
Betrayal In The Kite Runner

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The film adaptation The Kite Runner does not diminish the story. This essay intends to talk about the comparison of betrayal between film and novel as well as the similarities. Betrayal plays an important factor in the Kite Runner as it unravels cultural, friendship and family connections and feuds. Amir betrays Hassan is a definitive similarity between film and novel. The event described in both formats highlights the brutal rape on Hassan without Amir revealing the truth about the tragedy. “It’s just a Hazara” All I want you weaklings to do is hold him down, can you manage that? The description in the novel outlines the sexual attack in the same way as the film without changing the meaning or outcome. Amir’s non assistance is eminent to the viewer and reader from this event …show more content…

In the book it refers to when Amir hides his watch under the mattress along with some money. The movie reveals that the watch was hidden under the pillow and does not mention the money. Regardless of these differences, they both display Amir’s intentions and actions which both result in betrayal and sabotage which is consistent throughout the film and novel. “I lifted Hassan’s mattress and planted my new watch and a handful of Afghani’s bills under it” Another event of betrayal is Baba not revealing that he is Hassan’s real father to Ali. The novel and film have slight differences on how the truth is revealed to Amir. The novel describes Rhaim Khan phoning Amir to tell him that Hassan is his half-brother. In the film, a phone call is made to Amir to tell him to see Rhaim Khan who gives him a letter about the truth. The film adds extra detail to add to the suspense as it’s a core moment in the story and was important to get the message across to the viewers. This dramatic extension does not in any way change the story or meaning. Betrayal was the message which was clearly described in

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