Late Entry On 8/12/2016, CM met with the client to complete Bi-Weekly ILP Review. In the meeting CM observed that the client was wearing the same clothes from last session. She was hostile in the meeting. Client was wearing a yellow skirt and black blouse. Client was wearing summer hat, reading glasses and a mask covering her nose and mouth. CM also observed client had foul body odors. During the interview session client continues to be loquacious complaining that “People are out to get client and how residents are using Marijuana on her foot. Client continues to reports some of the residents here at the shelter are part of the “Russian Mafia” and when they used Marijuana on both leg it triggered the open wound ulcer and it cause it to discharge foul odor. SOCIAL UPDATE: Today client was hostile because residents will not approach her or have the client join the conversation due foul odor from the open wound ulcer. CM mention to the client why Wyckoff Hospital decided to have the client come to the Open Wound Clinic 1x a week instead of 2x a week. Client with a hostile tone of voice stated because she doesn’t need it. She continues to report as soon as the doctor fix her leg, Russian Mafia will come and destroyed it. Client also requested for CM to contact the Persecutor, Channel 7 and National Security that have all …show more content…
Client was scheduled for a Mental Health Assessment at Woodhull Hospital on 8/9/2016. Client reported she didn’t go because she doesn’t need. Client continues to report if the Mental Health Counselor at Woodhull Hospital need to contact her and tell her why she need to be seeing and to show documents. CM explain to the client since she saw the onsite psychiatrist doctor, that the doctor referred her for mental health counseling. Client agreed and another appointment is scheduled for
He reports the patient’s roommate was subsequently evicted from his home after the landlord inquired about the ambulance visiting. He reports he contacted her father concerning the patient residing within the family home, but the father has said no. In addition, he reports he has attempted to contact her uncle but has been unable to make contact with him. He reports he has attempted to make contact with her said friend who is considering allowing her the opportunity to reside with her but she has not answered her phone and he has been unable to leave a voice message. He reports no one wants her in their home, and the patient has “burned her bridges” with family members. He reports her family would benefit from counseling. In addition, he reports her family has high expectations of CPS. He reports her current case was not going to close within 12 days of 06/30/2017. In addition, the case will not
appeared her stated age and appeared in good health. She was in no acute distress. She was alert, satisfactorily groomed, and casually dressed. She was cooperative and appropriate in the meeting. She had normal motor activity, with no unusual gestures or mannerisms. She made eye contact appropriately. her affect was appropriate. Client ambulates with a cane. She was oriented to person, place, time and situation. She denied suicidal or homicidal ideation.
On 7/11/2015, CM did a visual and had client come to the social service office. CM completed Bi-Weekly ILP Review. In the meeting client appears to be wear out, and tired. She was constantly throbbing her forehead, like if she was having headache. CM inquires what the problem is. Client replies “she doesn’t like the shelter food and sometimes she doesn’t eat” CM advised the client to eat and nourished her body. CM also observed that client is depressed but she continues to refuse medical referral to see a psychiatrist and medical doctor. Client continues to mention her son who is in foster care, and the physical altercation she sustained many months ago here at this shelter. CM mentioned to the client she was a transferred from another shelter due to physical altercation, CM continues to relate to the client she
SOCIAL SUPPORT UPDATE: Client reported she wasn’t feeling well. She has bronchitis and takes prescribed medication. CM inquires if the client got in touch with her children and sister. Client replies “her children live in Florida and she doesn’t know the whereabouts of her sister. She also reported no community support.
On 9/15/2016, CM met with the client for Bi-Weekly ILP Review. Client was dressed appropriately for the weather. She was well groomed. As usual client in the meeting was loquacious, and loud. Client continues to be hostile towards this worker. Client continues to repeat to this worker as quote: "I am not mad with you, and this has nothing to do with you. It's all about DHS and your supervisor." Client was hostile due to an Authorization of Release Form client signed for staff to contact her therapist Dr. Iris Yankelevich for a copy of the client psychosocial and psychiatrist evaluations. Client continues to report that she didn’t signed the Authorization of Release Form because the form stated that the form is for HRA 2010e and she doesn’t know how many time she need to repeat herself that she doesn’t meet the ‘CRITERAI FOR SRO”. CM tries to explain to the client that staff is requesting a copy of her psychosocial and psychiatrist evaluation, but then client continue to talk over CM and threat to contact the Coalition and DHS. Client continues to set in her way and refuses to work with staff to meet her unmet needs. CM observed that the client walk with a book bags and a small shopping cart. Client reported she walk with all her documents and letters from Adult Protective Services & Social Security Administration stating that she is capable of living independently.
