Welcome to Bethel Tabernacle the church where we focus on Jesus and lives are changed all to the glory of God.
We seek to know God in the power of His might and witness His mighty hand moving in our midst. This is a place where the Holy Spirit dwells in anticipation of God’s response to His children’s faith.
We are a family-oriented church, many of the miracles we experience concern emotional and spiritual healing in families. It is our belief that the building blocks of a strong church are strong families. As a result, we seek to provide a spiritual support system for our families and we would love to be of help both to you and your family.
Marva and I deem it a joy to greet the Bethel Tabernacle Church family, the community and our friends in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
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We are believing God to see the manifestation of all nine gifts of the Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit in and among the people of God.
Our Mission
The mission of Bethel Tabernacle is to sow "the Seed of Hope," Jesus Christ, in the hearts of many in Plumstead and beyond. Our mission involves creating a Church that can be a safe gathering place for people to come and experience the grace and forgiveness of God; a family of believers where they can find healing for the things that have hurt and wounded their souls; where they can "belong to believe"-that is, where they can be nurtured and discipled into faith in the one true God in the person of our Jesus Christ and when that is achieved we will Equip, Empower, and Educate them for Excellence.
Our the past year we have seen a mighty move of God in the church. 10 precious souls people were added to the church in water baptism and 3were filled with the Holy Ghost.
Bishop Seawright’s prophetic vision and outstanding leadership kept Union Bethel, founded in 1887, as a solid anchor in our community, now serving over 1,700 faithful congregants. This transformation included growing from five to acquiring over 55 acres of land, from two to over 75 employees, from a little chapel to a sanctuary that seats over 500 and to property that includes three houses, two apartments, a greenhouse and a pond. In 2014, Bishop Seawright and the Union Bethel AME Church Family paid off the mortgage of the $1.6 million sanctuary and 38 acres of land. To God be the
Recently the Lord led Lloyd & Pam to release the church they founded in 2001 in Charlotte, NC and pass the baton to their spiritual son & daughter as they both were launched
Victory Baptist Church in Walker, Louisiana is a young church that had become complacent. They experienced a lot of success in a short amount of time. They went from meeting on Fred’s back porch to renting a bigger space at a local school. Then they acquired the land on which they built their building in just four months. Over the course of four years they have paid of the land and are well ahead of their note for the building.
“We are a church transformed by grace, connected through relationships and committed to service” is their mission statement and as is everything down in Texas, they are big! They have a large campus with several buildings surrounding the main sanctuary and a visitors center that can be accessed with one of their many golf carts. I must say, as someone who works with youth, I was impressed as to their commitment to a separate building for kids, especially those in middle school and high school. At a time when autonomy is so important for a young person, (and budgets are limited), having their own space is quite impressive.
Galindo analyzes that the fundamental “mission” of a congregation is the same as any other congregation that exists in any part of the world. He argues that though every congregation has a mission and a vision, at the same time, it shares a basic common mission. (43) This reminds me of my home church The First Church of Evanston and my Field Site, The Evanston Vineyard Church. Both churches have a common mission of welcoming people to the church, irrespective of their ethnic, cultural, racial, and economic and, gender backgrounds. The mission is to help people be received in the house of God with due and deserved Christian love so that they feel loved and welcomed. Both these churches encourage church attendees to attend the service and receive the Eucharist.
Local churches around Blythe came together under Palo Verde College Performing Arts Center’s roof, to lift up holy hands, sing to the Lord a new song and worship as a interdenominational congregation.
