Biodiversity oost ecosystem productivity where each species, no matter how small, all have an important role to play. For example. A large number of plant species mean a greater variety of crop. Greater species diversity ensure natural sustainability for all forms. Biodiversity is important in ecosystems because it prevents extinction of species, allows organisms to adapt to changes in the environment and provides a wide range of materials and food for survival. Biodiversity also cause of loss. Habitat destruction is a major cause of biodiversity loss. Habitat loss is caused by deforestation, overpopulation, pollution and global warming. species which are physically large and those living in forests or oceans are more affected by habitat reduction. …show more content…
The earth's natural assets are made up of plants, animals, land,water, the atmosphere and humans! Together we all from part of the planet's ecosystems, which means if there is a biodiversity crisis, our health and livelihoods are at risk too. But we are currently using 25% more natural resources than the planet can sustain it's a result species, habitats and local communities are under pressure or direct threats (for example from loss of access to fresh water ). Biodiversity underpins the health of the planet and has a direct impact on all our lives. Even knowledge of biodiversity, is incomplete and strongly biased toward the species level, megafauna, temperate systems, and components used by people. This results in significant gaps in knowledge, especially regarding the status of tropical systems, marine and freshwater biota, plants, Invertebrates, microorganisms, and subterranean biota. Biodiversity influences climate at local, regional, and global scales, thus changes in land use and land cover that affect biodiversity can affect climate. The important components of biodiversity include plant functional diversity and type and distribution of habitats across landscape. Biodiversity is the foundation for human …show more content…
Wildlife must have places to find food, shelter and raise their young. Our approach to endangered species protection includes: Defending federal agencies and essential legal safety net to prevent the loss of plant and animal species to extinction. Holding federal agencies and other accountable for complying with laws protecting rare and endangered species using cooperation, persuasion, and where necessary litigation. Advocating for increased funding for private landowner incentives and other conservation programs that benefit endanger wildlife friendly land management practices. Reducing threats to wildlife that can lead to their endangerment and extinction, such as loss of habitat, contamination of water and spread of invasive species. One of the best ways to protect endangered species is to prevent their decline and deterioration in the first place. Toward that end, national wildlife federation works to maintain healthy populations of fish, wildlife and plant species through promoting broad based conservation efforts such as state wildlife action plans. National wildlife federation is playing a leadership role in identifying and promoting innovative approaches to safeguard endangered species and other wildlife in the face of a changing climate. We
1. Biodiversity play a key role in our environmental benefits. Humans depend on the contribution of thousand species for their survival (i.e. food, air & fresh water). Eco systems supply human societies with goods and services like health, social, cultural and economic needs, we often depend on one another and on the physical environment.
Today, wildlife refuges have one purpose and it is to not let these atrocities to occur because of climate changes. Despite the fact that these refuges exist to protect endangered species, they are unable to recreate the animal’s natural habitat and the animals die anyway. For instance, the Aransas wildlife refuge keeps 500 endangered species throughout the Midwest, but more species are becoming extinct annually (17). This has been happening for many years. According to the Endangered Species Act, over 40 endangered species become extinct annually, and the number increases every year. Wildlife refuges, believed by some to beneficial, cannot help species survive unless the natural ecosystem can be
Biodiversity creates an interconnected system where each part builds off of one another to create a functional ecosystem. For example, a small insect such as a bee is critical for survival of many other species because it pollinates so many plants. Currently, the population of bees is dramatically decreasing due to anthropogenic actions such as using harmful pesticides. If the population of bees go extinct, so many species would follow because they would not get pollinated. This is problematic because humans do not have the time or the funds to replicate the vital work of the bee.
