
Bernie Sanders And Politics

Decent Essays

Personally I believe that politics have continued to become more of a play, filled with actors and scripted lines, instead of actual people dealing with legitimate issues. Instead of focusing on the various dilemmas happening within our society, politicians often times, appeal to general, unnecessary topics. The term, ‘why fix something when it’s not broken’ is often used, but what happens when what is broken, is so demolished that it goes unnoticed? The growth and development of society has also pushed people into a corner where certain topics are barely touched upon because we have this instilled fear of offending someone or various people. At a certain point in time, we have to put aside the feelings of others in order to better the country …show more content…

First and foremost, I really enjoy the fact that Sanders does not hide behind his words. He speaks with a purpose, and uses clear language that will be understood by many in order to get his points across. Additionally, Sanders is not afraid to talk about the racial injustices that are occurring within our walls of society. One of his largest campaigns, is to confront the dilemmas within our very own communities, and how who we choose to interact with, holds an impact on not just us but also our country. Compared to Clinton, also running for the Democratic Party, Sanders is not a commercially bought robot. He has sponsors and supporters, but for the most part he has been very independent, following his own values and ideas. One of the arguments raised against Sanders is that he has openly stated of being a Socialist. Now, the issue that I have noticed with people’s debates is that they lack the basic knowledge of what Socialism actually is. So instead of actually having an educated stance, they label Bernie as an extremist, when he is far from it; simply stating that he wants there to be common ownership. Now whether or not this will benefit the country is an entirely new argument. Sanders also fights continuously for the working poor and middle class, wanting to provide the largest portion of America’s population a prosperous and hopeful future. Sanders also greatly believes that people should be freely given the right to make their own choices without laws restricting them, which is why he remained pro-choice throughout his entire career, wanting to allow women to make any decision about their life

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