
Billy Pilgrim's Slaughterhouse Five

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Throughout slaughterhouse five Billy Pilgrim lives a metaphorical life that exhibits the destructiveness of war, destroys the concept of time and death. Kurt tells his war experience through the fictional life of Billy Pilgrim who has come unstuck in time. Billy is unstuck in time because he was dragged through life in a way that had no sequence.
The point of view of my novel is omniscient, since the author is both the narrator and part of the story. Long story short, Billy enlist in the war because he is drafted and is needed to fight in the european front. He then maneges to get captured by the Germans and becomes a prisoner of war(POW). This is where he meets some “war buddies” like Roland Weary and Paul Lazzaro. I say it like this because …show more content…

As an archetype that describes Billy is that, he is a skinny white male, who is weak and super tall. He is also a guy who can't stand up for himself and has everyone walk over him. He also gives direct characterization of Billy “Last came Billy Pilgrim, empty handed, bleakly ready for death”(Pg 41). He is also manifested as wearing military clothing that is too big for him and very dirty “He didn't look like a soldier at all. He looked like a filthy flamingo”(Pg 42). He was also described as a weird fellow “And then they saw bearded Billy Pilgrim in his blue toga and silver boots, with his hands in a muff”(Pg 191). Another archetype is that of Roland Weary your typical bully, he was a fellow war buddy of Billy and he always was picking on Billy “He has been saving Billy's life for ays, cursing him, kicking him, slapping him, making him more” (Pg 43). Roland was the antagonist on that story, but so were the Germans. The protagonist is Billy, he is no hero and he certainly has no hero qualities but he is someone who doesn't like war. The antagonist are Roland, Paul, and the …show more content…

Billy read a book from the tralfamadorians and it was set up this way, each star has its own meaning making it more special. Billy's story is not in the right time order, demonstrating the concepts of time that the tralfamadorians taught Billy. They also taught him the concept “So it goes” which is a phrase h\used when someone dies, because it will continue to happen it will go on. There is no beginning, no middle and no end. His style of writing is explicit, he combines the reality of war and science fiction, aliens and time concepts. A theme is destructiveness of war and the concept of death, time itslef, people whom you love die in the worst times. Some imagery conecting to the theme is “Billy got out of bed in the moonlight he felt spooky and luminous, felt as though he were wrapped in cool fur that full of static electricity”(Pg 91) it connects to theme of time. This is before he was abducted, he knew it was coming and so he had time think but the why came later “ Why me? That is a very Earthling question to ask, Mr. Pilgrim. Why you? Why us for that matter? Why anything? Because this moment simply is. Have you ever seen bugs trapped in amber? Yes. Well, here we are, Mr. Pilgrim, trapped in the amber of this moment. There is no

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