
Bill Mckiben Effects On Climate Change

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The fight for climate change is a fight that has been ongoing in modern years and is all too familiar for people who never seem to have the voice to speak up against it. With the increase in oil extractions or the rise in carbon emissions, it is no secret that climate change’s impacts have severely taken a toll on people and the environment, but it is also evident that certain people are being impacted by its affects more than others. Often times, marginalized people are the people that have to deal with the most apparent effects of climate change - whether it being combating it or living with it, they are the ones whose lives are being changed the most because of it. In Bill McKibben’s Oil and Honey, Bill McKibben finds himself at the forefront …show more content…

Throughout the book, Bill McKibben constantly talks about how important people are to environmental movements such as this one and how what message people had would go a long way. He often talked about how it was the people that were experiencing the real problems were the ones with solutions. When he saw how important and significant the pipeline was to an environment that was already being disrupted, he called Native leaders and asked them how they can join the fight against the pipeline. This was a really important aspect to the book because he was taking his time to make sure he was fighting the pipeline in the right way and being inclusive of those who are being affected. By asking the people who lived around the start of the pipeline what he and others can do, he is giving them a bigger voice then they began with and ensuring that he is doing what the land needs, not just what he thinks will fix the problem. Majority of the time, as seen in class and in readings, people disregard indigenous peoples and those are affected by climate change, often times lower income and class peoples, struggles as if they are not as important as those who are middle to upper class, usually white, high income people. For example, in the documentary watched in class about the storm that hit the lower income neighborhood, not much was being done to help the people and hardly any media was covering it solely based on the idea that they are not as important as others because of their “social rank.” By fighting along the indigenous people, people are helping them be noticed and have a

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