I am choosing my father for this because he has taught me a lot over the years. He has taught me how to hunt, fish, and the joy of the outdoors. Beowulf is a hero to so I have to say something about him to. Beowulf is a hero that kills evil things that hurt people. I choose my father because he has been by my side even when things have gone wrong or they have a good. My father showed me how to do the things I know like hunting, fishing, and shooting skeets. He helps me when I need him and even when I don’t need any help on something but he is still there to make sure that I do it right. He showed me how to skin deer when I was younger and still tells me if I did something wrong. He always helps me and my siblings when needed or not needed
I have picked my grandfather Darrell Madden because he is the only close person I have in my life that is over the age of 64 years old, I debated for some time picking someone I work with even though we are not as close as my grandfather and I. My final decision to pick him was a reality of the fact that not many people have met someone in their life who is like my grandfather. Darrell Madden was raised in the hills of Kentucky with his 11 brothers and sisters, as Darrell Madden explained growing up with 11 sibling means that there was no money for even the necessities and you had to make do with what you had. The Madden family actually had running water unlike everyone else that lived around them. Darrell Madden also picked to stay in school
5.) My grandmother, Just help me to the fullest and is providing me with the extras I needed to be who I am today. She has influence me to achieve and Keep going through the hard times. She also has been draining my life for sometime she's too hard And controlling. I can only look at the positives of our relationship And to thank her for what she has done for me.
“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to preserve and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.”( Christopher Reeve) In 1000 A.D. a group of people were formed, these people were called the Anglo-saxons. They were also known as what people now refer to as Vikings. The Vikings were explorers, warriors, merchants, and pirates who raided, traded, explored and settled in wide areas of Europe. While these Anglo-saxons were raiding and trading they also had some down time, where they would sit down around a fire and tell tales of Heroic adventures. These sorts of tales were things that the Anglo-saxons would look up to, it was almost like a handbook of how they should live their lives. During these stories was created one of the earliest examples of heroism and adventure. The epic poem of Beowulf was born. While the author is to be unknown, the
What do Achilles, King Arthur, Harry Potter, and Beowulf all have in common? They all demonstrate the qualities of epic heroes. Beowulf represents several characteristics of an epic hero and demonstrates the values of the Anglo-Saxons. He is the main character of his story, he has a main goal, he travels and fights with a group of people, and he accomplishes many valorous deeds; the values of the Anglo-Saxons are also shown through the actions of Beowulf, such as courage, loyalty, and fame. For example, when Beowulf heard a cry for help in a far off land, he answered. He fought larger than life monsters, and won. His exceptional strength proves his epic courage and heroism.
My dad, because he has a good job and he can be lazy whenever he wants to and he gets to buy whatever he wants.
The epic Beowulf tells the tale of a legendary archetypal hero named Beowulf who slays the evil monsters that terrorizes a foreign king’s kingdom as well as defeat a terrifying dragon that has plagued his homeland. By listening to the story of Beowulf, Anglo Saxons could learn about their ancient values of bravery, loyalty, and the heroism needed to defeat the evil monsters; these epic heroes were the self-portraits of their cultures. Beowulf is the manifestation of the Anglo Saxon values: bravery, physical strength, fame, loyalty as a follower, and generosity as a leader.
When someone mentions the name Beowulf, one might think of the strong, brave, and can conquer anything Beowulf, or one might think “Oh that one selfish guy?” Beowulf is willing to sacrifice his life to battle a monster, so why would anyone think he is selfish? Maybe because Beowulf was too worried about being known as a hero, but even despite that Beowulf is a magical hero, who ended up saving not only his men but multiple others. After many battles, Beowulf proved himself and others that he was truly a hero and maybe even a god. First with the battle of Grendel and then Grendel's mother, but when Beowulf showed his courageousness to fight the battle of the dragon things got a little rocky for Beowulf.
I. The first reason that I would like to pay tribute to my father is because he was there for me when I needed him most.
My father is my Artifact. Throughout my life, he influenced me in many ways. He is one of the exceptional and most motivating person in my life. He is now 63 years old, retired accountant officer. He is living with diabetes for more than 25 years. His determination and challenging work helps me to succeed in my studies. He is very punctual and most optimistic person and spend most
The legend of Beowulf tells about a hero who possesses bravery, strength, courage, and the desire to achieve immortality through legend. Beowulf, the son of Healfdane, saves countless lives by slaying evil creatures with his mighty strength. He comes to Herot with intentions of extinguishing the demon terrorizing their hall.
“Whom do I most admire” is always my father. Yes, I am Daddy’s little girl, but really the things that I admire about him, are things I seem to find admirable in others. I believe my father’s ambition, intelligence, system of beliefs, and zest for life, honesty, and fairness, made me who I am today. Although I find these to be important, they are also hard to live up to.
In life you have many people who influence you. Some aare good influences and some are bad influences. Although, the one person who influenced my life most would have to be my father. My father sacrificed alot in his lifetime to make his children's lives better. I adore my father he is a strong confident man and loves his family unconditionally. I have become the person I am today because of my father.
The person who makes sure I have a roof over my head, who kisses me goodnight, who shows me unconditional love every single day, my dad. My father has made a huge impact on my life throughout my fourteen years of living. Through the good and the bad he has stuck by my side, and not only my side, but also the side of his other five children. Many hardships have come in and out of my family’s lives and it astonishes me as I see my dad fight through them. Many things have contributed to me admiring my father, and I am glad I see my father with amiable eyes.
My father is one of the greatest influences on my life and is going to be the person I most resemble for the rest of my life. His hard work and social skills make up a lot of what I am today. To move from India, not knowing anyone, and to be the social person he is today makes me respect him even more.
I chose my grandfather because he has had a large impact on my life growing up and continues to guide me and provides me with valuable advice. I’m very close with my grandparents and enjoying spending time with them because there is so much I can learn from them. My grandfather is a businessman but always takes the time to talk to new people he meets in his day to day life and always takes interest in others around him. Many of his friends and everyone he meets falls in love with his humour and great personality and his ability to effortless connect with people is not to be overlooked. I look up to my grandfather as a mentor because he is very smart and has lots of good life advice as well as is good at working with others and managing his