Since earth was created, there has been a natural phenomenon of species across the globe appearing and disappearing. However, in the past century, many species of animals have been disappearing at an alarming rate. Mainly, this rapidly occurring issue is caused by humans. Humans that contribute to the harmful actions that cause side effects such a pollution, deforestation, habitat loss and poaching. The natural rate of extinction pales in comparison to the extinction rate caused by all of these. According to the World Wildlife Fund, the current rate of extinction is 11,000 times greater than the natural extinction rate. Several different efforts have been made in order to stop or slow down the extinction of earth’s species. The Endangered Species Act is possibly the most successful example of these efforts. It’s main purpose is to get a commitment from the American people that they will work hand in hand to help save species that are at risk of becoming extinct and never returning. This act was put in place in 1973 and since then, no other law about the disappearance of wildlife has been quite as accomplished. Many different species that are protected under this law are either fully recovered or on their way to becoming safer. Laws like these are helping many different creatures left and right, however, at the alarming rate that they are disappearing, something else needs to be done. What people don’t seem to realize is that we depend on many of the animals that we are
Anthony Douglas William once said, “When we lose an animal to extinction, we lose part of our family.” The NWF ( National Wildlife Federation) is an organization which has been restoring animals and protecting natural resources since 1936. The reason the NWF is trying to slow down the sixth extinction is because of the population decline of land animals by 39% in the last few years. The main factors contributing to the decrease of wildlife is habitat destruction, invasive species, pollution, population, over harvesting, and global warming. The conservation of wildlife is important and needs to be dealt with because it’s the only way for humanity to survive and it provides us with medicines along
Biodiversity is the extensive existence of the number, variety and genetic variation of different organisms that are found in their natural environments. Diversity in species is highly significant as it guarantees natural sustainability for all living networks and systems by providing vital services that our lives are dependent on such as food and clean water. The different ecosystems and organisms boost ecosystem productivity and contribute to climate stability.
B.sub-point: The National Wildlife Federation helps restore and protect endangered species by restoring habitats along with defending the Endangered Species Act, lowing threats to the species, and many other key factors of keeping a species from dying out.
Background Information- In this lab we explored how biodiversity can be loss in an ecosystem due to random events and invasive species. To begin with, “Biodiversity is the varieties of organisms and complex ecological relationships that give the biosphere its unique, productive characteristics.”(Cunningham 227) It is usually recognized by species. Biodiversity is important because certain
web. These things interact with each other in some way there for they depend on
Franck and Brownstone define biological diversity as 'the variety and variability of living organisms and the biological communities in which they live' (36). Decades of progress in both the scientific and political arenas have advanced environmental legislation to protect biodiversity at not only the ecosystem level, but for specific species and genetic material as well. Research has shown the importance of every organism and their role in the global ecosystem, and legislation has gradually matured to protect not only species which may become endangered, but the habitats they need to survive as well. Growing consciousness surrounding environmental issues has enabled these protections to be
Biodiversity presents occurrence of variety of species and their natural community in which they live. By the definition it is “The degree of variation of life forms within a given species, ecosystem, biome, or an entire planet. It is a measure of the health of ecosystems and is in part a function of climate.” (Rutherford) Ecosystem is on the other hand, “ community and its abiotic environment”( Rutherford). Biodiversity exists in every ecosystem, weather it is big one, or just ecosystem of one garden, it has the same importance because without it nature loses its ability to perform major functions needed for life on Earth, as it is oxygen production. Trough this investigation, two different ecosystems will be explored and
In addition, biodiversity will be crucial for humanities continued survival in the case of climate change or widespread crop failures. The majority of people on earth are reliant on four crops for subsistence; wheat, rice, corn, and millet. (11) These crops are threatened by climate change and the spread of disease facilitated by modern transportation. If humanity is to survive such an eventuality it must be ready to draw upon the earth’s biodiversity for replacements. And while there are approximately 50 thousand plant species that could offer alternatives, this bank of resources is quickly thinning as various ecosystems are being destroyed. (11)
Loss of Biodiversity will affect the life cycle of several species which depend on each other for survival. This dependence determines the survival of species and the change of our environment. Exploiting the biodiverse species to extinction will result in desertification, rise in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, increased pollution, increased droughts, increase in loss of items that we derive from nature for our own survival such as honey, fruits, vegetables, medicines etc. The greed to exploit will result in our ultimate extinction If a sustainable solution isn’t provided to prevent loss of biodiversity. If we continue the path we are on without taking steps to balance the equation the planet will
Biodiversity is defined as the diversity within species, genes, livestock, and ecosystems, and this is at risk of gradual extinction due to human activities. Many species of organisms use various part of the world as their home. Some species adapt to cooler environments while others adapt to warmer or tropical environments. Millions of organisms living underwater or in other biomes around the world are dependent on certain resources for survival. Wright emphasizes to
As a conservationist for the U.S Department of Interior, my regards towards wildlife welfare in public and private lands is strongly supported by scientific research, economic impact, and legislature. Current administrative actions, however, have been amongst the most threatening in years for environmental efforts, partly due to administrative disregard for environmental changes and impacts. After the reassignment of department secretaries earlier this year, “republicans have introduced more than 60 bills attacking public lands, weakening environmental safeguards on those lands, or turning over their control to states and local governments”