
Binge Drinking: An Experimental Study

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In other survey done in Europe, it was comparably found that the prevalence of alcohol use in motion pictures and binge drinking was 36.6% and 18.1%, respectively. The results demonstrate that German youth are exposed to hours of alcohol use depicted in internationally marketed, primarily American motion pictures and that this exposure is strongly associated with early onset of alcohol use. This study also shows, for the first time, that exposure to movie alcohol use is associated with binge drinking, a problematic drinking behavior. The association between exposure to alcohol use in movies and binge drinking persists after controlling for a number of potential confounders. (Hanewinkel)
In a longitudinal study of 2346 adolescent never drinkers, 40% of the never drinkers tried alcohol during the …show more content…

Adults should provide positive modeling and reinforcement of appropriate behaviors, maintaining positive attitudes and self-efficacy about discussing substance use, as well as establishing positive norms and expectations about substance use. According to Scull, parenting practices have been found to moderate the relationship between peer pressure and drug use, suggesting that better parenting can serve as a protective factor for youth against initiation of early illegal substance use. By communicating to adolescents that using substances is dangerous or wrong, parents may be able to shape their adolescents’ beliefs about substances. Parental pressure to not use substances, which may take many forms in the family (e.g., rule setting, direct communication, or coaching), can play a beneficial role in preventing adolescent substance use outcomes. The world of motion pictures as influencing agents should contribute to this cause by presenting health messages during popular motion picture especially if they are geared towards

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