The film adaptation The Kite Runner does not diminish the story. This essay intends to talk about the comparison of betrayal between film and novel as well as the similarities. Betrayal plays an important factor in the Kite Runner as it unravels cultural, friendship and family connections and feuds. Amir betrays Hassan is a definitive similarity between film and novel. The event described in both formats highlights the brutal rape on Hassan without Amir revealing the truth about the tragedy. “It’s just a Hazara” All I want you weaklings to do is hold him down, can you manage that? The description in the novel outlines the sexual attack in the same way as the film without changing the meaning or outcome. Amir’s non assistance is eminent to the viewer and reader from this event …show more content…
In the book it refers to when Amir hides his watch under the mattress along with some money. The movie reveals that the watch was hidden under the pillow and does not mention the money. Regardless of these differences, they both display Amir’s intentions and actions which both result in betrayal and sabotage which is consistent throughout the film and novel. “I lifted Hassan’s mattress and planted my new watch and a handful of Afghani’s bills under it” Another event of betrayal is Baba not revealing that he is Hassan’s real father to Ali. The novel and film have slight differences on how the truth is revealed to Amir. The novel describes Rhaim Khan phoning Amir to tell him that Hassan is his half-brother. In the film, a phone call is made to Amir to tell him to see Rhaim Khan who gives him a letter about the truth. The film adds extra detail to add to the suspense as it’s a core moment in the story and was important to get the message across to the viewers. This dramatic extension does not in any way change the story or meaning. Betrayal was the message which was clearly described in
Amir who is both the protagonist and narrator in the story is a very intelligent,selfless, courageous. He is also the son of Baba who is a very well known businessman in Kabul. His greatest desire is to please his father. A very important quote that Amir writes is " That was a long time ago, but it's wrong what they say about the past,I've learned about how you can bury it. Because the past claws its way out. Looking back now, I realize that I have been peeking into that deserted alley for the last twenty six years." this quote reveals a major point in the story. As we continue to read we realize that the deserted alley was were Hassan was raped and he's been feeling guilty for twenty six
Sharon Kennedy, I agree with your response because Amir was obviously clueless when Baba told him that Hassan is part of the family. Also, Amir was unaware of the fact that Hassan was really his own family, his own brother at that time. Instead, he thought Baba meant family like relationship. If Baba had revealed the truth to Amir earlier in the book, then Amir might not actually blame Hassan for stealing his watch and the money. Also, Assef and the two Pashtun boys might not really assault Hassan in the alley; Assef only raped Hassan because he was a Hazara Servant. Khaled Hosseini uses these various word choices such as diction to set the tone of the story. You explained very well by clearly describing about the passage you chose. I liked
The author chooses to frame the novel with these scenes because I think that in the first chapter the readers can see that Amir is
When Amir learns this secret he feels betrayed and angry. This was kept from him in all his childhood and now he is only finding out as an adult.“How could you hide this from me from him”(pg235)(Hosseini). This quote proves betrayal because it shows how Rahim Khan kept a secret and a big part of Amir’s life from him. For Rahim Khan to keep this from Amir is wrong and he was keeping Amir’s right to knowing this secret about him. Amir learns this secret and furious yelling at Rahim Khan and throwing things and finally he storms out of Rahim Khan’s apartment.“I’m 38 years old and just found out my whole life one big lie”(pg235)(Hosseini). This quote proves betrayal because Amir has been lied to by having this secret kept from him for 38 years by Rahim Khan and Baba. To lie to someone for that long is wrong and Rahim Khan did was very wrong especially since he was a father figure to Amir and his closest friend as a child. This is another example of betrayal in the Kite
Firstly, this event displays irony as Baba hid this from him even though he saw lying as a sin, as stealing someone’s right to know the truth. This event furthermore shows irony as Amir never saw Hassan as a brother, barely as a friend. Amir’s thoughts mostly display this as he thinks to himself during Hassan’s rape, “he was just a Hazara, wasn’t he?” Amir treating Hassan as a Hazara and servant affects how their relation develops, as he takes advantage of him, whilst Hassan remains a loyal ‘friend’. Amir treating Hassan as nothing more than a Hazara reinforces the guilt he has, the guilt of treating his brother as a servant. Hassan's death puts further emphasis on his guilt because Amir can never live a brotherhood with Hassan. The knowledge of his hidden brotherhood, affects Amir’s decision to go find Sohrab, as he feels the need to rescue his nephew in order to revendicate himself for Hassan. It furthermore affects Amir and Sohrab’s relationship, as Amir starts to treat him in a fraternal manner, displaying his conversion into Hassan, therefore becoming more loyal and
Honesty and respect are among many qualities that deep relationships carry, especially loyalty. In Khaled Hosseini’s novel, The Kite Runner, he uses two young boys to convey his theme, “loyalty is not freely given, it is learned.” This theme is portrayed as Hosseini uses examples of devotion from his character, Hassan, to teach Amir what defines loyalty. While these two boys grow up together and form a friendship, a life-changing event splits them apart, only to take Amir twenty-six years to discover the truth of their past, their fathers, and their lives.