The people there were very welcoming and kind. The shook every single person hand and greeted them genially when they walked in. As I sat down, there was a countdown till when it begins. There were seats all around and in the center they had a stage, where there were people preparing to sing. They began their ceremony exactly at 8:30 with singing 3 songs. When we sang, everyone stood up for respect. Followed by that, the pastor recited a prayer with everyone to make this week better than the last. He welcomed everyone, including the people who are new, and told them more about what they do at Kennedy Road Tabernacle Church. The priest then talked about the Provision of Vision from the bible. There was a sheet that was handed out so as you listen you fill in the blanks. ( I attached the sheet I completed) I thought this was very convenient because it makes you pay attention and have something to do other than sitting down. He was reading about the Provision of the Vision and relating it to financial difficulties and how God is always there for you. After, I talked to one priest to get a better background of Christianity. I related what he said to the reading of ‘Christianity’ we did earlier in September. When he spoke to me, he said that they believe in one god, but that includes the father, son, holy spirit, He said Jesus died for us on a cross for the sins of the
After arriving in Tennessee, my parents were very adamant about getting plugged into a church. I was raised in church but up until then, I went because I was told to. Usually I had to count ceiling lights or people in pews to keep from falling asleep during sermons. We attended countless services, but it wasn’t until one special Sunday that we found Sand Ridge Baptist Church. Unbeknownst to me, it would change my life.
Church, temple, sanctuary, or the Lords’s house, these are just a few names that your average person might call the place you come to worship God, I have always called it home. The Church I have been attending, Memorial Baptist Church, which is also where I attend high school, I have been attending since I was the age of three years old. Moving to the area that my family lives in now, I do not believe is any accident. At the age of two years old, my father was stationed in Tennessee for the military. After passing away from brain cancer, my Mother moved my two older sisters and me to Killeen Texas, to be closer to her family. Memorial Baptist Church was the only church we have ever been members of since moving to Texas, it has always felt like
The Church hosts a multitude of activities to promote interconnectivity in the community. Aside from Sunday sermons, the church also holds weekly Wednesday bible study groups, church hoedowns, and a monthly potluck breakfast for the church's most
The local church is ordained by God and provides a context in which believers corporately worship God, observe His ordinances, are instructed in the faith, and are equipped for the evangelization of the world. The Restored House Chapel serves God in the grace given to us "till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ" (Ephesians 4:13). The Restore House Chapel is a denomination of many nations striving to restore Holiness, Honesty, Order, Righteousness, Integrity, Discipline, and Lies back to God, through the Lord and savior Jesus Christ. The Restored House Chapel appreciates individuals taking the time to check them out. They hope and pray a visit to the website would not be in vain, but will yield fruitfulness and blessings unto the visitor. They would like to take this opportunity to invite individuals to join them on Sunday Service (1:30pm) for a vibrant and experiential: Praise & Worship; Prayer intercession; Authentic Word and Sincere
Community Church has been in existence for roughly 28 years and in that time, has grown very rapidly. While starting out with around 120 original members, Community Church now averages a weekend attendance of 3,000 over all the services and campuses in the Hampton Roads area. Community Church’s membership spans from infants to the retirees, with most of our members being young, growing families. There is something for everyone and a place to fit for all ages. Further, Community Church has 10 cores values such as: pray first, speak life, live fully alive, proclaim and become the Good News, and love God-love people, just to name the few. Our core values drive the mission and vision of our church and is the foundation of everything we
To articulate my theological view of scripture, I will address Scripture as broken yet beautiful, then express how I read and interpret sacred texts, given the need to understand the author’s intent, the historical context, and a Christocentric hermeneutic. This will be followed by the aim of reading scripture, which is not simply for orthodox doctrine, but for right living. Although Scripture is primary, it is not the only way God speaks to humanity, thus I will address the Spirit, tradition, creation, and experience as other sources of insight. Despite this integrated approach to scripture and theology, it is not foolproof or necessarily correct. Therefore, I will end this section with a discussion of knowledge and how we understand truth, grounded in the epistemological paradigm of practical
The distinct core values were created by a group of about 8 individuals, who were the original founders of Agape Worship Center International, established in 2006. The members consisted of persons ranging from 30-60 years of age. In 2002, Bishop Collins held church services from his home. In 2005 membership rocketed to 12 members, the growth encouraged the building process for what is now known as the church sitting on the hill, AWCI. The church’s history and present ministry were taken into consideration regarding the move to create a more effective ministry.
We place our hearts and spirits into his care, sovereignty, and judgment (Ps 31:5, 15; II Sam 24:14)