
Bing Watch Research Paper

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Binge-Watch, verb. To watch multiple episodes of a show in a rapid succession. (Google definition) Welcome beginners! Warning you will get sucked in and you will love it. Everyone needs to begin somewhere; you can’t just jump in with the major leaguers. Don’t stress, everything will be explained. Binge-watching takes effort and is not for the faint at heart; it takes a good show, time, and food, but is well worth it. Chargers ready? Food in hand? Begin! Where you should do this and what should you watch, are both important questions and the building blocks of Binging. There are different reasons to begin Binging, and they change depending on the person. For you it might be that you’re bored, you having nothing else to do, or you get really …show more content…

They encourage you to stay and finish the show. The place you pick is vital; you need a place that is not distracting. Clean, dark rooms are the best, a library or study. Your room can be good, but just pick up and hide the things that will make you want to do things. How you sit is also important. You want a good seat, where you’ll be able to lay for hours without your back hurting. Now this is not completely avoidable, so make sure to have blankets to keep you warm no matter where you are, and pillows to help your back stop hurting. It is also wise to pick a place where you can stretch out your legs when you need to. Another very important piece to remember, find a chair or table near an outlet if you have a computer, and of course don’t forget the charger. Last but definitely not least, the food. There are a few rules to follow when picking the food. First, don’t eat nuts, just don’t do it. Not only are they loud when you’re trying to hear the people talking, but they are just not a very happy food. Second, following that get happy food. Food lifts your spirits when sad things happen in your show and should be your favorite. Third, is get your favorite, if you’re watching with someone, don’t just eat food they want to. This is your binge watching moment; eat what you want to eat. Finally, keep a trash can close. Now you are ready to

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