For many Centuries the Bermuda Triangle has been a place of speculation to most. From airplanes to boats, many inexplicable disappearances have occurred in the enigmatic region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean. There is no evidence that mysterious disappearances occur with any greater frequency in the Bermuda Triangle than in any other large, well-traveled area of the ocean. Countless numbers of theories and hoaxes emerged to explain the puzzling disappearances but none have yet to be proven true.
Christopher Columbus said that when he passed the area which the Bermuda Triangle is located, he claimed to have reported a great flame of fire that crashed into the sea one night and a strange light that appeared in the distance
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Some people say that the lost city of Atlantis is believed to be underneath the Triangle. Those who believe Atlantis once layed deep beneath the Triangle argue that the remains of the cities had intense energy crystals were once used to fuel the city. They claim that the crystals are now interfering with airplane and ship electronics, causing them to be disrupted. Another theory states that the large quantities of methane gas that live under the sea may be the reason behind the disappearances. For example, ships and planes can be destroyed by pockets of flammable methane gas. Maybe lightning or an electrical spark can ignite a huge bubble of methane that comes to the surface right next to a ship or plane, and it causes it to sink without a trace. But it is said that this theory is overly exaggerated and that it has been ruled out. But a paranormal theory stated that their may be a time vortex or better known as a electronic fog. In 1970, Floridian pilot Bruce Gernon and his father were on route from Andros Island to Bimini Island in the Bahamas when they came across a strange cloud that they say grew bigger before morphing into a tunnel.They flew into that rotating vortex, only to emerge in a thick "electronic fog" with a white haze surrounding the plane. His compass spun wildly and electrical sparks surrounded him. When the fog finally broke up, Gernon says he found himself miles away from where he expected to be - and much farther than he could have traveled in that time, leading him to believe he had passed through a time travel
Attention Getter: Since Christopher Columbus’s discovery of the disoriented magnetic compass off the South-Eastern coast of the United States, more than 1000 people have vanished into what is called The Bermuda Triangle. For centuries, many have reasoned with their fears of the unknown only to coin it a mythical second name, The Devil’s triangle.
Killer Sea Farts and Alien Vortex are alike and different in many ways. There have been many accident in The Bermuda Triangle. Both stories give examples of “theories” that have occurred in The Bermuda Triangle. Although, none of the “theories” have been proven.
The Bermuda Triangle has a lot of mystery’s such as there supposedly being sea monsters in that part of the sea. The Bermuda Triangle Has a lot of history Such as five navy planes taking off during a training mission. Somewhere in Florida Alabama, The planes Were known as flight 19 and they were never found or seen again. ("Bermuda Triangle: Behind the Intrigue"). The bermuda triangle is bounded by Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. ("Bermuda Triangle: Behind the Intrigue").
A fabled and unreal story told by the devilish seas and the terror-stricken voices of the people who've escaped the sunken ships and planes that cry from beneath the floors of the home of mysteries finally ascents back to the lapping waves upon the surface, screeching out what really hides under the streaming walls of the Bermuda Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle based on the countless disappearances, is an unfolded riddle that is known to be an alarming part of the world because of the swallowed ships and planes from many others going there. Although theories of this place being an aircraft and sea travelers ravaging beast, it has logical and non-distressing reasoning to act in dangerous manners. With reasons that include environmental situations, strange weather patterns, and human error, it stands more on the sensible and coherent end of the line than what others may think, but still has head-scratching standpoints and explanations to side with. These evidences contain critical striking points to prove what really makes up the Bermuda Triangle from bizarre assumptions to rational arguments.
The Bermuda Triangle has been shrouded in mystery for too long. The disappearing planes and boats have somehow escaped the sound logical reasoning that so many crave. Instead, it has become something of a conspiracy to keep that tinfoil hat folk busy. Well, those crazy people can now thank Norway as they may have solved the mystery.
Many mysteries have occurred in, and around the Bermuda Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle is an area that travels from Miami, to Puerto Rico, to Bermuda. These mysteries have baffled scientists and conspiracy theorists for centuries. Sightings go as far back as to when Christopher Columbus was sailing, who reported experiencing strange lights, weird noises, compass malfunction, and even a fireball diving into the ocean. To this day, reportings of strange and mysterious events continue to be experienced similar to those to Christopher Columbus noted back in the 1400’s.
