The movie did hold my interest. I was interested in how the economy operated from the beginning after being founded in the 18th century. I liked how the movie depicted the nations debt. This movie was sort of like a chapter in a history book to me. It showed how the United States economically prospered and did not so well over the years. I never really thought of this nation having a significant amount of debt in the beginning. What I realized after watching the movie was that we need to elect more officials that are more concerned about the national budget and proposing solutions to fix it. This video made me see the government as an empire and how these different branches control the government. It also made me realize that the government is not as good as …show more content…
So this makes me question how the government will be if Trump goes on to actually cut taxes severely. I am also curious of Trumps stances on national debt as well. It was surprising to me to find out that the nation only had about 5 budget surpluses in its history, even more surprising to find out that 4 of those years was under Bill Clintons second term. One question I have is that since Clinton was successful at achieving a budget surplus for the nation why don't more presidents take some of his ideals and his methods while they are in office? I already knew of the problems of social security in the future but I have not heard of any new proposals for a successor to the social security issue. This movie reminded me of the chapter of financial institutions and the creation of money within the United States. I know the Federal Reserve recently denied to raise the interest rates but, I wonder what has the Federal Reserve has done to increase investment. I feel we need to advertise investing and buying bonds more in this country like we did during World War
During his time as president, Bill Clinton helped pass a variety of legislation that greatly impacted the country in several ways including creating a budget surplus and signing an act that encouraged much stricter sentencing for criminals. Two pieces of legislation that highlight positive and negative aspects of Clintons presidency are the 1993 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act and the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994. The former, the first budget passed by the president, increased taxes for high earners and created “an earned income tax credit for incomes under $30,000”(UC Berkeley). This helped to create budget surpluses for much of the 1990’s. The latter, one of the more controversial bills passed by Clinton, contained many provisions that served as harsh punishment for the crimes rather than rehabilitation (Lussenhop). This act impacted the already high incarceration rate and did not address at-risk communities where economic resources were badly needed. Both of these acts impacted the public in different ways, the budget aided low income families with its income tax credit while the violent crime act added to the budding mass incarceration problem in the United States and failed to address the problems in low income communities(Lussenhop). As president, Bill Clinton served as a good representative who supported the virtue of fair-mindedness. Even though some of his actions were not in accordance with the virtue, such as the Violent Crime Control
This has great impact on me, because it I learned why and how this divide in society is happening and how such frustrations such as in 2008, is causing people to
Because I 'm older, curious by nature, and an avid reader of research (domestic and worldwide), and because social issues matter greatly to me, I didn 't really learn anything new from the documentary. However, it confirmed for me that my fears and growing apprehension about gun violence and guns in general are valid.
I opted to discuss William J. Clinton, 42nd President of the United States. He served two terms from 1993-2001. He was the third-youngest president taking office at the age of 46 and was the first President from the baby-boomer generation. I wanted to discuss President Clinton for several reasons, one being that he was able to balance the budget while reducing the deficit, in turn leaving the U.S with a surplus in the budget at the end of his term. He signed in to law the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 which required employers to allow employees to take unpaid leave for pregnancy or a serious medical condition without jeopardizing their job. He endorsed the North American Free Trade Agreement, creating the world’s largest free trade leading
-The Democratic nominee for the election of 1992 is Bill Clinton : governor of Arkansas
I enjoyed this documentary - it gave me a new perspective on the founding father that I’ve learned about for years. It was well put together, and very interesting. It had great ties to the past, such as pictures, journal entries, reenactments, and other personal accounts. However, I also noticed that sometimes the film ignored small facts, sometimes making it seem as if Thomas Jefferson was the only founding father who did anything of importance.
