Approximately thirty (30) years ago, the Berlin Wall stood and still stands as a concrete manifestation of the Iron Curtain. It was built to prevent citizens within the communist East Germany from fleeing to democratic, capitalist West Berlin (Klein, Christopher, 2014). Within the United States and Mexico is a border fence which is a symbol of freedom and desirability of the United States (Kengor, Paul, 2016).
The Berlin Wall, also known as, Berliner Mauer in German, was constructed on the night of August 13, 1961. For approximately twenty-eight (28) years, the Berlin Wall was a symbol of the Cold War and when it fell it was re-celebrated around the world (, 2016). The Mexican border fence was meant to stop illegal immigration by people or those who were not natural born citizens of the United States who wanted to join a free American society because of its many opportunities. Although, the Mexican border is not considered an imprisonment, it is the right to be free being taken away from immigrants (Klein, Christopher, 2014).
At the end of World War II, the Allied powers divided conquered
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There were huge celebrations along the Berlin Wall, with people hugging, kissing, singing, cheering, and crying. Eventually, the Berlin Wall was down into smaller pieces (some the size of a coin and others in big slabs). The pieces of the Berlin Wall are now collectibles and are stored in both homes and museums. After the Berlin Wall came down, East and West Germany reunified into a single German state on October 3, 1990 (, 2016). Today, America is allowing immigrants more openly opportunities to become citizens of the United States. Yes, the border is still there, but, for reasons of fleeing with regards to
In August 1961, the Soviet dictator Nikita Khrushchev ordered for the construction of the Berlin Wall. This was built entirely on East Berlin soil but surrounded West Berlin to stop the East Berliners from crossing (and fleeing) into West Berlin. There are other reasons why the wall was built, such as Kennedy’s refusal to back down from Khrushchev’s threats and the need to prevent a nuclear war.
The wall represent the division of the world. On the west you had the capitalist and on the east you had the communist. The Berlin wall separated the soviets and the westerners. As long as that wall
The Berlin Wall became a physical and historical symbol of the division of two ideologies; communism and capitalism. It also proved that there was a great amount of hostility and tension between the Soviets and Americans. It even showed the world the different ways one could rule a
Usually walls are put into places to avoid people to cross borders and keep peace but they destroy peace. Recently one could have heard in the News that Trump wants the Mexicans to pay for a wall between Mexico and the United States. This Wall should make it impossible for people to cross the border unofficially. As one could know from history classes, we had a wall in Germany for many years which was built by the winner countries of the second world war for a similar reason. Before the Wall, many people from East Germany tried to escape to West Germany where they had obviously better living conditions. It divided Germany in East and West Germany. Additionally, there was a part of Berlin, what was in the East German part, isolated from a huge wall that belonged to West Germany. This wall made it hard for the citizens of East Germany to visit West Germany. The Government of East Germany had other principles than the government of West Germany and it was not in the interest of the East German government to show their citizens how good their life could be in West Germany. After the falling of the Wall, it was possible for everyone to travel in Germany whenever they want without standing in line at the borders. But there was a big gap in wealth between East and West Germany. Even today the loans in West Germany are lower and the federal states have less money than the ones in West Germany. But in Berlin, one can visit ruins of the Berlin Wall which are colored and painted. As one could know from visiting Berlin, there is only a small part of the Wall left but at other parts, one could find the position of the wall with marked flagging on the ground. Additionally, one could buy a piece of the wall as a souvenir. Standing in front of the ruins of the Berlin wall inspires this realization: Peace is about breaking barriers not building them.
The Berlin Wall seemed to symbolise what the Cold War meant to so many, a clash between good and evil. The Berlin Wall was built to attract the attention of US president at the time, John F Kennedy, who was to visit the wall. In 1949, Germany was split up into two operate groups. The German Federal Republic, known as West Germany, and the German Democratic Republic, better known as East Germany. Many of the population of East Germany, fled to the other side of the country being West Germany.
The Cold War was the name given to the relationship between the U.S.S.R. and U.S.A. after the end of World War II. Germany was the representation of the war, and therefore, it became the most disputed country. The Berlin Wall was built in 1961 during the Cold War. During late 1950s and early 1960s, the socialist government decided to build a fence across the city border and restrict access to the Western area. Over time, this fence became a brick wall, completely cutting off access to the west, leaving family and friends separated for almost 30 years. The Berlin Wall marked the different ideologies between the different systems of governments, how they functioned, and the meaning to the people.
