
Biblical Worldview Research Paper

Decent Essays

Sydney Whitson



What I Believe-Anthropology

What is sin? The bible refers to sin as breaking the law of God.(1 John 3:4) The bible also refers to sin as rebellion against God. (Joshua 1:18) Sin began when Satan was still an angel of God and was not satisfied with his placement. He aspired to be more powerful than God, and this was Satan’s first sin. (Isaiah 14:12-15) When Satan came to earth and tempted Adam and Eve (Genesis 3), he bought sin along with him for everyone else in the world too. Since then, sin as be brought down from generations. And because everyone is descendants of Adam, we all inherit the habits of sin. (Romans 5:12) I believe that because we were all born into sin, that everyone will …show more content…

(John 4:16) What is love? The bible says that God is love and that anyone who doesn’t know God, doesn’t know what love is. (1 John 4:8) I believe that the word love has been changed throughout the years and people think that is means the feeling you have towards another person when you fall in love with them. The bible’s meaning of love is a characteristic of God that He gave to us. I believe that love is how we rebel against God every single day, but God still cared for us so much that he sent to die on a cross so that we would be able to be reunited with him. (1 John 1:4) (John 3:16) What does it mean to be made in the image of God? I believe that being made in the image of God is referring to how we share some personality traits with God. In the beginning, before sin had corrupted the world, we were all good. (Genesis 2:7) Though sin has made it more difficult, we are still made in the image …show more content…

Anybody can be forgiven. (John 3:16) Why does God allow man to sin? God allows us to make a mistake and sin because if He didn’t then we would not have free will. He does not allow us to sin, we decide to do it on our own. He does not want little robots that love Him just because they have to, He wants us to choose Him because we know we need and love Him. I also believe that when the bibles God makes everything work in good for those who love him (Romans 8:28) and sometimes that involves hard trials that could of happened because of sin. (Romans 3:11) (2 Tim 3:2) What does it mean when the bible says man becomes a new creation after he is saved? I believe that when a man is saved by Jesus Christ, that they become a completely different person. (2 Corinthians 5:17) The man begins to make better actions just due to wanting to please God. Everything in their old nature has gone away. We dont desire to want to do these bad habits anymore because of the Holy Spirit living inside of us. (Colossians 3:9) We become a new person that is more like God. (Ephesians 4:24) Why does God allow us to go through trials and tribulations? I believe that christians go through trials and

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