The Bermuda Triangle covers almost 440,000 square miles of the Atlantic Ocean. An imaginary line that begins near Melbourne, Florida, extends south to Bermuda, and west to Puerto Rico before turning north to Florida, forms the Triangle. From 1972-1999, more than one hundred planes and ships have vanished into thin air. More than one thousand lives have been lost as well. One frightening aspect of this entire saga
Since 1851, a staggering 8,127 people have been lost in the Bermuda Triangle. Sixty Naval planes were lost all at one time in this area. Christopher Columbus might be the first person to ever record bizzare events in the Bermuda Triangle, writing in his captain’s log on October 11th, 1492, “. . . the Admiral at ten o’clock that evening standing on the quarter-deck saw a light, but so small a body that he could not affirm it to be land; calling to Pero Gutierrez. . . told him he saw a light, and bid him look that way, which he did and saw it. . . appearing like the light of a wax candle moving up and down, which some thought an indication of land. . . .“ Were Columbus’ crewmates observing the Arora Borealis? This phenomenon is created by the burning of solar flare gas as it comes into contact with the particles in our atmosphere. The first recorded sighting of this phenomnea was in 1719 in New England, thought it was named by French astronomer Pierre Gassendi in 1621 (History Channel).
Bermuda, Miami, and San Juan (Bermuda Triangle).These are the 3 locations that make up the “Devil's Triangle” also known as the Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic ocean. In this area, many unexplained disappearances from military and commercial aircrafts, to large cargo ships and small yachts has many people and scientists wondering, is this supernatural phenomena? Forces of nature? Over-exaggerated stories? No one knows for sure. Many of these disappearances happened without warning, no mayday calls or signals of distress, and leaving no trace of existence or wreckage behind. These events involving the Bermuda Triangle can be linked to an extremely powerful electromagnetic field over the area.
For years there has been an unsolved mystery of disappearances of boats and planes with no trace of evidence left behind. All of these conspiracies had relevance as to the whereabouts of these lost travelers. The locations of these disappearances were within a geographical triangle in the Atlantic Ocean. The corners of this legendary triangle were
Off the southern tip of Florida lies an area so mysterious, it’s nicknamed, “The Devil’s Triangle”. This mythical geographic area in the Atlantic stretches from the tip of Florida, to Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. In the past few centuries, over a thousand ships and planes have inexplicably disappeared without a trace. This phenomenon has skeptics theorizing the possible explanations for these disappearances.
This next theory is very hard to believe but it is one of the many possibilities. This theory dates back to Plato’s theory about Atlantis. People think that Atlantis might be located in the Bermuda Triangle and that the Atlanteans technology is ahead of ours. Supposedly in the Bermuda triangle there is a crystal pyramid, which has the power to disintegrate anything that passes in its path. This might be why there is no trace of the ships, planes or people. Dr. Brown said that when he was snorkeling in the Bahamas he saw a shiny looking pyramid in the water and that as he approached it he saw a pair of hands extend out holding a large crystal that was handed to him. He said that when that crystal was put in his hands he had a weird sensation or feeling that of which he cannot explain. Dr. Brown has that crystal
The Bermuda Triangle,also known as the Hoodoo Sea, the Devil's Triangle, the Limbo of the Lost, and the Twilight Zone, is a part of the ocean in which planes, ships, and people mysteriously seem to just disappear. It is an imaginary area shaped as a triangle. Which is located in the outer tip of Florida. Its been the biggest mystery of time because of the mysterious disappearances that have happened over time. “The term Bermuda Triangle was first used in an article written by Vincent H. Gaddis for Argosy magazine in 1964. In the article, Gaddis claimed that in this strange sea a number of ships and planes had disappeared without explanation. Gaddis wasn't the first one to come to this conclusion, either. As early as 1952, George X.
You might know that the Bermuda Triangle is a legendary place where numerous disappearances have occurred, but how much do you really know about it? Some people don’t believe in such a place, but some do. Research has been conducted to try and figure out what could possibly be happening here, but with no hard evidence. The mysterious Bermuda Triangle may be more than just a myth though; the Bermuda triangle has a long history with disappearances, few people live through it to tell the tale, and possible theories have been made over the years; leaving scientists questioning this strange phenomenon.
Is the Bermuda Triangle really a place where strange powers are at work? The Bermuda Triangle is a very complex and mystifying area that is noted for a high incidence of unexplained losses of ships, small boats, and aircraft. From reading this paper one will learn geographic features of the Bermuda Triangle, famous disappearances, and possible explanations for them.