
Beverly Mcphail: Article Analysis

Decent Essays

In the article, Beverly McPhail from the Houston Chronicle touches on the very sensitive topic of abortion. From the very beginning, she states that former governor Rick Perry is trying to place the regulation of abortion as priority while keeping thousands of rape kits DNA left untouched. With the lack of testing and analysis of the thousands of test results, it makes a person wonder what exactly the priority is when a rape is committed. If finding the culprit was so important than I would assume that the rape kits would have been analyzed soon after the crime was committed to ensure a sense of closure for the women involved.
According to McPhail, the bill that Perry supports requires that women physically see proof of the baby in their belly before the commit to getting an abortion. I agree with this, somewhat, as there are different circumstances for a baby to …show more content…

Sometimes it is due to religious beliefs and other times it is more personal. Some individuals believe that abortion is considered murder because it involves the killing of a living being. Others believe that abortion is not murder as the baby is assumed to not be developed enough to have working organs to be classified as alive. This is one reason why there are contrasting views on abortion. Another reason group of people that oppose abortion area number of men who feel that they have a right to control women’s bodies and tell them what they should do. I do not agree with this at all, not only because I myself as a woman. I feel that, to an extent, the person in charge of the body should decide what they wish to do with their selves. Women should be able to choose what to do with their bodies and men should be allowed to do what they want with their bodies. Of course, it is not all men that agree they should take control of their women and instead there are a lot of men who actually agree with women when it comes down to abortion

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