When I took the Big Five personality test, I found it difficult to answer some questions because my answers depend a lot on different situations. I found myself to be both of a certain characteristic at times, but I tried my best to figure out which one I leaned more towards. In terms of open-mindedness, I had a percentile of 64, so I was on the higher end of the spectrum. The test claimed that I am relatively open to new experiences, and I definitely agree with that. In terms of ideas and opinions, I am a very open person. For example, during discussions and debates, I take the time to understand and respect the other person’s opinions. As an artist, I am not as experimental with my drawings as I would like to be because I am sometimes afraid of making them ugly, so I tend to stick to methods I am used to. This also applies to when …show more content…
I can already say that this measurement is the most inaccurate so far. The test claims that low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, and callous, which I do not really agree with. The only time I am rude is when I am arguing with my family members, who I am completely comfortable with in terms of expressing my negative emotions, and sometimes I will let my anger get in the way, making me sometimes rude. I am a very emotional and moody person, so I can see why the test would score me that way. However, because I am very in touch with my emotions, it also means that I can be very compassionate, caring, and sympathetic towards others. The test claims that I can get easily irritated with others, which is true, but I tend to keep my negative emotions to myself, or rant to my friends about it. If I am certain that what someone did was wrong, I would make sure to express my disapproval, but not in a way that would anger them. I feel that because I am an emotional person, I can possess traits from both ends of the agreeableness
The purpose of the Five Factor Personality Test is to reveal what my personality is like through the feedback at the end, given in 5 small paragraphs, breaking down what each factor means. This also reveals how my interaction with people is like and how I am emotionally and mentally. The test will give me an idea how I am actually like and comparing my scores with other people to see how different everyone is to each other.
PLEASE REMEMBER – when taking personality tests, or any psychological tests, you typically need to respond based on your PREFERRED way of being, not necessarily how situations in the past have required / compelled you to be.
The Big Five personality test was created in the 1970 's by two independent research teams. One team with Paul Costa and Robert McCrae, and the other with Warren and Lewis Goldberg. The two teams had different methods that they tested but in the end they both ended up with the same results. The results were that no matter what culture, race, or language people have their personality fits into five dimensions of personality. The five dimensions were created after reviewing lots of surveys and data analysis called factor analysis. Now, just forty years later the Big Five is one of the most commonly accepted personality models.
I scored 2.18 in the hostile sexism category and 3.09 in the benevolent category (average scores) indicating that I have low levels of hostile sexism and I don’t hold negative stereotypes about career women and I don’t tolerate issues surrounding domestic violence, sexual harassment etc. My low levels of benevolent sexism indicate that I would not blame a woman who’s rapped because she dressed too revealing. My race test suggests little to no automatic preference between European American and African American. I fell in the 12% category with other test takers. I love all people despite ethnicity. Diversity is what makes the world a beautiful place. My gender test suggests a moderate association of male with career and female with family compared to female with career and male with family. I fell in the 15% category with other test takers. I know my upbringing was a factor in my gender test results as my father was the head and provider of our house and my mother was the homemaker. I want to believe that my historical, individual and social structure were the determining factors of my test
the five personality factor theory, as well as the theories on which it is based.
After taking the Big Five Personality Assessment, I was able to decode certain aspects of my personality and analyze whether different strengths and weaknesses. One strength I found was me openness to experience. Being open to others and their ideas has broadened my horizons. I have found that I have so much to learn from others. Whether their ideas are positive or negative, they provide feedback which overall has increased my communication skills. This is a recent strength for me. With prior companies, change was delivered as bad news, we were not taught to work with our peers but rather compete. With my new company I am experiencing the opposite side of the spectrum. I am encouraged to communicate with anyone needed, regardless of
The tests related with personality intrigue people because human personality is a very curious topic for people. Everyone wants to know about their personality and the internet has become the easiest method to access any personality test that claims to solve your queries about your own. People take interest into these tests and end up being fooled by some vague claims made by a machine that has all remarks and conclusions fitted in it. I was no exception to it when I decided to take a personality test and get included in the list of those people who got duped by such tests.
My agreeableness score was 78 and I’ll break it down specifically in a minute. One point I absolutely disagree with in this IPIP-NEO report states that “agreeableness is not useful in situations that require tough or absolute objective decisions.” (IPIP-NEO) I am the policy and procedures manager for our department and these policies and procedures are cut and dry, follow them or risk government penalties. These policies and procedures have to be enforced to the letter of our manual to ensure the safety of everyone involved both the customer and employee. My highest scores within this dimension were morality (97) and modesty (81). I am very candid and frank with everyone I deal with, whether it’s my direct reports, my boss, or the VP of our department. The lowest score within this dimension was sympathy (31). If this score is just relating to the work environment, then I agree with this score, people who get into trouble or don’t complete their work, bring this upon themselves; if not, I vehemently disagree with it. I am a very compassionate person in my personal life. An example in this area would be that of a direct report. In a sense he was given the choice to resign or face termination. I gave him the tools and direction to succeed, basically a results-oriented work
DeFruyt, F., Feys, M. & Wille, B., (2013). Big five traits and intrinsic success in the new
The Myers and Briggs Analysis is a series of questions that when answered are examined and grouped together in order to determine the personalities of those taking this test. This particular test can result in sixteen different outcomes or types of personalities, which is determined by four different categories that judge if you are introverted or extroverted, use your senses or your intuition, your choice to think or use your feelings, and finally if you are judgmental or perceptive. These series of questions are designed to judge our personalities and help us to determine which career pathways we will be most suited for based on our personality traits and abilities to work well with others, which is important
To understand personality there are three main aspects that must be looked at: LArsen and Buss Definition of personality, The Six Domains of knowledge of personality, and Costa and McCrae's Five Factor Theory. In this essay I will first break down larsen and Buss definition and connect it to the domains, then connect the domains to the five factor thoery (FFT).
a. According self tests using the Five Factor Model, my personality has low extraversion and emotional stability, a high degree of openness, and moderate levels of agreeableness and conscientiousness. Low extraversion is demonstrated in both professional and social envionments. While working a corporate job as a financial analyst, taking the time and initiative to interact with coworkers beyond the scope of the job was limited to a brief conversation once a day with the same two people. In large social gatherings, interactions are limited to familiar people with whom I have pre-existing friendships. If I attend a concert by myself, I will bring a book to read in between musical acts to prevent people from speaking to me. Low emotional
After taking the Big Five personality test, also known as the OCEAN model of personality, I found the results slightly surprising to me. The first measure they addressed was openness to experience/intellect, and I scored fairly low at the 20th percentile, meaning I prefer more traditional experiences and familiar experiences. The second one, which was conscientiousness, I scored higher on in the 74th percentile, meaning that I am well organized, self-disciplined, and reliable. The third measure of personality is extraversion, and I scored in the 96th percentile which extremely high. This suggests that I am extremely outgoing, social, and
For the second Big 5 Trait-Agreeableness- I scored relatively above average. The test indicated a strong interest for others’ needs and well-being. Words it described me as was pleasant, sympathetic, and cooperative.
The score I got for my emotional intelligence was a low emotional intelligence, which surprised me because I thought I was being genial with my answers. Apparently being nice and having morals isn’t the way to emotional intelligence. For example, one of the question states, “when I approach another person and try to strike up a conversation but the other person doesn’t respond,” which I thought that person doesn’t want to talk or he’s angry at something. I answer leave the person alone, which was the wrong answer. The “right” answer was to ask the person about his/her feelings, but when I’m angry the last thing I want is to be vex by another person. I don’t want to pry into other’s affairs, and so from my perspective and experience, I think