One of the main points of the story is when Baba, the father of the main character, dies. After he dies Baba’s close friend from Afghanistan calls and gets Amir to come to Pakistan to meet him, Rahim Khan ravelas that Amir and his best friend, Hassan, are brothers and now Amir must do what is right for Hassan after he is killed. Baba never wanted Amir to know that Hassan was his brother, so Hassan was his servant and friend. Baba wants to be successful and powerful and he couldn't do that if people knew that he had a second son from his servants wife. Deception drives this because without Baba lying to Amir, there would not have been any reason to go and save Sohrab, Hassan’s son and Amir’s nephew. Without Baba lieing a big chunk of the story would have not been created or would have been changed a lot. Another example of this is when Amir does nothing is help Hassan when he is being raped. He just watches and then runs away saying “In the end, I ran. I ran because I was a coward.” he betrays Hassan who has always been there for him helping and protecting him. The story without out deception would of been changed a ton.
Baba and Amir both go through lying to their loved ones, Amir and Hassan’s friendship gets put on a price and poor Amir spends most of his life trying to redeem his mistakes. “The Kite Runner” shows how each main character deals with betrayal, friendship and redemption in their own ways. Baba and Amir betrayed the ones who were always loyal to them from the start through thick and thin. “Baba and I were more alike than I’d ever known.
Baba, Amir’s father had always treated Hassan like a second son and did not forget when his birthday was. The jealousy was taking over Amir and leads him to commit an act of betrayal against his best friend. After Hassan leaves he knows what he has done was a sinful act. The war starts and everything is devastated.
The strength of the friendship between Amir and Hassan is portrayed well enough in the film adaption because the scenes in the film adaptation remain similar to the scenes in the book and the elements of the film help retain the mood of the scenes. An example of this would be after Amir won the kite flying tournament and Amir and Hassan celebrated and Hassan promised to catch the blue kite. “‘Hassan!’
This is a minor difference in the scene, but the result is the same. Amir betrays Hassan again, whereas Hassan is loyal till the end as he takes the blame for the theft. Even though Hassan admits to stealing the items, Baba forgives him as he considers Ali his brother. This is ironic as Baba tells Amir that theft is the worst sin. A thought that Amir has in the novel is, “Forgive?
Betrayal is a selfish action where one puts themselves before others which can result in painful difficulties amongst individuals. Most individuals choose their actions based on the situation and what the best possible outcome is for themselves. These selfish decisions of betrayal can cause lasting negative effects, damaging relationships and trust. Throughout the book, The Kite Runner, author Khaled Hosseini portrays the theme of betrayal in various ways through the actions of Amir, Baba, and Assef.
The film adaption of The Kite Runner does diminish the complexity of the story. In this essay the following arguments will prove this statement correct: Hassan’s presence is more absent in the film than in the novel, the absence of detail of the rape scene in the film compared to the novel and the lack of development for the character Sohrab in the film The Kite Runner. Hassan is less present in the film than the novel. Although he does leave when Amir frames him for stealing his watch and money, he plays a major role throughout the novel as he influences Amir’s way of thinking and actions. For example, in the novel when they are in the tank Amir is scared and Baba tells him to “think of something good, something happy – page 113” and all he can think about is the amazing time he had flying kites with Hassan.
The author chooses to frame the novel with these scenes because I think that in the first chapter the readers can see that Amir
While Amir is lying in the dark, with nothing but his own thoughts, he feels that his guilt is taking over his life. He realizes that he is going to get away with his betrayal and yet he feels terrible. He decides that the only way he is going to live with his remorse is to ignore Hassan, blot him out, so he does not have to think about his sin. Amir’s guilt is so great that he cannot bear to have Hassan under the same roof, so he commits another sin. He lies to his father and accuses Hassan of stealing. “…I took a couple of the envelopes of cash from the pile of gifts and my watch, and tiptoed out…I lifted Hassan’s mattress and planted my new watch and a handful of Afghani bills under it…I knocked on Baba’s door and told what I hoped would be the last in a long