
Biological Characteristics of Organizational Behavior

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BIOGRAPHICAL CHARACTERISTICS There are various characteristics that predict an individual behavior in an organization; biological characteristics can be such influence that dominates to both male and female individuals. It is often said that these characteristics are the main contributor in regards to how an individual may function or perform in the working environment. However, biological characteristics are obtained for the purpose of giving managers demographic information about employees in an organization. They are also obtained to difference substantial workers from others. The following are types of biological characteristics that may predict the behavior of individual in an organization: * Age According to the “Stephen …show more content…

People with job tenure are more productive, absent less frequently, have lower turnover, and are more satisfied at their work. These individual are more committed to work long hours and will put in the extra time to get the job done. They are normally more focused about organizational goals and often in authoritative position in order to achieve the task put forward by the organization. A person with tenure position brings more experiences and performance to the organization and normally shows more satisfaction toward work. In other words, their attitudes toward work are more positive than other workers and their work ethics aims at producing great result. * Religion This biological characteristic are deem as minor issue in the organization. Religion can be defined as a biblical belief or worship by individuals. It is said that Islam religion is especially problematic to the work place in this post 9/11 world. However, one may find that other religions are problem in the organization because of their religious beliefs. Instead of doing the work that was delegate to them they find time on the job to prayer or do other activities. They tend to take more time out for their religion and leave their job hanging on the line due to the fact that they cared less for their job and more for the religion they worship. Often time managers are faced with a hard time to get these people

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