The Best Teachers
The quality’s a teacher present are very important and can play a part in their teaching effectiveness. Sometimes these qualities are negative, which limits the effectiveness of the teaching processes and sometimes they are positive and can greatly help both the student and teacher. The best teachers are the ones who present a comfortable and entertaining atmosphere, have complete control over the class, and lead to the student to an answer as they give thorough explanations of the steps to any given problem. The teacher presenting a comfortable and entertaining atmosphere is essential to the process of learning. Students work best when they are in a comfortable setting as they can concentrate on their work and not have to worry about an overly strict teacher or some other form of discomfort. An entertaining class can do many positive things for the student such as contribute to a comfortable setting and allow the student to become
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Students often find difficulty giving his or her attention to the teacher as others are talking or being disruptive. This instance can be avoided if the teacher will assert his self or herself and quieten the disruptive students. For example, I was in a class and the teacher was relating our studies to various movies and as we were watching one of the movies three students were making immature comments and the teacher never once told them to be quiet. Thus, I became very distracted and annoyed leading to a lapse in my attention causing me not to retain important details from the movie. In contrast, I have found it much easier to retain information or focus on the assigned work in a controlled classroom such as Mrs. Flemings’. Leading a student to an answer or understanding of the given work is just as vital as creating a controlled
It is important for a teacher to challenge disruptive behaviour immediately and consistently. I feel by trying to make lessons enjoyable and providing work that helps students to achieve minimizes disruptive behaviour. The use of good communication by the teacher can also be a useful tool. This includes the use of the voice, phrasing, eye contact and body language. For example, using an assertive tone when making a request or physically positioning yourself near disruptive students.
The skills and attributes of an outstanding student support educator are those that are reflected by outstanding teachers. Because educating our children is a task that challenges professionals to vary instruction according to needs, those working in the field of education must possess a broad range of skills and attributes to be outstanding in their field. Character traits of outstanding educators include: respect for others, professionalism, flexibility, understanding, and passion combined with a love for learning.
We as humans are responsible for the categories that we make. In all reality, the titles mean only what we attribute to them. Being in the education field, I've seen the strain that teacher assistants (paraprofessionals) go through when they are working. They are often treated less than important, and certainly compensated less than their counterparts. Teacher assistants are looked at as not being certified, but many of them hold bachelors and some masters in other areas. Because of this status, they aren't even deem important enough to get a full time position, as most of them are part time. I was once in that situation when I initially started and I was treated at times incompetent or inferior. I use all of my previous experiences to formulate
When I first started creative writing, I knew only two things about the teacher: she had purple and gray hair and she was an ex-marine. She walked into class and looked appalled that we had the audacity to sit in five perfectly straight rows of five chairs. The first thing she made us do was put our desks in a circle. It was right then and there that I wondered what the heck I had gotten myself into.
When I work with teachers, I hear that planning activities for the Teacher station of station-rotation blended learning, is actually the easiest station to plan. This station provides opportunities to conduct the small group direct instruction that can be almost impossible to squeeze into whole-group instruction.
The aspects of withitness, momentum and smoothness, group alerting, overlapping, and challenge arousal are all important when trying to reduce classroom misbehavior. The teacher’s ability to know what’s going on in all parts of the classroom at all times is essential and makes the students pay attention because they never know if the teacher is watching them. The factor of momentum and smoothness is also important because the teacher needs to get lessons started promptly, smoothly, and provide transitions. Other factors such as keeping students alert, actively involve in their learning, and holding students responsible for their learning helps classroom management.
