, strength, glory and loyalty to the king and the country’s people. Loyalty is very prominent towards the end of the poem when Beowulf must fight the dragon. When Beowulf goes to fight the dragon, his thanes become too scared to fight along side him so they back away from the battle. The only thane that remains loyal to Beowulf is Wiglaf. Wiglaf becomes the voice of his culture by shaming the other warriors for not remaining loyal to their leader and he fights with Beowulf until they kill the beast together. It can be inferred that loyalty is quite important to the Anglo-Saxon society because as Beowulf dies, he leaves Wiglaf to rule the kingdom due to his bravery and loyalty. Wiglaf is not the only character that shows loyalty to his lord. The young Beowulf shows loyalty to his lord, Hygelac, by giving him the gifts he has received after he has won in battle. According to Belen Lowrey’s paper, The Hero as a Reflection of Culture, Beowulf shows his strength and bravery “by recounting the swimming match with Brecca as well as by winning the battles with Grendel and Grendel’s mother” (Lowrey). In addition, after Beowulf’s battle with Grendel, the narrator says that his courage was proven and his glory was secure

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