Which one is better: real or artificial Christmas trees? My personal opinion is real trees, because they are good looking and the scent they give off. When you are done you can just cut it up and burn it. The real trees just look better to me for some reason. The pines are really nice to look at. It really brings a room together. I like the big trees; the bigger the tree the better in my opinion. When you put up a real tree, most people like it better than a fake one. I love the smell of freshly cut pine trees. The pine gives off a nice smell by itself and to me it smells good. The sap has a very nice smell as well as the tree. The smell of pine makes me want to come out and have fun with people. It is a good way to help our economy too,
The theme of this song is to enjoy Christmas fun in a old fashioned way (1960’s) Rock and Roll.This song was written by Johnny Mark and it was recorded by Brenda Lee.This song used three poetic devices such as repetition, Imagery, and Rhyming. In the three paragraph there are gonna be evidence about the song that are in the poetic devices on each paragraph. The evidence is gonna explain you what is the about what did the author felt this way about writing this song.
During World War one, the United States Navy Recruiting Bureau, and the United States Treasury Department each commissioned posters featuring women who encouraged citizens to participate in the war effort. The two posters, despite being intended for the same purpose, depict women in particularly contrasting light. Analysis of the contrasting war posters can help illustrate society’s perspective about women during the early 1900’s, their expected roles pertaining to the war effort, the strategies used to engage citizens and encourage them to become involved, and the use of imagery and symbolism that were used to achieve the posters’ objective.
Aesthetics: It is important to a lot of people that their home, inside and out, be aesthetically pleasing, not just to them, but to anyone who visits their home and those passing by. After you have had a tree cut
Planting trees in metropolitan areas offer several benefits. The greenery adds beauty to the area as the plants absorb carbon dioxide, toxins and odors. The air is cleaner and pollution is less. Plants also release oxygen that humans need for breathing. The oxygen reduces the greenhouse effect that contributes to global warming. Trees also
Pine trees have two subgenus, one is the Strobus and the other one is the Pinus. (Earle, Christopher J. "Pinus (pine) Description - The Gymnosperm Database) There are about 114 species of Aspen out there. (Earle, Christopher J. "Pinus (pine) Description - The Gymnosperm Database) The main four types of Pine trees are scotch pine, ponderosa pine, bristlecone pine and black pine. (Lovetoknow Corp. "Pine Trees.") Pine trees are usually taller than 250 feet and have a lot of spiky leaves. (Lovetoknow Corp. "Pine Trees.") These leaves have a long vine then small spiky thin pieces of leaves branch out of the vines. (Lovetoknow Corp. "Pine Trees.") Pine trees barks are a mixture of green and brown and are quite smooth besides the little bumps. (Lovetoknow Corp. "Pine Trees.") Pine trees also have small pine cones which grow on the tree. (Lovetoknow Corp. "Pine Trees.") They are usually brown and face downwards with spikes facing downwards. (Lovetoknow Corp. "Pine Trees.") Pine trees are usually very popular in christmas, because they are easy to plant and not as hard to nurture as other plants. (Lovetoknow Corp. "Pine Trees.") For example the Aspen trees which are very hard to keep alive. Most Pine trees can last from 100 years all the way up to 1000 years, if they are not chopped down for paper by that time that is. (Lovetoknow Corp. "Pine Trees.") Even though these trees last for quite a long time they still have diseases. Some examples are, the canker disease, needle cast, white pine blister rust, root rot and beetle infestation. (Lovetoknow Corp. "Pine Trees.") Most of these disease makes the trees crack in half. (Lovetoknow Corp. "Pine Trees.") To prevent this sort of thing, you should not over fertilize the pine tree and don't constantly water the plant. (Lovetoknow Corp. "Pine Trees.") Aspen trees and Pine trees both grow small cones, which grow on the tree after it matures or while it
The article, “Are Real or Artificial Christmas Trees Better for the Environment?” by Jessica Roy explains which tree is better for the environment. Throughout the article, Jessica Roy gives many pros and cons of which tree is better for the environment. Though the author does not give you an official answer to which tree is better, I have come to the conclusion that the artificial tree is better for yourself, and that the real tree is better for the environment.
While a strict interpretation of the Constitution could find that Christmas Trees in the workplace are inappropriate, there is a dependent factor based on convergence, tradition, and community values.
It is better for the environment. We don't have to waste as many trees as we do for paper. The production of paper would stop and we wouldn't need to kill trees. It also doesn’t put smoke in the air.
Most don’t agree with my idea of it being a good scent, complaining of how the fog nips at your skin or how dew sticks to you on a hot day.
It's a familiar sight in December: twinkling lights, silvery tinsel, round shiny bulbs, a gold star, and presents, all on or under a fir or pine tree. Some people have a tradition of dusting off a box and bringing out a tree to assemble. Other families enjoy the annual outing to find the perfect real Christmas tree. But which is better" a real Christmas tree or an artificial one?
Oh, you don't know too much about trees, do you? Well let me tell you that trees are amazing, and I mean, we literally breathe the air they are creating, and they clean up our pollution, our carbon, store and purify water, give us medicine that cures ours diseases and food that feeds us.
This indisputable fact does come with a caveat. In order for trees to add value, they must be healthy, mature but not old, and native to the area. This means that homeowners who are looking to sell their home in 10 - 20 years time, may want to plant some trees so that they can get more on their return.
As we know Agriculture Revolution started approximately ten thousand years ago. Ten thousand years ago humans did not have fancy cars, TV, laptops, nice clothing, or any other expensive material things for that matter. The first and only priority known to men and women was food (Giroud,1995). Before the first crops grown by man to produce wheat that started the farming innovations, there were hunter/gather roles for collecting food. The roles of a hunter was taken by the males (Miller,1985), and the role of gathers was taken by the females who also stayed at home to take care of the children’s. I believe the strength of men to hunt was the real reason that men held more power than women through time. After the power was gone to the men, it was hard for women to get it back, which is where the power struggle began for women. Even after things got easier to produce food, which could have been taken care off by a women to take back to power from males, but by then it was too late (Giroud,1995). The effects of back in the day are still passed down to this day. Men did undermined women; it was believed that women technically couldn’t do the same jobs as men because they are simply not capable of it. Some can say that it was a situation that took place a long time ago, but many still believe that some men still think men and women are not equal in today’s modern society. Believe it or not, hunters for males and gathers for females shaped what sex has the power in our society
The more students that learn about these issues the more chance they will think everyday before they throw away paper or other recyclable materials.Planting trees has multiple benefits such as creating an ecosystem to provide habitat and food for birds and other animals. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and potentially harmful gasses, such as sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, from the air and release oxygen. One large tree can supply a day's supply of oxygen for four people.(Evans) All together this will make the community a more beautiful and create a healthier environment.
The violence I see most is cased by a difference in beliefs. For example, hunters and non-hunters. One of the first things a hunter is taught, is the importance of being respectful, not just to the animals and their habitat but to the people who don’t share the same beliefs. Many people don’t believe in hunting, they think it’s cruel and unethical. However, there are just as many people who do believe in it. Violence can, and has, been caused by the difference in beliefs between hunters and non-hunters. I have read about it, seen it on television, and even once saw an argument about it at school.