
Big Ideas Big Problems Summary

Decent Essays

In “Big Ideas, Big Problems” Stefan Halper observes that American media is flawed because of how it over-condenses complicated and elaborate situations into simple slogans, thus reducing America’s political debate to elementary standards and silencing the voice of rational ideals. Halper explains that the simple slogans, called “Big Ideas”, are one of the main reasons why the public has become misinformed of major world issues. Another reason for the misinformation of the public is the media, whose only concern is the attraction of new viewers, covering stories to entertain and fill spaces of time in their twenty-four hour coverage. These two problems have proven to be active in the decline of our country’s logical decision making. Three generations of Americans …show more content…

During the cold war, Joe McCarthy raised anxiety levels with his intense approach to communism, a critical subject of the time. The American public flocked to him because he offered a simple solution, also known as his Big Idea. These ideas also played an essential part of the American involvement in the Vietnam War. The public’s paranoia of Vietnam’s communist ties eschewed the opinions that led to the decisions of involvement. During the restoration of America after the attacks of September 11th, neoconservatives endorsed the war in Iraq, and although it was a

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