
Bilingual Lives Bilingual Experience By Anna Wierzbicka Analysis

Decent Essays

The bilingualism has represented a debatable theme because of the way it has interfered with people’s emotions. This subject has been discussed by Anna Wierzbicka in her article Bilingual Lives, Bilingual Experience. She starts from the idea of the multilingual German sinologue Christoph Harbsmeier according to which the language has an influence on people’s thoughts, feelings and on their ways of being. From the perspective of a bilingual person, the facts presented in this article are correct and also in agreement with real experiences of people. The author proves, using the evidences, the correlation between ‘language’ and ‘emotions’ and how do this two affect people lives. So, it is shown that the feelings are not expressed in the same …show more content…

That could be one of the reasons why it is difficult for bilingual speakers to express their thoughts or feelings in a different language that does not offer them “emotional closeness and intimacy”. In the article Bilingual Lives, Bilingual Experience the author gives an example from her personal experience to explain this difficulty of expressing emotions in a second language. She finds it very hard to speak about her baby granddaughter in English because this language does not offer the same ‘warmth’ as Polish does, “Their meaning does not fit my own way of thinking and feeling, and so they would not sound ‘true’ to me”. This happens because in a second language people find a “lack of personal involvement”, they cannot express their feeling in a true way as they do in their first language and also the meaning of the words they want to use does not transmit the same emotion that they want to express. As a multilingual person I also found myself in situations when the emotion that I wanted to transmit does not exactly match the words I was using. To be more specific I am going to give an example. The Romanian word “dor” can’t be translated in English or any other language; it is use to describe the feeling that one can have for a person that is far away, dead, or that he/she haven’t seen him/her for a long time and miss that person very much. And this …show more content…

“The terms of the second language don’t match those of the first language, and they may also not match the speaker’s emotions shaped or colored by the first language.” and also “the emotions terms of the second language may not have the subjective force that those of the first language”. Those are the main reasons why it is so difficult to live a bilingual live/experience. People will always try to create a connection between two languages and to compare them, then they will realize that the same concept is seen different from language to language and it might be a problem because they are emotional connected to their first language. In the article Words, feelings and blingualism , written by Viorica Marian and Margarita Kaushanskaya are examined cross-linguistic differences in emotionality. Therefore, forty-seven Russian-English bilinguals were asked to describe the process of their immigration to the United States in detail. 24 participants were interviewed in Russian, while 23 were interviewed in English. The results of this study have shown that the bilinguals used more emotion words in their second language than in their native language. The authors of this article have given some explanations on these results: “the use of the second language may allow the speaker more distance from the emotional

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