
Beta Blocker Heart Failure

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Beta-blockers have been recently reported to decrease mortality in heart failure patients. Mortality and hospitalization rates for patients with the disease are high and continue to rise. Despite the magnitude of the problem, treatment of congestive heart failure is often inadequate. Primary care physicians care for most patients with heart failure. Beta-blocker therapy is appropriate in patients with NYHA class II or class III symptoms resulting from left ventricular systolic dysfunction. Unless contraindicated, beta-blockers should be considered a mainstay of therapy in these patients to improve symptoms and mortality and to decrease hospitalizations. Beta-blockers should not be administered to patients with heart failure who have bradycardia, heart block or hemodynamic instability. …show more content…

Patients with severe asthma should not be given beta blockers, although those with milder symptoms may be able to tolerate these medications. Careful initiation and monitoring is

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