Artists around the world write songs for different reasons. Some write their music to reach the top ten charts, others write to encourage an idea, and some write to express their emotions in a way words alone cannot. In a song packed full of emotion, Big Sean exhibits the theme that anyone can change the world in “One Man Can Change the World.” Inspired by his grandmother, Sean wrote his soulful song just before her passing as a tribute to her influence in his life. The song describes the artist’s journey to success, and the constant reminders from his grandmother to slow down and remember he has the power to make a difference. At the end, he reflects on his life and how the life of his grandmother changed the world. The song’s theme serves …show more content…
They would tell him, “if you love yourself just know you'll never be alone/ I hope that you get everything you want and that you chose/ I hope that it's the realest thing that you ever know” (3-5), meaning that they hope he accomplishes all of his dreams. Later in the chorus, the man is given advice, “And when you get it all just remember one thing/ Remember one thing/ That one man could change the world” (8-10). This advice tells the man that once he reaches his dreams, he needs to remember that he has the potential and the responsibility to change the world. The first verse depicts the man’s dreams and his journey to reach them. He describes focusing on his dreams so intensely, he woke up every day like he was on a mission (27). The second verse, however, describes him looking back on how he could not have accomplished his dreams if it were not for his largest influence in his life: his grandmother. Through her hard work and dedication, she changed the world for him. In order to enhance the theme even further, the artist incorporates figurative language in his song. Just like in most songs, “One Man Can Change the World” has rhyme and rhythm throughout to enhance its appeal. Along with the use of rhyme, Sean uses repetition to distinguish the importance of certain lyrics. In the chorus, he repeats the words “I hope you”
Popular singer Elton John once said; “music has healing power; it has the ability to take people out of themselves for a few hours”, and for most, music is the portal to an out of body experience. African American lyricists especially have been found to use the art of music to escape the real world, commencing from the slavery era and onward. The blues song titled The Tracks of My Tears does just that; expresses the ability to remove your soul from a treacherous reality. Similarly, the lyrics from popular modern songs, written by black artists, speak volumes about what is presently going on in the country, parallel to the way African American slavery songs did. Music written at an earlier period have been found to correlate to music of the past through providing strong emotion toward present day commentary.
The first verse of the song shares the troubled relationship between the father and son, when it said, “he came to the world in the usual way, but there were planes to catch and bills to pay. He learned to walk while I was away.” This verse explained that he was away on some type of career to make money for the family, and provide for the son financially. However, he wasn’t able to spend quality time with him, and missed important milestones in his life, such as taking his first steps. His career obviously came before his son and family, and he made excuses for that. Then it finishes with the chorus, which says, “when you
In this song, Chance the Rapper states he wants to be an independent musician. He is sick and tired of today’s music industry treating music as a way to make money. Nowadays, almost all of the musicians are signed by record labels and forced to make music for the money purpose. However, Chance The Rapper wants to be a true artist and has entire freedom to follow his heart to make music just like his predecessors did decades ago. He respects to the old generation artists and the freedom of music creation, so he decides to be an independent musician and make this song to tell people that he won’t join any record label.
Drake’s song “Too Good” is, in many ways an amazing work of art. Two amazing artists- Drake and Rhianna- sing this song. While listening to a song there are a few criteria’s that should be followed and those are: rhythm, meaning, and voice, in which all are met in this song.
Millions of people in the world listen to music for all different reasons. Most people all over the world listen to different genres of music in order to relax, but not too many people pay attention to the actual lyrics of a song. If you listen to the lyrics of a song you will realize that many songs have important messages or themes to them. An example of this is the lyrics of the song “Changes” by Tupac Shakur. If you listen to this song, you will realize that Tupac raps about not only the problems that African Americans face from society, but also the struggles that poor people in society have to endure and overcome. Many
the positivities of where he has ended up. He acknowledges that he is surrounded by the people he
The controversial context that is often used in Hip-Hop sets the standard of what it means to be ‘masculine’ as an artist of the culture. Artist who does not display contentious lyrical content in their music may not receive as much notoriety in the industry. In today’s Hip-Hop culture, more ‘conscious’, ‘apathetically masculine’ artist like, J. Cole have become more in popular. Cole’s lyrics are a reflection of his adversities that he has endured during his lifetime. Cole’s inspirations behind his music does not stem from a place of violence or from his ability to accumulate wealth, but from his ability to overcome his hardships as a black man and fulfill his purpose in life.
Earlier in the night, Kanye West was out at a bar, feeling like he was the king of the world. Buying shots for his friends and showing them his new line of clothes, while also bragging about the new chain of restaurants he just bought. However, West believed he could drive home, and that was his big mistake. Now, lying in the hospital bed with his jaw wired shut, with nothing to do, nothing to say or rap, he found the “Power.” Using this very difficult time in his life to use as motivation for his new song, “Power.” “How 'Ye doin'? I'm Surviving
The symbolism in this song is that life is hard for other members of the society. This song regards a man trying/ resolving to alter his ways before starting to change the world. This
In the chorus shows a lot of the motivation in by saying that “you can” or “you could” over and over again. “You can be a master… You could beat the world”. It telling the listener that you can over and over again will make you believe that you can. The singer says “Be students Be teachers Be politicians Be preacher” which kind of shows that you can do what you put
The first line of the song, “I’m gonna make a change for once in my life” (Ballard and Garrett), helps set the stage for the entire song. The lyrics are very straight forward, speaking about a man seeing the world around him and how it needs to change. The only way to start to change, is to look at yourself and start within. “I'm starting with the man in the mirror… I’m asking him to change his ways… and no message could have been any clearer… if you want to make the world a better place… take a look at yourself, and then make a change” (Garrett and Ballard), is the chorus to the song that refers to a man knowing the world around him is suffering and by taking the first step will help change not only himself but can help contribute to his environment. In order to make a difference in the world, you must start small and start with yourself. The song speaks about is about people suffering and how cruel our world can be. People only care about
This song has a lot of emotion behind it. I believe that when Beyoncé sings this song, she is sending off a message to the families of those who lost their lives during 9/11. She is singing from the victim’s point of view saying to remember me for the positive impact I have made in the world and how I strived to make the world a better place. She is singing to tell us that no matter how rich, successful, or famous you may be, always live your life to the fullest because you never know when it
Kanye West produced the popular song “All Falls Down” in 2004. He is well known for creating many wonderful tunes but this one stands out above the rest. While his other songs contain bass-heavy instrumentals and contain lyrics about money and women, this one is strays away from the previous structures. “All Falls Down” catches the attention of youth, with its mellow melody, to send a strong message concerning the overemphasis on money and education and how it can be harmful through the lyrics. The issues contained in the message are highly focused on the idea that money and education will not always be there
Then it is told that, ?he will do one of two things/he will admit to everything/or he'll say he's just not the same,? which is meaning he might come out and say he needs help and stay, or he might leave and never return. The last verse ends with, ?and you'll begin to wonder why you came,? once again, any which way telling us that even at the end of the conversation he is doubting his skills to help the youth.
In 1984, an iconic song was created by two sensational artists Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie. A song they created inspired millions, originally created for people of Africa during the time of a horrific famine, was later recreated for the earthquake of Haiti. And for many years our world has been through so much trauma, trauma such as diseases, shootings, and devastating natural disasters. That song we know as “We Are The World” created such an inspiring notion that sparks to change our perspective of the world, how it is ours the children like Jackson said’ “ We are the world, we are the children” meaning we are all connected and the lyrics of this song represents that.