
Bethel Tabernacle Church Report

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Welcome to Bethel Tabernacle the church where we focus on Jesus and lives are changed all to the glory of God.
We seek to know God in the power of His might and witness His mighty hand moving in our midst. This is a place where the Holy Spirit dwells in anticipation of God’s response to His children’s faith.
We are a family-oriented church, many of the miracles we experience concern emotional and spiritual healing in families. It is our belief that the building blocks of a strong church are strong families. As a result, we seek to provide a spiritual support system for our families and we would love to be of help both to you and your family.
Marva and I deem it a joy to greet the Bethel Tabernacle Church family, the community and our friends in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. …show more content…

We are believing God to see the manifestation of all nine gifts of the Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit in and among the people of God.

Our Mission
The mission of Bethel Tabernacle is to sow "the Seed of Hope," Jesus Christ, in the hearts of many in Plumstead and beyond. Our mission involves creating a Church that can be a safe gathering place for people to come and experience the grace and forgiveness of God; a family of believers where they can find healing for the things that have hurt and wounded their souls; where they can "belong to believe"-that is, where they can be nurtured and discipled into faith in the one true God in the person of our Jesus Christ and when that is achieved we will Equip, Empower, and Educate them for Excellence.
Our the past year we have seen a mighty move of God in the church. 10 precious souls people were added to the church in water baptism and 3were filled with the Holy Ghost.

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