
Bibliography Of The Movie 'Fido'

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The Annotated Bibliography
Fido. (2006). Canada. Fido is a comedy and a horror movie at the same time. It was produced in 2006, and it depicts the zombies are portrayed as some old school living dead who shamble their feet in an uncertain gait. Their movement is slow, and they seem to be lost in between death and life. Their hunger for human flesh is enormous but in this town; the zombies are servants to the people. The director presents them as subjects to the humans. They are seen making newspaper delivery and cutting grass. Fido I a representation of how humans can take advantage of the zombies by utilizing them for cheap labor. They are even a source of security, and they guard the streets. Later, an epidemic explodes and …show more content…

(2003). Message Beneath The Horror. Retrieved 12 October 2015, from This article explains that horror movies have a message behind them. The movies illustrate the current state of social rage. Drezner argues that people are constantly wanting bigger, better and faster services. We turn against each other when we experience disappointment in the traffic, airports, and hospital waiting rooms. The author puts emphasis on the zombies being the modern infantile method to cede control. Also, the same zombie worlds are characterized by love and heroism …show more content…

(2014). Bulgaria. A new movie filmed in Bulgaria where a group of youngsters make a trip to the West Virginia Halloween of Mountain man Festival. Here they face a society of cannibals seeking to release their cousin from prison. Danny has a mysterious inheritance, and they travel to Hobb Springs together with his friends. The inheritance is a haunted and forgotten hotel in the hills of West Virginia. Jackson and Sally are the sole caretakers of Hobb Springs, and they are deeply absorbed into incest and cannibalism. The inheritance includes an entire family of zombie cannibals, and Danny decides to join the cannibals and lets all his friends to be killed ruthlessly and eaten. He joins the creepy Hilliker killers. The caretakers ensure the resort's menu is human flesh. People on holiday in that resort are all killed and advertised as lost people. Danny being suicidal and depression does not justify his indignation. Danny now has to deal with the cannibals who might even eat him

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