
Biofeedback Research Papers

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Biofeedback is a technique were people are taught to become aware of there body, and learn to control involuntary processes. It is not known why biofeedback works, but studies have shown that it functions best with patients who have illnesses that are stress-related. This practice came to be in laboratory studies in the 1940’s. It is considered one of the “earliest behavioral medicine treatments”, but did not gain much popularity until the 1950’s. It was found to be a mixture of many scientific experiments such as altered states of consciousness and operant conditioning. These findings were combined to form the now popular treatment. Although scientists do not necessarily know how exactly biofeedback works, it is thought that because of the “non-focused, non-goal oriented” state of consciousness, subjects are able to “release physiological tensions, soften interpersonal relating, and optimize physiological functioning and …show more content…

These may include migraine headaches, incontinence, high blood pressure, ADHD, epilepsy, and anxiety. In order for these to be treated, therapists may use EMG(electromyography), thermal biofeedback, or neurofeedback/electroencephalography(EEG) or a combination of the three. Electromyography gauges muscle electrical activity, thermal biofeedback measures skin temperature, and electroencephalography assesses brain wave activity. Each one of these technologies are used to treat different conditions. EMG is used to treat headaches, anxiety, incontinence and high blood pressure since these disorders can be related to muscle tension. Thermal biofeedback is utilized mainly to help with headaches because when the body is under stress, the fight-or-flight response is activated, which lowers the body’s temperature on the appendages. EEG is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and epilepsy. The brainwaves are measured and then can be controlled by the

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