
Biography Of Theodosius Dobzhansky 's Theory Of Life On Earth

Decent Essays

Some forty years ago, Theodosius Dobzhansky was a scientist credited with building the model of Neo-Darwinism. Science undergoes constant changes in secular theories and society about the beginning of the universe and of life on Earth, which gives way to the idea of existentialism. Through some research, I found that he is best known for one his evolution paper, called Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution. Dobzhansky states in the article his three predictions that have been disproven in the following years after its publication. These guesses include that Darwin’s theory of the tree of life will be confirmed through genetics, that biological science discoveries would focus on evolution-based work and, lastly, that Arab Sheik will always believe, contrary to scientific theory, that the Sun orbited the Earth. Nonetheless, Dobzhansky discussed several great key topics in this article.
I believe that Dobzhansky’s introduction, although minimally informative, is rather like a ‘marathon’ while avoiding to discuss evolution and biology of life. He tried to pull a ‘guilt-trip’ to supporters of creationists by using the laws of planetary motion to make an invalid appeal to authority. For instance, he states, “To non-specialists most of these facts are unfamiliar,” and alludes that people should accept scientists’ ‘theory’ because they “took the time” to investigate the evidence (Dobzhansky, 1973, p. 125). Although I have a more secular opinion on the

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