
Binge Drinking Research Paper

Decent Essays

An Intervention to Prevent Binge Drinking Among College Students

Binge drinking is defined by the Center for Disease Control (2017) as “5 or more alcoholic drinks for males or 4 or more alcoholic drinks for females on the same occasion” Our team believes that this matter is something that we could address within our own community at the University of Hawaii at Hilo. In this paper, we will provide supporting evidence that binge drinking is indeed a problem on our college campus. Next, we will propose an intervention to help reduce incidence and provide support for those individuals that are affected by binge drinking. We will then explore the rationale behind our intervention and how it might work to benefit those afflicted. Finally, we will explore how we can evaluate the success or failure of said intervention.

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We feel that this is a problem on our campus that needs addressing. Individuals who partake in heavy episodic drinking are more likely to engage in impulsive, risk-taking, sensation seeking and destructive behaviors. These behaviors contribute to sexual assault/regret, losing consciousness, violence, academic deterioration and various health issues including death. R Nourse, et al (2016) assert, BD can induce or contribute to student behavioural or emotional changes such as uncharacteristic aggressiveness or the development or exacerbation of anxiety, depressive feelings, or even suicidal ideation (p.19). While getting specific numbers for the University of Hawaii at Hilo has proven difficult, we have used state and national data to extrapolate trends at our college

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