Bill Gates Biography
Bill Gates is not only a genius, but also an innovator in education, technology, and philanthropy. A prodigy, Bill Gates shares an education fact with Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and even his competitor Steve Jobs: no college degree. Instead, he devoted his time to his passion for technology, going on to create the most profitable technology company in the world. For much of the past decade, Gates allocated both his profit and attention to philanthropy. Evidence of his innovation, industry and curiosity can be seen at an early age.
Gates’ passion for technology began at the age of 8, when he built his first computer program. This program allowed the player to compete in a game of tic tac toe
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By the time Bill Gates dies, he will have given away 90% of his wealth. He created the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with his wife in 1997. So far, he has donated 28 billion dollars to philanthropic causes that include: better health care, vaccines, school grants, education. To date, the Foundation saved over one million lives with vaccines and better health care alone! In 2002, Bill and Melinda were named the most generous philanthropists in the world.
Bill founded several schools based on hands-on knowledge and technology. He also has given many Ted talks on education and constantly strives to make the public school system more effective and innovative. The Bill and Melinda Foundation has made large strides in education and offers billions of dollars in grants for schools across the US. In fact, my past school, Da Vinci Innovation Academy, earned a million dollar grant from this generous foundation to provide one of the first hybrid homeschool-project based learning school. Bill not only helps the students in these lucky schools, he also supports the teachers through increased awareness about the lack of feedback and compensation teachers receive. His Ted talks on education inspire others to join in educational reform.
Bill Gates’ influence is widespread. He has led the technological industry of the 20th century. He currently holds the sixth position for the most
After Microsoft fell through for Gates, he advanced on to study philanthropy, which is a corporation or individual (s) donate to the goodwill of humanity. Bill Gates, still possessing ties with the Microsoft cooperation could do this combining his newfound wealth and his intelligence (Time Magazine, 2008). An article from Think Big Magazine quotes from Time, “For many years,
Gates dropped out of college to start a business with another student like him and then soon after launched as a billionaire. Malcolm Gladwell explains that it wasn’t as simple as that for Bill Gates. Gates and his friend, Paul Allen, had spent hours on programming until late hours at the University of Washington near his family home. What was an addiction to programming and 10,000 hours later for Allen and Gates, lead to being a successful launch of the well-known Microsoft program. Although Gates’ hard work paid off, he was fortunate to have access and opportunities to use computer technology when very few had the chance to come near a computer.
Gates later went on co-found Microsoft and create lasting and groundbreaking computer software that continues to be valuable to society as technology has become common in day to day life. Undoubtedly, Gate’s intellect, passion, and creativity led him to create an extraordinary product and established him as a modern genius.
Bill Gates made a lot of changes to the way the world operates through technology and made life at lot easier for other people around the world. Bill Gates (also known as William Henry III or Trey) is an American entrepreneur, business mogul, investor, philanthropist, and one of the most richest and influential people in the world. He was also known as the best businessman in the 20th century. In his years as a child, he had the attitude for math and science as well as showing interest in computer programming in his teenage years.
When William Henry Gates came into the world in the year 1955, the fledgling computer industry was still trying to spread its wings and fly. AOn the day he was born in 1955, fewer then 500 electronic computers had existed in the entire world, their total retail value amounted to less then $200 million, and the term Asoftware@ had not yet been coined.@(Manes, 2) Bill first laid a hand on a computer in 1968 while in junior high school. The computer business was rapidly transforming at this time, and so was Bill Gates. He saw the real profitable side of computers was not their hardware. Rather it was the software end of the business. Good software is what makes a computer exciting and easy to use. Bill Gates grabbed this concept and ran with it. The result: As of 1993 AGates was personally worth more than $2 billion@, and his company, Microsoft, was Avalued at more than $7 billion.@(Manes, 2)
After Gates graduated high school, with a perfect 800 on the SAT, he went to Harvard law school in 1973 (“Gates, Bill” 2) (“Gates, William Henry, III” 1). In 1975 his friend Paul Allen came up to him while Bill was in college and showed him a Popular Mechanics article about a $350 microcomputer, Gates read this article and was convinced that he wanted to be in the computer industry (“Gates, William Henry, III” 1). As a sophomore in college he and Paul Allen made the computer language BASIC compatible to microcomputers, this took much skill and he was the first to do it (Leaders of info 2). He did this for a company called MITS (Leaders of info 2). This shows his motivation to do well in the world, and to be successful. With this new success in the BASIC software, he dropped out of Harvard and went to pursue his new career (“Gates, Bill 1). He went to Albuquerque, New Mexico with Paul and they both founded a new company called Microsoft to mass produce their new software (Leaders of Info 2).
In addition to a socially responsible code of conduct, community-focused initiatives, and the creation of over 15 million Internet Technology jobs worldwide, Microsoft founder Bill Gates is head of the single largest philanthropic organization in the world: the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, with an endowment of 37.1 billion dollars.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a foundation that supports other organizations who share its guiding belief that every life has equal value. Located in Seattle, Washington, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have an asset trust endowment of 36.2 billion dollars as of September 30, 2012. It supports grantees in all 50 states and 100 countries internationally in areas of global development, global health, United States program, and a smaller charitable support initiative sector. Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, and Warren Buffett give direction to CEO Jeff Raikes and co-chairmen William H. Gates Sr. regarding grant allocation and investments. (Gates Foundation)
Bill Gates is one of the most visionary leaders of our time. He created in his mind the idea of the greatness of computerized systems and that vision even though far at that time transformed in our present. He foresaw that computers will be an essential part not only in future business but in the lives of Americans. His efforts and strategic planning delivered him the opportunities to develop different operating systems including Windows. Windows Software has been an essential key in his financial success because this software took the market by storm providing customers the opportunity to multitask and leave behind the systems that were operated only on a command based entry. His revenues after the expansion of his company has made him been ranked by Forbes as the richest man on earth for the last thirteen years. During the years he served as chairman of Microsoft he established new ways to deal efficiently with human resources issues; like for the hiring process he stated in the past that he prefers intelligence over experience in an employee because they are easier to train and to adapt to the world of Microsoft.
* Bill Gates has high need for achievement, he fully focused on achievement. He is known a demanding boss who encourages creativity and recognizes employees’ achievements.
Bill Gates is one of the most influential people in the world. He is cofounder of one of the most recognized brands in the computer industry with nearly every desk top computer using at least one software program from Microsoft. According to the Forbes magazine, Bill Gates is the richest man in the world and has held the number one position for many years.
b. Impact: Bill Gates has created a software that not only is used in the United States but around the world, by creating windows 95 he made the use of the computers accessible and technologically enhancing the software.
In the other hand, William H.Gates, also known as Bill gates aspired his whole life to create the finest technology to make everyone’s life easier. He created what is known know as Microsoft which is a
Gates entered Harvard University in 1973 and pursued his studies for the next year and a half. However, his life changed in January 1975 when Popular Mechanics carried a cover story on a $350 microcomputer, the Altair, made by a firm called MITS in New Mexico. When Allen showed him the story, Gates knew where he wanted to be: at the forefront of
Bill Gates first took an interest in computer programming when he was 13 years old, while attending school. The school used funds from sales and donations and was able to purchase the students an ASR-33 Teletype terminal and computer time on a General Electric computer terminal. Bill, instantly intrigued, was able to get excused from his regular classes to work with the computer. Bill, then, gained his interest in computer programming. He was able to develop a program where the students could play the computer in a game of tic-tac-toe. This was the beginning of Bill Gates career (Bill Gates, 2011).