We must do what no generation has had to do before. We must invest more in our own people, in their jobs, and in their future, and at the same time cut our massive debt. And we must do so in a world in which we must compete for every opportunity. It will not be easy. It will require sacrifice, but it can be done and done fairly, not choosing to sacrifice for its own sake but for our own sake. We must provide for our Nation the way a family provides for its children."(William J. Clinton: "Inaugural Address," January 20, 1993. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project. Let's see if he improves all these major issues he addresses in this highly respected speech among men, in the end he does it
The first reason why Clinton was the worst President is because of the scandals of his extra marital affairs that came out to light. Clinton impressed people with the idea of a family man in office. In the face of allegations that he committed adultery and maintained a twelve-year love affair with Gennifer Flowers, Clinton used five strategies: denial, bolstering, attack accuser, transcendence, and differentiation (Blaney & Benoit, 2002). His strategies would not work again when the media brought to light another affair. It was a slap to the face of the Americans when in 1995 Clinton had an affair with Monica Lewinsky, a White House intern (Blaney & Benoit, 2002). Clinton lied about his relationship with Lewinsky and he allowed his family, cabinet and staff to repeat his lies for seven months while he remained silent (Blaney & Benoit, 2002). Pandora’s Box was open and the reason for his impeachment is that he lied under oath during the testimony in the Paula Jones sexual harassment suit, and to the grand jury during the Monica Lewinsky investigation. So, the question arises, “Do we want our Chief Executive and Commander-in- Chief distracted by scandal when facing decisions of great domestic and foreign importance?” Regardless of one’s ideological learnings the answer ought to be “no,” because potential problems affecting all Americans might develop without recourse to the best possible decisions (Blaney & Benoit, 2002).This brought doubt among the American people that his
The impeachment of President Clinton is something that will be remembered forever. Along with the fact that a presidential impeachment has only happened one other time since the Civil War, the publicity that came with the Clinton trial was extensive (Miller 2004). While the Republican and Democratic members of the House of Representatives had vastly different views on impeaching President Clinton, the fact that only five Democratic Representatives voted to impeach him truly shows how wide that gap was between the two parties. Clinton was impeached on the grounds of perjury to a grand jury and obstruction of justice, with the vote on both articles extremely close, a 228-206 vote on perjury to a
The United States economy is racing ahead at dangerous speeds, and it may be too late to prevent the return of widespread inflation. Ideally the economy should move ahead gradually and grow at a steady manageable rate. Mae West once stated “Too much of a good thing can be wonderful” and it seems the U.S. Treasury Secretary agrees. The Secretary announced that due to our increasing surplus and booming economy, instead of having an outsized tax cut, we should use the surplus to further pay down the national debt. A tax cut, though most Americans would favor it initially, would prove counter productive. Cutting taxes would over stimulate an already raging economy, and enhance the possibilities of an
It opened up my eyes to the horrors and truths of how slaves were treated. I witnessed the punishments received by the said “Incompetent” slaves, the terrible lifestyles of the salves, and the embarrassing ways my ancestors acted. The way I look at slavery will forever be changed for film has shown me the gruesome details of the lives of slaves in the 1840’s.
Answer: Overall this video discuss the problems when illegal peoples come in to the USA. What kind of the problem they have to face as an illegal. This video shows us as an illegal immigrant we have no right to live in USA. It discuss how hard it is to find a job as an illegal immigrant and working on minimum wages. This film is great if someone want to follow the law and every rule and regulation in united stat. No one is allowed to come in
My impression of The Crossing was that an interesting yet an educational film of American history. Additionally, I was amazed at how the actors played each character, how they portray Washington was an original thinker, and how important his decision was to the American Revolution
Overall I thought this was a really good movie. I thought it taught you a lot about diversity, women’s rights, poverty and peace. The movie was a very touching and inspiring movie; there is also a lot of emotion due to what they had to deal with on an everyday basis. To me the movie and their stories really teach you that you should be aware of your surroundings and to be helpful in your
I find this movie very interesting, from financial side as much as decisions making. With not really affinity for finance, I was a little bit afraid of this movie, but there are not many figures. This movie explains especially how making decisions, how