I have about 15 more minutes. The instruction manual made that clear. I finally find the door and throw it open to blackness. Toes smashing into glass, hips banging against wood, but palm is craving metal. Come on, I know it’s here. Fingers rifle through brain that has never felt this hollow, cobwebbed filing cabinet. Left? Right? I know it is hanging from the ceiling. I’m turning around for a flashlight when the cord dangles right into my hand. “Aha!” I can’t help but shout as I yank the metal loop. My eyes instantly squeeze closed as the fluorescent shine pools through the narrow room. I know all the steps. Plug in the device, that glittering thing on my wrist. Get the PLHD up and running. Download history. Upload new input. Upload him. The way he smiled at me with that one crooked front …show more content…
The mouse wheel flies through files, skimming three dash codes to my past. Fifth birthday party. That one sweater with the dog. The time I fell roller-skating and tore my knees. Job interview with the firm. Bike ride. Cocktail party. Fish. All date labelled and sealed in carefully encrypted files. My life twice backed up and secure. But where is today? I expected the storage to make it easier, but the filing made holes. Things have started to slip, and I can’t quite gather them up again. The exact sound of his voice shakes; the words themselves have been gone awhile. The clearest picture is black t shirt, band logo faded beyond recognition. Or maybe just beyond mine. I find July 3rd. Enter memories, triggers for recall. He was tall. I had to look up to catch those eyes, those grey eyes. His hair as wavy or curly or maybe straight and the wind had caught it and ruffled it like a hand. He laughed. Or grimaced? There was water and noise and light. The words flow like the sound of the river, their pace like the ticking of keys. My fingers fall away from the keyboard like his hand fell away from my cheek. Like he fell
Net Sales – totaled $4,485,000.00 for year 6, and grew +33.3% or $1,495,000.00 between years 6 to 7.
Riker’s island is alleged named after Dutch pioneer Abraham Rycken, who moved to Long Island in 1638 and whose relatives claimed Rikers Island until 1884, when it was vended to the city for $180,000. The island was utilized as a military preparing ground amid the Civil War. The Department of Corrections is an agency that is in charge of the supervision and administration of indicted detainees. The city communicated a craving to open a correctional facility for men on Rikers Island as right on time as 1925, with a specific end goal to supplant their overburdened and incapacitated prison on Welfare Island, now Roosevelt Island. The island is incorporate with numerous facilities, Rose M. Singer Center (RMSC), Eric M. Taylor Center (EMTC,
In the story “The Bicycle” by Jillian Horton the main character plays piano not because she wants but because she wants to make her aunt Tante Rose happy, but as she gets older she has a change in mind. In the film “Stand By Me” by Rob Reiner the boys have a change in themselves mentally and emotionally on their journey to the body.
In this short story “What My Bike Has Taught Me,” is about the author using his bike riding experience as a metaphor to what white privilege is about. The author explains how he decided to ride his bike to get to his destinations and also because it has many benefits, but when he rides his bike he gets many insults from aggressive drivers, and also many times when drivers don't care and they put his life in a very dangerous situation. He explains how these drivers are aggressive to him just because he decided to do something that is not a norm in his city. He compares his situations to when people talk or mention white privilege, he explains how people who get so aggressive or protective about this topic is because they don't want their privilege
The causes of the civil war have been many, the general focus revolved around social class inequality, poverty and repressive military rule. Before the war, almost everyone in El
WOW! We are finally here, look at that cool sign. Today, we are at Durhamtown ATV Resort and we are looking for our cabin. Oh, there it is! Now that we have found it, we have to unload the side by sides. First the General comes off the trailer, then the Honda. Now to go get registered. The lady at the counter was really nice and gave us our bracelets.
Kawasaki, Suzuki, and KTM, so you might want to do a little research on them
There are two basic types of motorcycles. One type is made for riding on smooth
In the essay “Reading and Writing about a Bicycle,” Jonathan Hunt explains the bicycle subculture, known as the “fixie”. Hunt gives the details about this sub-culture of bicycle enthusiast, including the visual appearance of both the riders and the bikes. The riders take on the appearance of a professional road racer, along with that of skinny and scruffy kids. While the bicycles themselves can be brightly colored and adorned with corporate names and logos, or old, scratched and chipped. While the appearance of these fixies vary drastically, they all maintain two values that are constant.
“Yeah, but it is the most important part. Get back to work.” I retorted. I opened my terminal application and and applied a secondary security measure to the backup battery. This should hold them out for a few minutes. Now, I should wait until offense shuts down their electrical grid. All of a sudden, my computer monitor shut off. A few seconds later, the lights went out for a second time. The backup battery failed. There was a sense of panic in the room. Everything froze and became quiet for a golden three seconds. Then, chaos started. People started to run for the door. Explosions. Twenty people lie on the floor. I spotted an opening in the rubble about one foot in diameter. It’s a little small, but it will have to do. It’s now or never I thought. “Come on Andre, let’s go,” I exclaimed. No response. I looked back at the desk right next to mine. The one desk that has always been next to my desk. The picture of two elderly figures on the top right of the desk. A rubber band ball with a radius of about three inches. A computer monitor littered with sticky notes; all different colors. A cup of fifty paper clips on the far
In analyzing The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer I discovered satirical stories such as “The Pardoner’s Tale” which mock church practices and religion. The Canterbury Tales is a frame story that exemplifies the theme: “looks can be deceiving.” In, “The Pardoner’s Tale,” a religious pardoner brags about various ways he deceives others into paying him money. The pardoner offers relics in exchange for high prices, advertising that these relics will free people from their sins. When telling his story to the group and when giving sermons, he ironically uses the theme,“money is the root of all evil”. He admits to the group that the relics are fraudulent and he preaches solely for the purpose of gaining riches. Although the pardoner is admittedly a sinful man, he swears he can tell a good moral story to the group. He tells a story of the
Have you ever wondered how people on dirtbikes keep their balance while going at such fast speeds and riding in mud and dirt? Have you ever wondered if you would be able to ride a dirt bike? You can learn how to dirt bike by used these four steps kickstarting, clutch and shifting, riding, and braking. These four steps should help you learn how to ride a dirt bike.
Imagine being sentenced to death by your government; the institution that is supposed to protect your rights, and then waiting years for the killing blow to land. Imagine the constant fear and anxiety you would endure; nobody deserves that torment. The death penalty is still legal in many parts of America and dozens of people are killed every year. In Canada, the death penalty has been abolished since 1976 and there is little support for reinstatement. This is not the case in America, while many states have stopped using capital punishment there are still thirty-one that continue to follow the practice. These states claim that it is cheaper than imprisoning someone for life, that it acts as a deterrent, and is a just punishment for atrocious
Learning something new every day seems extremely boring to high school students. But, looking back to when we were younger, it was very exciting for some of us. One of the roughest things I had to learn was riding a bike. I was excited to learn how to ride a bike without training wheels, so I could be like my brother and father. The thing I didn’t know is that I would be a confident and adventurous person. I learned that doing what your parents says is the safest way to doing anything.
I have come to love bicycles in the course of the past year. I am especially fond of mountain bikes, including my own. Riding it opens up a whole new world of opportunities and challenges for me. I am still fairly fresh to the whole mountain biking scene, so I push myself to become better with more experience. Riding is an outlet; it is something I can channel pent up energy through. I love the sport because it is a full body, soul, and mind experience that affects all five of the senses.