
Bernice Paki Bishop Research Paper

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Olga Lopez ATC 174 June 5, 2015 Ke Ali’l Bernice Paki Bishop’s Will and Codicil’s Bernice Pauahi Bishop’s will is hand written and it’s kept by the Hawai’i State Archive it is approximately 40 pages long. Bernice Pauahi Bishop, wife of Charles R. Bishop, of Honolulu, Island of Oahu made her last will and testament to help the Hawaiian Islands built their schools and educate their children. She also provides for other individuals in her will. First she bestow unto six of her namesakes two hundred dollars each. One of them was E. Bernice Bishop Dunham who was her husband nice. I was not sure if they were all related to her husband or just children of her friends or from her side of the family that where named after her. On her will Bernice is really generous to many people. She bestows them money and land. Most of the land is only bestowed upon them until their natural death and then it is to be bestowed unto her trustees to take care of the land and do what she …show more content…

Liliuokalani, who was the wife of Governor John O. Dominis, Bernice bestowed all the tracts of land known as the “Ahupuaa of Lamahai” located on the Island of Kauai and the “Ahuapuaa of Kealia” positioned in South Kona Island of Hawaii. H.R.H. Liliuokalani was to have and hold onto those lands for her natural life. The will also states that upon H.R.H. Liliuokalani’s death the lands will go to her appointed trustees. Ninth to her husband Charles R. Bishop she bestows all the various tracts and parcels of land located on Molokai Island. The “Molokai Ranch” and all of its live-stock and personal property thereon that was under the care of R.W. Myer Esq. All of the property that she inherited from her parents and also all of the devised to her by her aunt Akahi. The only exception was the land to H.R.H. Liliuokalani and the lands in Waikiki, Oahu that where to be made into a main road leading to Kapiolani Park. Those lands are bestowed to him for his natural life then they will go to her

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