
Biblical Perspectives: The Book Of Philemon

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Biblical Perspectives: The Book of Philemon There are many different perspectives people can have about the Book of Philemon. For that reason, it is important to try to have some understanding of such and important letter. The letter of Paul to Philemon was written so long ago, but it can still be relatable today. The apostle Paul lived his life to serve God and he saw the good in others, even in a man who was a slave and prisoner. Paul’s intentions and brave request for Onesimus went against the norms of their society. Therefore, people in the Christian community use his letter as an example of the way we should be treating each other. The book of Philemon is about forgiveness and seeing one another equally as God intended. Literary …show more content…

Melick makes a good point when he states, the letter was a personal letter from a friend to a friend, scholars have treated this way, and it was a problem that did not need the church intervention (1991, pg. 6). This is notable as he gives Philemon praise as he makes him out to be a man of God just like him (v. 6). This type of letter could be interpreted to be Paul’s intent to persuade Philemon to accept his request. Paul writes, “For this reason, though I am bold enough in Christ to command you to do your duty, yet I would rather appeal to you on the basis of love..” (v. 8-9). This persuasive manner is just reinforcing the reasons why he feels Onesimus would be more useful as a servant of God and not a slave. In the end, as he is closing the letter he writes he is confident in Philemon’s obedience and to prepare a guest room for him (v. 21-22). He is still using God and his brotherhood to move him into seeing Paul as a friend who is requesting a …show more content…

People have mad the mistake to judge and categorize everyone depending on their social status. This occurs today as it occurred back then. The Letter of Paul to Philemon is a great example of someone living by God’s grace. Paul was very brave to come forward and speak for a runaway slave. He spoke highly of him because he judged his work ethic and not the label his society had put on him. Paul asked for Philemon’s forgiveness because it was the respectable thing to do. However, it was clear that he felt Philemon would agree based on his own devotion to God. I feel that Paul was smart to use his status and to praise Philemon into remembering the importance of forgiveness and brotherhood. I think the letter is still relevant today because we are still putting labels on each other. People should use Paul’s letter to reflect on the importance this letter was in their society and how important it is today. God would want us to treat each other with love and respect because we are all equal in his

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