On August 15, 1961, Communists began building a wall to keep Germans from escaping Communist-controlled East Berlin to West Democratic Berlin. There were guards, electric barbed wired fences, and of course the twelve foot concrete wall that prevented Germans from escaping. After the wall was built many Germans still tried to flee the west but not all were successful. The East Berlin Germans were now under total dictatorship of the Soviets. Many United States Presidents traveled to Berlin to share their views on democracy with the Communists, but the Communist weren’t persuaded. In 1987,
The wall was a symbol that represented communism and a deprivation of freedom around the world. In West Berlin the wall was known as the “wall of shame”, while the East side claimed it abolished the discord in Europe. People all around the world had different names for it, but one thing was for sure as long as the wall was up peace was not at rest.("Remembering the Berlin").
When the wall was put up one thing lead to many other things. If a mother had gone to say the west side of berlin for a couple of days while her family was in east berlin where they live during the time period that the wall had been put up, the mother would have to maybe wait some time before she could go back to east berlin with her family. When the wall was put up many scenarios just like this had happened and many families actually were split apart. Families being split up could lead to the other family members trying to get into the side they are on which was now considered illegal and if they had been caught trying to cross the wall they could have been shot on site. People trying to cross from east to the west was very common as it was believed that west was the more favourable side. By 1961 around 3 million east Berliners had gone over to live in the west this impacted the people living in the east because many who had moved were skilled labourers such as doctors this meant that there were only limited doctors for the
The Berlin Wall was a tangible symbol of the suppression of human rights by the Eastern bloc during the Cold War and was anti-fascist protection.It blocked West Berlin and East Berlin. The wall blocked to stop young educated people from the East,so that they can be in the more prosperous side.
Berlin Wall - On August 13, 1961, the Communist government of the German Democratic Republic (GDR, or East Germany) began to build a barbed wire and concrete “Antifaschistischer Schutzwall,” or “anti fascist bulwark,” between East and West Berlin.
Following the fall of the Third Reich at the end of WWII Germany was split between east and west into two different countries. In the east the German Democratic Republic was under communist rule and was supported by the Soviet Union. The Federal German Republic was a democracy that was part of NATO. As part of the division of Germany following WWII, Berlin, the capital of Germany was divided evenly between the two nations. However, the entire city of Berlin was deep inside of the GDR, so the Western half of the city was democratic but it was surrounded by communist territory. This made West Berlin a place where many East Germans would try to escape to. As a result of this the German Democratic Republic built a wall surrounding West Berlin to stop its own people from escaping to freedom.
The Berlin Wall is a historical symbol of the Cold War and the fall of the Berlin Wall is a symbol of the end of the Cold War. And also, the Berlin Wall played a great role in the life of millions of people and defined the fate of German people, which put them apart by the Wall for a long period of time. Sixteen years after the end of World War II, the communist government of East Germany began building a wall on (August 13, 1961), that would divide the city of Berlin into East Berlin and West Berlin. The purpose was to keep fascists from entering East Germany, but mostly to keep West German citizens, primarily people of valuable professions such as doctors, teachers and engineers, from Changing side to the West. People of Berlin Called the wall Schandmaur, which actually means " The wall of shame". Over the years of the wall being constructed it took at least 3x times to rebuild it, but each time bigger than the last one.
The berlin wall was built to keep residents on the east from crossing the border,these residents were awoken by the sounds of shouting,unraveling barbedwirer,huge military vehicles,and a brick wall being built.Our president John F. Kennedy (JFK) sent out a man named Lucius clay, he went to berlin to tell them that america’s got there back and will be helping them get rid of this wall.JFK sent out 1,500 troops to berlin for reinforcements,but took no military action to stop them from building the wall.If someone crossed the border the night before the wall was being built they would not be able to return back at their homes.President JFK went to berlin and gave his famous speech ‘’Ich bin ein Berliner”(“I am a Berliner”).but almost 50 years later the eastern european countries pushed for reform.But now since JFK was ever so sadly taken out of office the berlin wall issue was put into Ronald Reagan's hands.
The Berlin Wall, built in August of 1961, was s physical symbol of the political and emotional divisions of Germany.