
Best Memories Research Paper

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When most people think of a school they think of hard work yelling teens and just absolute chaos, but they also my think back to when they themselves were in school or even their first year there as freshmen and then think of all of the good and funny memories they had there in that year. I happen to be one of them just thinking back to the beginning of the year and all the memories I have had so far. Heck, some of my best memories are in school like when my balloon popped in class,and when me and my friends messed with the plants we were supposed to grow and even when me and my friends played a few games of UNO in the middle of class. First off, one way I had a great time in class is when my balloon popped in the middle of biology. One reason …show more content…

One reason why this is one of my best memories is that we were super loud. This makes it the best because we were super loud and our substitute teacher didn’t even care, other than when he asked us if we were done with are working “Are you guys done with your work over there and if not you’ll have to talk to your teacher” but we were already done so we were good. Another reason why this is one of my best memories is none of us were winning. This makes it the best because we are all competitive and none of us were winning, Which is kind of funny because all of us were smack talking each other about who is going to win. Yet I ended up winning and won the next few games of UNO but they were all pretty lengthy and took us most of the hour to play. This makes playing UNO in the middle of class one of the best memories because our teacher didn’t even care that much and that none of us were winning even though we were all competitive. Some of my best memories that i have had in my freshman year are when my balloon popped in the middle of class ,and when we messed with my friends plant ,and finally when me and my friends played UNO in the middle of class. These were some of my best memories because when my balloon popped everyone jumped out of their seats and me and my friends couldn’t help but laugh, and when we messed with my friends plant and we put a crayon in his plant and waterboarded it, and finally when me and my friends played UNO in the middle of class and our teacher didn’t even

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