
Bide The Witches Oath Of Thee Analysis

Decent Essays

Bide the Witches Oath of thee, In perfect love and perfect trust they be. Known of walking the days and nights, Circle in and circle out our right. Cast thusly Circle held, For bonded spirit will it weld. To bend or bind the will of place, And demon spoken to its face. Marking set in book or tome, For all is given when thee roam. Backwards set the moon of dark, In knowing dreams will it spark. To face the morning sun or moon, Gather up the gypsies rune. The witches of fashioned new, Triangle of three will you do. If the memory is what thou seeks, Candle lit light will finds its peak. Heed the Goddess and her note, Or the self you find remote. From the four you know so well, Walls break free, secrets tell. Sent from North

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