When most people think of a school they think of hard work yelling teens and just absolute chaos, but they also my think back to when they themselves were in school or even their first year there as freshmen and then think of all of the good and funny memories they had there in that year. I happen to be one of them just thinking back to the beginning of the year and all the memories I have had so far. Heck, some of my best memories are in school like when my balloon popped in class,and when me and my friends messed with the plants we were supposed to grow and even when me and my friends played a few games of UNO in the middle of class. First off, one way I had a great time in class is when my balloon popped in the middle of biology. One reason …show more content…
One reason why this is one of my best memories is that we were super loud. This makes it the best because we were super loud and our substitute teacher didn’t even care, other than when he asked us if we were done with are working “Are you guys done with your work over there and if not you’ll have to talk to your teacher” but we were already done so we were good. Another reason why this is one of my best memories is none of us were winning. This makes it the best because we are all competitive and none of us were winning, Which is kind of funny because all of us were smack talking each other about who is going to win. Yet I ended up winning and won the next few games of UNO but they were all pretty lengthy and took us most of the hour to play. This makes playing UNO in the middle of class one of the best memories because our teacher didn’t even care that much and that none of us were winning even though we were all competitive. Some of my best memories that i have had in my freshman year are when my balloon popped in the middle of class ,and when we messed with my friends plant ,and finally when me and my friends played UNO in the middle of class. These were some of my best memories because when my balloon popped everyone jumped out of their seats and me and my friends couldn’t help but laugh, and when we messed with my friends plant and we put a crayon in his plant and waterboarded it, and finally when me and my friends played UNO in the middle of class and our teacher didn’t even
Looking back on high school, one memory usually stands out. For me, it was when our band marched in the Tournament of Roses. Preceding the Rose Bowl in Pasadena every January, we were thrilled to be in the parade. Considered one of the best bands in the state, the parade officials contacted our band director. The problem was only paying for the trip. However, holding spaghetti suppers and car washes, the money was eventually raised. We went to California two days early to visit Disneyland. Covered with thousands of flowers, we also got a sneak preview of the floats. Reporting to the parade site at 6:00 a.m., our place in the parade was assigned. Marching the six-mile route, more than a million people would watch us. Watching the parade on
Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, behaves in an unforgivable, yet understandable manner. When Hester Prynne is in prison for having an affair, proven by the resulting child, Dimmesdale does not confess to his sin nor stand with Hester during her shameful punishment. Throughout the novel, Dimmesdale is being torn apart by the gnawing guilt growing inside of him while Hester is constantly a scornful object in the public’s eye.
Being a Redkin at Chowchilla Union High School was full of great memories with even greater people. All four years at this school were amazing, but senior year was my favorite. When senior year first started I was playing tennis with a team that had a lot of potential. It was my second year playing as the number one singles and at the number one doubles spot with my partner Amy. While season was in progress homecoming was coming up and I was nominated to run for homecoming queen. On the big game day I wore an aqua dress, everyone said I looked like The Little Mermaid, the sprinklers even shot out behind me. I was nervous as well as all the other nominees. After Cooper Seals got called and crowned homecoming queen they announced my name. I
Within this report I am going to state how the King’s Cross Underground fire in 1987 happened and the evacuation process that the authorities followed. I am also going to state why this incident led to the identification of a method of fire propagation known as the “trench effect”.
My favorite memory happened at the beginning of the year, Songfest. It was a way I could make new friends while being super competitive. I loved how into it every freshman that participated got and how hard we all worked. Attending practices was enjoyable and the actual event was even better. Everyone wore their dorm colors and sang their dorm chants. Although my dorm, Longstreet Means, placed second, it was still my favorite memory.
From worrying about essays and biographies so we could graduate the next year was a struggle and at that I still had to worry about passing the english EOC. I couldn't trust anyone then because they was so fake and messy.Only person that I trusted was my girlfriend and my handful of friends that I had at the time and that's because I was shy to meet new people but I started growing out of that when we had a lot of new kids join our school. Junior year flew by so fast I didn't even realize it was already summer. My brother had already graduated and we were getting ready for his graduation party and his birthday party the next day we got out of school. His party was great and all his friends came out and celebrated with
There were plenty of memories in high school. Just making it to high school was a good memory. Most of them were during my freshman, sophomore, and junior years.
My 9th grade year was a memory to never forget. 9th grade, i was new to the school just like the rest of the freshmen's i came into the school with, we were not really focused on the education we were more so focused on having fun and seeing different and older people and just experiencing the life of a high schooler. As bad as that may sound it was the truth but that was the year i meant my home boys Block, Tick and Jalen, i knew block and tick for some years already but i meant jalen when i got to high school and instantly we became close like brothers.
Again, I was that silent kid. I took speech classes because I couldn’t pronounce my R's. Mrs. Christensen was my teacher. She was the best because she was funny, kind, and helpful. She helped me get into C.M.L and G.A.T.E.S again. She also helped me enjoy math and science enormously. C.M.L was really fun. In C.M.L, we celebrated Pi day by eating pies, and on the last day of C.M.L, I ate pizza and cupcakes. I remember that my best friend, Katelyn, and I would always swing on the swings every single day. I said, “I’m bored.” Katelyn replied, “Well, you can play with me.” That was how Katelyn and I met. She understands me better than any other person. My favorite field trips were going to Crystal Cave, the Bakken Museum, and on a boat with our kindergarten buddies, which were super fun. I hoped 5th grade could top 4th
8th grade. The last year at Ross Middle School. Being retrospective on past years has me thinking of my many accomplishments, and many fails I’ve had. From getting very good grades to the embarrassing moments. All the time I wish I was still in elementary school.
So, most people have great memories right? Mine are marching band memories. Marching band started with my sister. My mom and my sister inspired me to do sports in the first place. It was either marching band or volleyball. Which I believe marching band was for the best. I'm working up to the things that my sister accomplished. My music has helped me develop my life, my values, and my goals.
Death penalties are common in many states today. The death penalty is good because a continuous murderer could have taken an innocent person's life, and once the defendant is sentenced to death, the victim’s family would be at ease. Another reason is money, taxes that citizens are paying everyday for a defendant’s trial who repeatedly commits an act of murder.
Memory is defined as "the persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information." Our memory can be compared to a computer's information processing system. To remember an event we need to get information into our brain which is encoding, store the information and then be able to retrieve it. The three-stage processing model of Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin suggests that we record information that we want to remember first as a fleeting sensory memory and then it is processed into a short term memory bin where we encode it ( pay attention to encode important or novel stimuli) for long-term memory and later retrieval. The premise for the three step process is that we are unable to focus on too much
I remember my freshman year in high school, everything seemed so foreign to me. I remember how different the classes were from the year before and how much more mature I felt just stepping foot in this school. I remember looking up to all of the upperclassmen and thinking about how they literally could probably squish me like a bug.
School, to me and among many peers of my age, is not a distant term. I have spent one-third of my life time sitting in classrooms, every week since I was seven years old. After spending this much time in school, many things and experiences that happened there have left their mark in my memory. Some are small incidences while some have had a great impact on me. However, regardless the degree of significance, things that happened all contributed to shape the person that I am now.