
Bhagavad Gita The Holy Book Of Hindus

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Bhagavad gita the holy book of hindus, is one of the major literature work from India to the entire mankind. Gita can be read by the people of all religions. It was narrated by Lord Krishna to prince Arjuna in Mahabharatha. The narration happens in the battlefield of kurukshethra. Arjuna was to fight against his cousins kauravas in the war, which he was not able to do because of family bonding, this is when Krishna explains him the purpose of life and the way to attain eternity. In bhagavad gita Krishna explains how the entire cycle of life works and what a person should do to attain eternity. Though the gita was narrated 5000 years ago, it is still relevant to the modern age life of mankind and guides us to eternity, this is explained in this thesis statement. Gita on Family bonding:
In the first chapter of gita when Arjuna hesitates to fight against his cousins, Krishna explains him about the family bonding. He says that only when a person comes out of the family bonding and does his duty properly he will be able to attain eternity. He explains the aim of Arjuna’s birth. Arjuna was born to fight this battle and destroy the evil. He has to see the evil in the kauravas, instead of seeing them as his cousin brothers. Only then he can fight the evil and destroy it. Krishna clearly explains why family bonding should not be a hurdle in doing ones’ duties. This is true in this current age of mankind also. Though we don’t have situations to fight war against our family members,

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