Historic use:
Bilberry has been use since the 16th century and it was used to treat diarrhea, kidney stones to typhoid fever. Typhoid fever is an infection/illness caused by Salmonella Typhi. Bilberry was first used during the World War II. The first person to eat bilberry for the first time was a British Air Forces who was a pilot and took bilberry to help him with his night vision.
Bilberry is a plant used to treat eyesight problems such as cataracts, myopia, glaucoma and problems with the retina. Bilberry is also used to treat conditions from the heart and blood vessels, for example chest pain and artherosclerosis. This plant is also known to be used to treat osteoarthritis, skin infections, urinary tract infections (UTIs) and kidney disease.
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Tannins are chemicals that help treat symptoms such as diarrhea, throat irritation and can help to lower down high glucose levels and cholesterol levels. Flavanoids chemicals help individuals with diabetes to improve their blood circulation, preventing further complications with retinopathy from the eye previously mentioned. There are some more possible effects using bilberry, for example it has been shown that bilberry can be used to treat circulation problems, using bilberry for 30 days reduces the symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency. Some studies said that a chemical on bilberry called anthocyanoside can improve problems with …show more content…
Excess intakes of bilberry can cause toxicity and some poisonous interactions. Bilberry plant can contain hydroquinone which is a pesticide that can be found on some plants. Tannins which are a yellowish or brownish bitter-tasting organic substance present in plant tissues can cause toxicity and develop symptoms such as diarrhea, tremors, weight loss, spasm and death. Some individuals may take chromium supplements with bilberry at the same time; this combination can lead to chromium poisoning. The recommendation is not to eat this plant/herb in high dosages if taking chromium supplements.
Interaction issues:
Bilberry can also interact with some medications. Bilberry can interact with medications that are used to treat diabetes. Bilberry can lower down glucose levels on the body, if taking diabetes meds and bilberry at the same time, glucose levels may drop even more. Besides medications there are also some herbs that can lower glucose levels, such as garlic, ginseng, Siberian ginseng, panax, guar gum and some others. Bilberry can also interact with blood-thinning medications. Anthocyanosides found in bilberries can affect blood clotting and should be avoided if taking blood-thinning meds. It’s not proved that the use of bilberry during pregnancy is safe. The recommendation will be not consume bilberry if pregnancy is present or if moms are breastfeeding. It is also recommended to
These trees were also used in many medicines as prevention
TRADITIONAL USES: The French scientist Rene Gatefosse was the first to discover Lavender 's ability to promote tissue regeneration and speed wound healing when he severely burned his arm in a laboratory accident. He immediately immersed his arm into a bowl of liquid sitting on a table near him.
Egyptians used the absinth plant to treat various ailments. Romans and Greeks also used it to create a potion that was steeped in wine and was rumored to heal stomach bugs. (Wormwood=worm-wode, or a cure for worms.)
Bilal Darwish – Abstract, Active constituents, Mechanism of action, Quality standards, Safety, Side Effects, Contraindications, Interactions.
Licorice root is used worldwide as a natural sweetener, as well as a flavoring agent. The main composition of plant Flavonoids and Isoflavonoids act as inhibition platelet aggregation, and anticancer, antioxidant (20). Aly et al.,2005(21) indicate that liqurice have potent anti-inflammatory reduction edema about 78.3 while diclofen about 73.9% also have anti-ulcerogenic activity associated with a reduced acid output and an increased mucin secretion, an increase in prostaglandin E2 release and a decrease in leukotrienes (22). Many volatile oil and vitamins such as B1,B2,B3,B6,C,E, Biotin, Foli acid, Pantothenic acid act as expectorant, laxative, liquiritin act as antitussive (23). Also contain Coumarins Herniarin and umbelliferone (24).moreover plant used for treatment of asthma , chronic fatigue, hormonal disturbance , antiviral, antibacterial , hepatoprotective, anti-oxidant , antiulcer, ant mutagenic, Hypothermic antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, relieve pain , expectorant, hypoglycemia,
Diabetics who have been searching for a safer solution to controlling their high blood sugar may be able to find it in a supplement called “hintonia iatiflora.” This tree originates in Mexico and South America, so those who live in the United States have often never heard of it. But that needs to change because research has shown that it can potentially work as well as, or better than, many pharmaceutical products that are designed for the same purpose. Read on for more information about why hintonia iatiflora is being called an “herbal rescue for high blood sugar.”
In addition to what you mentioned about Tribulus, it can be used for kidney problems such as painful urination, kidney stones, and kidney support, as a diuretic it helps to enhance urine output and removal of toxins1. Again, this herb is capable of treating skin disorder, pain and swelling, digestive problem; also it may as well be used for chronic fatigue syndrome. A study shows that, Tribulus augments the amount of oxygen present in the cell and supply energy, also absolutely affect mood, stress and anxiety2
In the early 1900s, men used the berries for urinary tract problems, to increase sperm count, and to boost libido. Today, the main use of saw palmetto is to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BHP)/enlargement of the prostate gland. It is also used for a decline in sex drive, migraines, prolonged pelvic pain, as well as hair loss.
Traditionally, Witch-hazel branches were used to locate underground sources of water, but Hamamelis virginiana was also well known as a medicinal plant by Native Americans. “Extracts from the leaves, twigs, and bark were used to reduce inflammation, stop bleeding, and check secretions of the mucous membranes” (Anzelone). A number of
“Traditional pharmacologic therapies although widely used must be assessed for a favorable risk-benefit ratio. One such plant that has
The plant species that I researched was Medicago sativa, or more commonly known as Alfalfa. I found this to be a very intriguing plant to research because we grow alfalfa on the farm as a fodder feed for the animals but I had no idea that it had such a practical use in modern medicine. It is believed that alfalfa was first grown somewhere within the Middle East and then spread to Europe and parts of Asia, the colonists brought it over from Europe to America. And today it can be found in nearly every continent used to feed livestock. The leaves of Alfalfa are what is beneficial in the use of medicine.The leaves are known to have positve affects on the digestive system and can help to lower cholesterol. They also aide with the cleansing the
Medicinal plants have been used since the early ages of humanity and many remedies are still used today. Among these many plant medicines is the dandelion, whose variety of uses makes it one of the more popular medicines. Dandelions were often used by Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, and have been used in Chinese medicine for over a thousand years. They came to America on the Mayflower, brought for their medicinal benefits. Before the inventions of the lawn, dandelions were praised as a bounty of food, medicine, and magic (Sanchez 2007).
The main use for Hawthorn dates back to the first century and is said to improve cardiovascular disease
This flower is commonly used to treat the depression and anxiety that people with this condition get. It is much safer than the other pharmaceutical antidepressants that doctors give out. The only side effect that can occur from taking it is an increased sensitivity to sunlight, which can lead to sunburns. It is sold over-the-counter in the United States, but many doctors in Germany and other European countries offer prescription versions of it.
Although the use of sea buckthorn has no established interactions as a food form, suppository, or with topical application, it is possible that unknown interactions exist. When taken internally as an oil or oil capsule, interactions with sea buckthorn have been noted. These interactions have been observed with certain herbs and dietary supplements, drugs, and some diseases or conditions.