
Bessie Case Study Alzheimer's Disease

Decent Essays

Bessie is an 87 year old woman showing various signs of being in the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s disease. To start, her psychological functioning is disrupted as she exhibits the following signs. When giving the memory test, numerous questions were asked to test her cognitive ability. As the mental status questionnaire began she was first asked what month, date, and season it was. According to Bessie, it was August 5th and summer, however it was later referenced she had the memory test during the month of May, here we see her confused with time. Bessie also experienced memory loss when asked to name the president of the United States before President Bush although given a clue, pondering, she responded she could possibly see his face but had no recollection of who he was. Amazingly she was able to recall her name, her dog’s name, had the ability to drive although drifting at times, and lived independently. This confirms although her cognitive functioning was declining it was not all lost. Oddly, …show more content…

It almost appeared as if her thinking capacity is at risk as the words were hard to distinguish relying on help. She could not remember the name of the person that helped her shortly after, which is memory impairment. Bessie exclaimed she has trouble remembering half of the girls’ names in the group she sings with; in like manner following a familiar recipes. I also noticed agnosia as she failed to recognize and identify the calculator although she hesitantly acknowledged what it was used for. Moreover, she did not recognize the practitioner that gave her the memory test two months prior, and when given a list of nine words to remember and recall, she could only remember

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