
Bill Of Rights In Today's Society

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Supported by the Anti-Federalists, the Bill of Rights was put into the Constitution in fear that the Constitution gave the federal government too much power and in the future, American citizens could be at risk of oppression. After ten months waiting for the approval of all the states, it was finally ratified December 7, 1787. Nevertheless, Federalist argued that the Bill of Rights was unnecessary because the original Constitution implemented a few of the rights that were in In the Bill of Rights. However, the Bill of Rights was set in place to give rights to the people because the Constitution was believed to give the government too much power and without the Constitution being accompanied by the Bill of rights, the ratification wouldn’t have taken place. Therefore the Bill of Rights had a substantial impression on today’s society.
Federalists felt that the Bill of Rights was not needed because the Constitution itself included text that defended individual rights. For example, in Article VI of the Constitution religious freedom was stated to be protected to a degree. "No religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States", as it says in Article VI of the Constitution. It was then restated in the Bill of Rights …show more content…

Consequently, The Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments of today's Constitution was put in the Constitution to protect the individual rights of American citizens. For Instance, today the Democratic party is trying to take away or at least limit our second amendment; the right to bare arms. Because of all the chaos and tragedy caused by guns, Democrats feel that if they take guns away, there will be less raids and shootings. However, the right to bear arms is the Constitution’s second amendment is an individual right that is protected because the Bill of Rights and cannot be violated by the federal

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