
Bilingualism And Overall Academic Performance

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Topic: This study attempts to determine the nature of the relationship, if any, between bilingualism and overall academic performance. For the purposes of this study, bilingualism refers to being able to speak more than one language and learning another language(s). Background: It is popular belief that bilingualism enhances cognitive performance. Because cognitive performance translates to academic performance, this study collected information on subjects’ bilingualism (if any) and overall academics. Investigating this relationship would reveal the effects bilingualism has on academic abilities. Such information could help to either reinforce the need to learn foreign languages or expose the insignificant academic benefits of learning other languages Methodology: For this study, all the students in the school were designated as the population. Because it was relatively simple and time-efficient to send the survey to the entire population, a census was feasible. Randomization, therefore, was not used since the population of interest in relatively small. The census was chosen because it was both possible and preferred as the most comprehensive method to assess the information of the population. (Unfortunately, the inevitable nonresponse bias resulted in a small percentage of responses). This survey was administered through Google Forms, allowing me to create the survey online and electronically email it to every single student in the school very quickly. This survey was

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