On 7/11/2015, CM met with the client for Bi-Weekly ILP Review. Client arrived early for the meeting. In the meeting client appears to be well groomed with good hygiene and dressed appropriately for her age. She was calm, cooperative and well related. She discussed typical issues re: her political and activism work and automobile accident disbursement. She continues to relate her paralegal was in the neighborhood and she wanted this worker to meet her. Unfortunately, there was no parking and she left. She also mentioned the paralegal brought her documents that she need to filed with the state and the federal for her automobile entitlement.
On 8/7/2015, CM met with the client and completed Bi-Weekly ILP Review. Client arrived early for the meeting; she was alert, satisfactorily groomed, and casually dressed. In the meeting she was cooperative and friendly. CM inquires how client is doing since the last Bi-Weekly ILP Review. Client reported she is exhausted from running around obtaining relevant documents to be submitted to Lemle & Wolfe, Inc. by 8/3/2015. She continues to reports she has Straight Medicaid and she is searching for a Managed Cared that cover oxygen tanks.
CM inquires how the client is doing medically. Client appears to have an attitude when she replies” nothing changes, everything is the same.” She was a little hostile in providing update information.
I-CM informed the client that he had contacted and left a message with LA Family Housing the week prior, but no one answered due to the Thanksgiving holiday. CM contacted LA Family Housing again with the client present, but on one answered and a voice message was left. CM continued to assess client’s mental health and medication compliance. CM inquired what outside activities the client has been engaging in. CM inquired about client’s plans for Thanksgiving.
CM was out on vacation for the period of 11/25/2016 to 12/12/2016. Client was scheduled to meet with CM on 12/13/2016, to complete Bi-Weekly ILP Review. Client was no show. CM inquire the reason client was no show. Client replies “she wasn’t feeling well and she went to LIJ Emergency Room. On 12/15/2016, CM met with the client to complete Bi-Weekly ILP Review. Client was dressed with proper attire for the weather. She was well-mannered and groomed. In the meeting client appears to be cooperative
On 8/8/2016, CM met with the client to complete Bi-Weekly ILP Review. Client appears to be alert, cooperative and friendly. She was dressed appropriately for the weather. CM inquires how the client has being doing since the last Bi-Weekly ILP Review. Client replies “ok”. CM inquires if the client is more active in participating in onsite recreation activities. Client replies; she is able to participate in some and not all due her psoriatic arthritis.
CM was out for the period of 1/9/2017 to 1/6/2017. On 1/20/2016, CM met with the client to complete Bi-Weekly ILP Review. Client was dressed in proper attire for the weather. In the meeting client appears to be exhausted, weary and tire. CM inquire the reason client appear to be tired. Client replies” she is not feeling well, her diabetic and high glucose blood pressure is either low or high. CM inquires if the client met with the onsite medical staff. Client replies “no’. She has an appointment with the PCP.
In the meeting client complain about resident D. James /K-4 immaturity and how that resident will complain about everything client do. CM advises the client not to confront resident K-4 and to report whatever confrontation to staff.
Client arrived early for the meeting. She was dressed appropriately for the weather. She appears her stage age. In the meeting client displays signs of narcissism. She often dictates to staff what she will do as opposed to working with staff. She has a huge problem opening up to people. She often speak about children, Churches and some neighborhood in Brooklyn in a condescending tone of voice. CM also bring to the client attention an Infraction Report for non-complain. CM also went over the Code of Conduct had the client signed it, and provided client with a copy. Client wasn’t to happy as she quote “whatever”.
Client continues to report she actively participating in Court mandated Individual Mental Health session at Woodhull Hospital and next upcoming appointments are as follows Dr. Faisal Chaudhry, MD for 6/28/2017.