To be a great teacher, it means that you have to be close, and you have to be observing while listening to the child, so whenever you see a beautiful looking classroom, that’s the one which children are learning to succeed, you also can be sure that all the teachers are responsible and highly intentional. Everything that a good teacher is creating by looking at the environment, considering that the curriculum and teaching it to the children as individual people, and planning the learning experiences, and interacting with the children and their families, they are respectful, responsible and also thoughtful. And as they make decisions, big or small, they keep in mind that the outcomes that they seek will come in handy one day. In responding to the whole upcoming opportunities as in the teaching moments as the intentions of the teacher are guided in by the outcomes that the program is trying to have a clear sense of how the aspects of the program can relate to and to promote the desired goals that contributes to an intentional teachers’ effectiveness. The learning goals are usually determine at the given age of the child. Teachers must
The worst teacher I have ever had was my second-grade teacher, Mrs. Mark. There are several reasons why she was the worst teacher I have ever had. When I was younger I really struggled with school. I loved to go to school but I had a hard time grasping certain subjects. Unknown to me at the time I had a learning disability. I was later diagnosed with short-term memory problems, visual-motor integration and processing deficits (something to do with my neural pathways not connecting properly). I often would see words backward or the letters would get jumbled up but I did not realize this was my problem. Mrs. Mark just believed I was dumb. She really felt like I was a burden and I could not learn. She often would blow off the questions I have even if they valid. She even told my parents that she would just pass me, even though I was failing because there is no possible way I could understand any of these subjects. Even though this teacher gave up on me my parents did not.
Teachers are one of the major problems of the education system.They are crucial to the student 's performance and their learning process. The Department of Education has found that " teachers are the most important factor in determining student achievement."(U.S. Department of Education) This is true, since teachers are the ones that teach students the academics that they will need in the future. It 's the teacher 's responsibility to get their students ready with the material that they will need. Correspondingly teachers are clearly one of the greatest factors in the quality of education received by students.
Building positive relationship with and creating a smooth functioning classroom are foundation of teaching. Accomplishing these things involves skills in relating to, communicating with children, developing rules to guide children’s behavior anticipating and preventing problems utilizing effective techniques of managing the group and dealing with conflict. Dealing with conflict and problems is not always easy. As you struggle with classroom “control” you may wonder (or if) this is possible without resulting to negative and punitive techniques (Feeny Christensen Moravoki 1991).
For ancient time, teachers have played an important role in society. Behind every successful person, there is a teacher. Nowadays, both parents are too busy earning money because of the high living expenses, so the teacher is expected to build a strong moral character and provide emotional support for the students. To achieve this, by the definition of John Lembo who is the author of “Why Teachers Fail,” has four qualities: (1) “he can engage students in an open and trusting relationship by his capacity to listen and accept; (2) he is skilled in the use of different diagnostic, planning, facilitative and evaluative procedure and is knowledgeable about their limitations; (3)
The first characteristic of effective teachers is clarity. Clarity is the clear presentation and explanation of materials in a manner in which the students can grasp the concept easily. The second characteristic of effective teaching is enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the ability to capture and hold the students attention, which in turn aids learning. The third characteristic of effective teachers is warmth. Warmth is the teacher’s ability to project to the students a friendly, understanding, and caring attitude so as to create a positive learning relationship. (Hoy, 2013)
Empathy is the third quality. A teacher must have the ability to bond with the students, to understand and resonate with their feelings and emotions. He/she need to put his/herself in students’ situation to understand and solve students’ problem. A good teacher must know that the aggression, negative attitudes that he/she can see in some students have a root cause. He/she know that they are really scared young people who have come through some bed experiences in life. This will keep a teacher calm and have control. If a teacher can do this, he/she will gain more than love from his/her students.
Finally, she concluded her research by saying that “besides knowing what to teach, how to keep students engaged in the instructional process, a truly good teacher must be friendly, easy to get on with”. Considerably, she ended her study with a suggestion that “it is very necessary for further studies to correlate perceptions about good teachers with teacher behaviors in the classroom context, and with larger numbers of subjects of different language and educational background”.
For this assignment I was unable to ask the teachers at my normal school setting questions due to them being on vacation all this week. That being said I asked one of my favorite teachers who works at the high school I go to. This teacher's name is Claire Hickman, she is the art teacher at Bayshore High School. One of my questions asked how many years she has been in an inclusive learning environment and her answer was 13 years! That’s just 5 years short of my life time so I am sure I can learn a lot from her. I had also asked the overall composition of her classes she mentioned that each class had about 35 students ranging from grades 9 to 12. Of these 35 students 11 would be ESOL, 5 V.E. students, and 1 gifted student. I had even asked if she makes changes on her lesson plans depending on the type of student that are coming into her classroom she said yes. I asked her questions mainly pertaining to students who are ESOL and students who have disabilities. She is extremely open with her views and I knew she would make the perfect candidate to interview.